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18 November 1971: 52nd Anniversary of the World Teacher Trust

November 17th, 2023

This year we celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the foundation of the World Teacher Trust on Saturday, 18 November 1971. As per Indian counting, it is the 53th anniversary since the seed of the Trust started sprouting. 🪷
However, there was a pregnancy of 18 years before the birth of the WTT. In 1953, a close associate of the World Teacher approached Master EK and came into his room through the wall (see the story in the book “Master EK – The New Age Teacher” PDF).
Master EK was very astonished and asked: “What for are you gracing and blessing me so much Sir?”
The Grand Master said: “You are chosen for a work.” He warned him that it will be a thorny path – and “If only you wish, you can get in”.
Master E.K. said: “I am ready”. The Grand Master replied: “Don’t be in a hurry.” He came back in a week and asked him again. Master E.K. replied: “I am ready as I was a week ago”.

Thus, the work with the team of the World Teacher started. Master EK was intensely trained and slowly started teaching, where demanded.
Later, there were people asking him to form an organisation for the furtherance of the teachings. And Master EK responded to this demand by proposing to found the World Teacher Trust – an organisation for those who trust in the World Teacher.

It was founded on 18 November 1971. It was founded in the month of Scorpio, spiritually the darkest time of the year, but the moment to prepare the ascent.
On 17 November 1875, there was the foundation of the Theosophical Society.
And the period of WTT starts nearly a century later, to continue the work to a higher turn of the spiral.
So, the birthdays of both organisations show the relation to hidden, occult work with the energies of Scorpio.

For the birth of the WTT, a young public accountant came into play to constitute the World Teacher Trust and frame the by-laws relating to it – Master KPK. A month before, Sri Parvathi Kumar had come into contact with Master E.K. Thus, Master KPK’s association with the WTT was “born” together with the WTT. And he stayed linked with the Trust, since 1984, after the passing of Master EK, as its President, until his passing in November 2022.

Master KPK always said, “Don’t give too much importance to the outer organisation.” Focus on building the inner organisation, the inner temple in the human heart. The WTT grows through the people who associate with the teachings through inner practice and self-transformation. And then, it gets expressed to the outer through service to the surrounding life.

This way, the trust in the World Teacher grew and developed globally.
The symbol of the World Teacher Trust is the Winged Globe with the motto: “The Globe Rotates”. Occult Meditations 65 and 50 give the keys to this motto:
“The wheel rotates. The serpent creeps on.” “Rotation is time, revolution is period. Time is in rotation. matter is in periodicity.”

With the foundation of the WTT, a new period started, a period of larger externalisation of the Wisdom Teachings. The work and the organisation is for the upliftment of humanity and the beings on the planet – to lift up the earth to the Kings of Beauty.
Thus, the Winged Globe symbolises the work of the Avatar of Synthesis through this organisation as a physical body for the externalisation.

In the centre of the symbol, it says “Vaisakha Valley” – the seat of the World Teacher and his team in the Himalayas. And Visakhapatnam – the seeding place and the seat of the organisation, in the city of Vaisakha.

The Globe Rotates and the manifestation of the organisation of WTT expands on the physical plane as per the greater Plan and the demand of the seekers who might join the work and take over responsibilities. Like the Masters EK and KPK have done. As Master MM said, “Through human hands” the work grows.
May we join our hands in this sublime work and continue working for its growth to lift up the Earth to become a better place for all.

Master EK and Master KPK

Sagittarius – Alignment from Individual to Universal Consciousness

November 15th, 2023

Picture to the month of Sagittarius: In Spiritual Astrology, Sagittarius is considered the most exalted Sun sign, very favourable for spiritual practices. In the body, Sagittarius is located in the higher Muladhara centre (root chakra) at the lower end of the spine. This centre is the entrance to the path of light called the Sushumna. We can imagine that we enter the light in the Muladhara and quickly move up to the Sahasrara, the head centre. Then we can contemplate on the radiant light in the spine and the head.

Especially during the first 7 days after the entry of the Sun into Sagittarius, the Sushumna column opens wide and the light is flowing upwards like an arrow to the Sahasrara. This is called “the path to Narayana”, the universal consciousness. Lord Krishna epitomises this universal consciousness. He says in the Bhagavad Gita, “Among the twelve months of the zodiac, I am Sagittarius.”

The image visualises the ascent of light from individual consciousness in the body (planetary consciousness) to the soul (solar consciousness) and spirit (cosmic consciousness). These layers are represented by the red-brownish earthly sphere below, from which rises the silhouette of the body with the centres of light. Above this the sphere of the sun, the soul, arches in fiery colours. The blue sphere indicates the magic of the cosmic dimension; it is represented by Krishna playing the flute, surrounded by the signs of the zodiac, with Sagittarius at the top, and the depth of the black starry sky.

The design of the image visualises the realisation that in reality we internally, are the planetary, solar and cosmic consciousness. The image arrangement illustrates the invisible path of ascension through the planes.

The Images of Synthesis for the month of Sagittarius illustrate the related symbolism. You find there all previous Sagittarius paintings with detailed explanations in four languages (en/de/es/fr). You can also download print-versions for free. Find here the Images of Synthesis with short extracts from the wisdom teachings. Or subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter giving thoughts from the wisdom teachings to inspire putting them into practice.

15 September 2023, pencils and photo work

Third Aquarian Salon: The Video

November 14th, 2023

Last Saturday, we had our third online Aquarian Salon meeting. It was a thrilling experience – a beautiful flow and exchanges, and live guitar music by Frank. In the past, Salon gathering were social events for gathering and sharing, and a source for inspiration. This is now a virtual continuation.

Risa had asked me to give more explanations about the”Images of Synthesis” we selected for the Salon, and so I did. And each time Frank gave short spontaneous musical inputs to what each image expressed.

Here is the uncut recording of the third “Aquarian Salon”, 11 November 2023. It shows an experiment of online group exchange on spiritual topics with the power of the group.

The entire recording is 1:38 h. If you would like to see a specific part, go directly to:

  • Welcome, explaining the schedule, exchanges: 0:00
  • Music: intro and guitar piece: 3:50
  • Prayer for group coherence: 09:22
  • Introduction: The fire of inspiration, humanity learns from being inspired, art and the work of the artist inspires us… : 10:35
  • Exchange on image: Libra – Balancing the Higher and the Lower Pole : 24:00
  • Exchange on image: Scorpio – The Ascent of the Serpents Through the Pituitary Hint : 43:30
  • Exchange on image: Sagittarius – Before Dawn. Fiery Aspiration : 58:20
  • Exchange on image: Taurus – Apollo and the Seven Centres above the Neck : 01:07:50
  • Exchange on image: Sagittarius – Kalki, The Rider on the White Horse : 1:17:51
  • Closing remarks exchange: 1:34:00
  • Violet Flame Invocation: 1:35:10
  • Closing words and music: 1:37:00

The Fourth Aquarian Salon: Saturday, 20 February 2024, 07 pm, CET (UTC +1) / 12 pm, CST (UTC -6) / 10 am, PST (UTC -8). More information (PDF) / Exchanges / Updates on Telegram / The Images of Synthesis.

November 7th: 78th Anniversary of Master KPK – Day of Goodwill

November 5th, 2023

November 7th, we celebrate the Day of Goodwill and the 78th anniversary of our dear Master, Sri K. Parvathi Kumar (it is the 79th anniversary in Indian counting). He was born on 7th of November 1945 in Vijayawada, a Wednesday at 07:20 AM in the month of Scorpio.

For over 25 years, he had deeply impregnated my life and he is continuing to do so even though he left the physical plane a year ago. For me and others, he is now immortal. When I was at the last May Call celebration the Master conducted himself in Bangalore, 29 May 2022, he explained:

“The work of the soul remains because the soul is eternal. The personality is not eternal. Only in association with the soul it can become eternal. So, the works done by seers, for example the temples built by the seers from thousands of years ago, they remain till date and give us good vibrations. If you build a temple in some road, it will not stay. It will suffer mortality. When you gain immortality, your deeds also gain immortality. When you do not gain immortality, your deeds do not gain immortality. The work of a seer is immortal because he gained immortality by aligning with the soul and the Super Soul. Therefore, the work that he does also remains.”

Master KPK gave a great treasure of Wisdom Teachings, of spiritual practices, and of practical guidance in innumerable dimensions of life. During the last few years of his physical presence, he speeded up his work tremendously in order to anchor it in the consciousness of those who follow the path he has shown – for us who are living now and for seekers in the future.
In the last years especially, he gave several profound books, he initiated different projects and he stabilized group structures and thus, he ignited a great Guiding Light for centuries to come.

For Masters like Master KPK, who are immortal and work forever, there is nothing like birth and death. We celebrate the birthdays of Masters because we are used to birthdays. The truth is that the Great Ones descent and give their presence whenever they are recollected. So, by recollecting the Master on the occasion of his birthday we deepen the inspiration he has given. In this spirit, we continue to celebrate November 7th as the ‘Day of Goodwill’, doing activities for the upliftment of the surrounding life.

By the way, a friend recently asked me why there was no communication done on 1 November about the anniversary of the day of the transition of Master KPK, 1 November 2022. I told her that the Master had explained, death days need not be recollected as birthdays. Thus, we have discontinued in the Astro-diary of WTT to give information about death days of Great Ones, except the White Lotus Day commemorating the work of HPB. We will continue commemorating the birthdays of Master KPK and of the other Masters related to WTT.

Franz Hartmann – A Stronghold of the Wisdom Teachings

November 3rd, 2023

A new book of Blavatsky or a wrong claim? I was several times asked about this. Here are some explanations why Franz Hartmann should be considered the real author, not H.P.B. You also find fascinating information about Hartmann and the letters he received from Master Morya and Master Koot Hoomi.

A year ago, a friend informed me about a newly published book said to be of H.P. Blavatsky: “The Land of the Gods. The Long-Hidden Story of Visiting the Masters of Wisdom in Shambala” (Radiant Books 2022). Then, other friends also told me enthusiastically about the book.

I thought it would be a good travel reading for my journey to India in December 22 / January 23 and mentioned the book in the blog-post “On the Verge to India“. So, I bought it plus three additional copies as gifts for friends in India. However, too many other things kept me busy during the journey and afterwards that I didn’t read more of the book than the first 39 pages, the glossary at the end and scrolled through the book.

I saw that it is about journeys into inner dimensions with encounters of masters / adepts but I didn’t find any mention about Shambala inside the original text, only in the Publisher’s Note, the glossary at the end and the presentation of the editors. Although the story seemed to be interesting, I didn’t feel “drawn into the book” . Looking back, something didn’t make sense, and it didn’t really feel that this should be from Blavatsky.

For a group, I had translated to German (unpublished manuscript) two thirds of HPB’s book “From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan” containing stories which were of a different energy than the text of this Shambala book. Moreover, the two original versions of this latter book also weren’t published in HPB’s name but by Franz Hartmann:

In the ‘Publisher’s Note’ of the Shambala book it says: “This book was originally published anonymously by a mysterious ‘Student of Occultism’ in 1887 under the title An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians, yet with copyright in the name of Franz Hartmann. Helena Blavatsky reviewed it, describing it as: ‘A strange and original little story, charmingly fantastic, but full of poetic feeling and, what is more, of deep philosophical and occult truths, for those who can perceive the groundwork it is built upon.’
Those notes were originally written by H. P. Blavatsky because only she could gain access to the Holy of Holies on the Earth — the secret Abode of the Masters of Wisdom, known as Shambhala. In 1939, Helena Roerich, who continued Blavatsky’s mission in the 20th century, also confirmed her authorship: ‘This reporting about the inner life of the Brotherhood was recorded by Franz Hartmann, undoubtedly from the words of H. P. Blavatsky, conveyed with some changes in literary form.’
The Chief Stronghold of Shambhala is located in the heart of the Himalayas. However, the network of its Abodes is also spread within other mountainous and remote locations around the world, in the most inaccessible places. The notes that Madame Blavatsky prepared were, in fact, different stories that occurred both in the Himalayas and the Alps at various times, yet were later tied into one single story narrating the secret order of the Rosicrucians.”

Why should HPB not give her name for these stories or publish them with a pen name, like she had also done before? She never hesitated to give out occult stories. However, it definitely sells better when the new book is published in her name and as a rare new discovery.

What makes me more suspicious is the claim of the sub-title: “The Long-Hidden Story of Visiting the Masters of Wisdom in Shambala”. In esoteric folklore, there are quite a number of stories about a secret valley in the Eastern or Western mountains, be it Himalaya, Alps, or somewhere else, like Shangri-La or Lost Horizon, where adventurers have mystic experiences and meet sages like the figure of the Imperator in the said Shambala book, a mysterious world.

However, these stories have nothing to do with Shambala as described in the wisdom teachings. They are in a way distorted reflections of the reality of Sravasti, also called Shigatse or Tashi Lhunpo. The Roerichs, who had indeed come into contact with Shambala, through tremendous service, sacrifice, and self-offering, kept, as far as possible, silent about their visit.

Nicholas Roerich, however, did a number of paintings, like the last paintings of his life on “Order of Rigden Jyepo” a name of Sanat Kumara, the ruler of Shambala, or his painting ‘King of Shambhala‘ in the Zanabazar Art Museum in Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia. Shambala is a very different reality than what has been given now in ‘The Land of the Gods’. See here.

I put the book aside. During a talk in August 23, a friend from Berlin mentioned the book and said that he had read the text of Hartmann (see here the PDF of “An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians” by Franz Hartmann, 1887) and that he is sure that this text is from Hartmann and not from Blavatsky. The editors of the ‘Land of the Gods’ had done various omissions and adaptations one of the omissions he found of particular interest in the original text:

On page 175f of ‘An Adventure…’, the author speaks about the sexual encounter with the Queen of the Nymphs: “A voluptuous sensation pervades my whole being…” and then he falls out of the subtle dimension and finds himself back on the physical plane, asking himself if all he experienced had merely been an illusion of his brain. Did the publishers omit this scene because they found it objectionable for giving the story in the name of HPB and as book about visiting the Masters of Wisdom in Shambala?

Last September, a friend from Miami asked me if I think that this book is from Blavatsky. I answered, I don’t know but I am sceptical. However, I didn’t know much about Franz Hartmann and wanted to know more about him. I searched the web and found information which fascinated me very much.

There is an article “Franz Hartmann: A Pioneer of the Theosophical Movement” by Susanne Hoepfl-Wellenhofer published in the Quest magazine in winter 2022 (you can download it here as a PDF). You get very interesting information about the life of Hartmann, who grew up in Bavaria. He spend the last years of his life in contact with an esoteric group of Rosicrucians in the pre-Alps, where you meet scenes as described in the said Shambala book.

Another article from a blog touched me even more: Franz Hartmann, ‘Correspondence with the Masters’ (see PDF here), a compilation of information about letters Hartmann received from Master Morya and Master Koot Hoomi. They give very interesting insights in why the Masters chose to work with Hartmann and what difficulties he faced. I don’t want to go more into this here but the texts are worth reading.

To close this article, I would like to give you here an extract from the biography “HPB. The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement” (PDF) mentioning Hartmann at various places. Although HPB was sceptical towards Hartmann at the beginning, until Master Morya told her to trust him, they quickly became very good friends. And Hartmann stayed true and loyal towards her and the wisdom teachings of the Masters she had given out. He stood as a stronghold of defence against all attacks brought forward by the ignorants.

Read the last passage and think of how the book ‘An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians’, published by Franz Hartmann and now re-edited in a re-worked form as ‘The Land of the Gods’ under the name of H.P. Blavatsky might have come into existence.

Read more about Franz Hartmann, the forgotten mystic, and the Franz Hartmann Project.

Video: Paintings of Nicholas Roerich – Part 2

November 3rd, 2023

13 October, Cecilia González and Eva Soto of the Anima team had a conversation with me about “Paintings of Roerich”. We go in a deep understanding of four paintings chosen by me. The conversation about Nicholas Roerich in general and about the painting “The Messenger” has been published as Part 1 on YouTube on Friday 20 October 2023.

Part 2 contains our conversation about the paintings “Chintamani”, “The Mother of the World” and “Order of Rigden Jyepo” (a name of Sanat Kumara). Part 2 was published by Anima Channel today, 3 November 2023. I just uploaded Part 1 and Part 2 also on my YouTube channel

Do Pets have an Inner Dimension?

October 21st, 2023

A friend sent me the following question:

“I wanted to ask you if you know that when pets die they also have a space where they have a dimension? My little pet died, my cat was 12 years with me and was born here at home. It was very sad for me, that’s why I ask you this question, I still feel its presence, it’s hard for me because it wasn’t like an animal, it was like a person. I would be grateful if you could clear up any doubts.”

This interesting question leads us to the relation between the animal and the human kingdom. Many people have animals in their household or, like on a farm, they live with domestic animals. There are wisdom teachings saying that an animal can individualize only through association with man.

Humans have the gift of self-consciousness or the soul. Animals and plants have consciousness, a subjective side, but no self-consciousness, a soul. Cats and dogs can distinguish themselves from other cats and dogs. They have a little self-consciousness, and thus, they are on the way of developing individuality. This is what my friend observed when she said, her cat it wasn’t like an animal, it was like a person. This impregnation through individualisation is kept for the future stages of development. Therefore, it says that pet souls don’t merge into the group soul of their animal group but keep their individuality for further steps of development.

Through living together, a rapport is being established between humanity and the domesticated animals. This way, a bridge is developed between the higher animals and pets and the human kingdom. To tame, train and keep pets helps in building this bridge.

In the wisdom teachings, this bridge is compared with the bridge between the human kingdom, the fourth kingdom of nature, and the fifth kingdom, the spiritual hierarchy. The linking bridge between these two kingdoms is formed by the spiritually advanced humans who selflessly work for the benefit of the greater good. This group is also called in some teachings the “New Group of World Servers”.

Video: Paintings of Nicholas Roerich – Part 1

October 20th, 2023

Cecilia González and Eva Soto of the Anima team had a conversation with me about “Paintings of Roerich”. We go in a deep understanding of four paintings chosen by me: “The Messenger”, “Chintamani” “The Mother of the World” and “Order of Rigden Jyepo” (a name of Sanat Kumara).
Part 1 has been published on YouTube on Friday 20 October 2023, Part 2 will be published on 3 November.

:: “Paintings of Roerich”, Part 1
:: About Anima
:: About Nicholas Roerich

14 Scorpio Paintings

October 20th, 2023

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and is related to the eighth house of darkness and death. Its colour is black and its metal is lead. To the average person, Scorpio seems frightening, for it brings darkness and loss of consciousness. But to those who courageously and ceaselessly strive for deeper knowledge, the mystery of darkness and death is revealed.

Scorpio – Eagle and Serpent
4 September 2010, pencils, crayons and photo work

Scorpio – The Dark Mother and the Consequences of Blindness
01 August 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work

Scorpio – The Ascent of the Serpents Through the Pituitary Hint
14 July 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work

Scorpio – The Tree of Life and the Androgynous Man
16 July 2013, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – The Master of the Violet Flame
09 July 2014, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – The Heart of the Turtle
13 July 2015, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – Mars the Kumara and the Six-Armed Cross
18 July 2016, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – Fall of the Spirit and Birth into the Egg of Space
25 July 2017, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – The Seven Kingdoms of Nature
21 July 2018, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – Ascent of the Winged Serpent
8 July 2019, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – The Journey of the Disciple
23 July 2020, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – Guarding the Threshold to the Underworld
6 August 2021, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – The Central Vertical Vibration
6 August 2022, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – Fusion of Individual, Groupal and Planetary Kundalini
10 August 2023, pencils and photo work

Scorpio – Fusion of Individual, Groupal and Planetary Kundalini

October 18th, 2023

Picture to the month of Scorpio: A few weeks before his transition November 2022, Master KPK (Dr K. Parvathi Kumar) gave a prayer called “Master CVV Sharing“. It refers to Master CVV’s mission to connect the spiritual groups and share the creation and building of an energy grid around the Earth, thus helping to uplift humanity and the Earth into the realms of Light.

The prayer is intended to remind us to consciously connect the individual Kundalini with the group Kundalini and with the Kundalini of all spiritual groups that are oriented towards the Hierarchy. From there the spiritual Kundalini may merge with the Kundalini of Humanity and the Earth Kundalini, and further with the Kundalini of the Hierarchy, and up to Shambala. All global groups may remain connected and the energies be shared with all groups to uplift the Earth to the Kings of Beauty.

The image visualises the linking and merging of the individual Kundalini with the Kundalini of the global groups. For this I used elements from various earlier paintings. The image is centred on the central axis as the planetary Kundalini and indicates the spiritual upward movement leading beyond our planet.

At the bottom, you see individual persons forming a group, the rainbow snippets symbolizing the different Kundalinis. Out of the group rises a greater form with a longer Kundalini symbolizing the humanity. It is looking up to the huge lighted form symbolizing the Hierarchy and Shambala with a white spot at the top surrounded by an aura of light. The white central axis over the planet might be seen as the Kundalini of the Earth aligned with the higher centres.

The Images of Synthesis for the month of Scorpio illustrate the related symbolism. You find there all previous Scorpio paintings with detailed explanations in four languages (en/de/es/fr). You can also download print-versions for free. Find here the Images of Synthesis with short extracts from the wisdom teachings. Or subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter giving thoughts from the wisdom teachings to inspire putting them into practice.

10 August 2023, pencils and photo work