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Do Pets have an Inner Dimension?

A friend sent me the following question:

“I wanted to ask you if you know that when pets die they also have a space where they have a dimension? My little pet died, my cat was 12 years with me and was born here at home. It was very sad for me, that’s why I ask you this question, I still feel its presence, it’s hard for me because it wasn’t like an animal, it was like a person. I would be grateful if you could clear up any doubts.”

This interesting question leads us to the relation between the animal and the human kingdom. Many people have animals in their household or, like on a farm, they live with domestic animals. There are wisdom teachings saying that an animal can individualize only through association with man.

Humans have the gift of self-consciousness or the soul. Animals and plants have consciousness, a subjective side, but no self-consciousness, a soul. Cats and dogs can distinguish themselves from other cats and dogs. They have a little self-consciousness, and thus, they are on the way of developing individuality. This is what my friend observed when she said, her cat it wasn’t like an animal, it was like a person. This impregnation through individualisation is kept for the future stages of development. Therefore, it says that pet souls don’t merge into the group soul of their animal group but keep their individuality for further steps of development.

Through living together, a rapport is being established between humanity and the domesticated animals. This way, a bridge is developed between the higher animals and pets and the human kingdom. To tame, train and keep pets helps in building this bridge.

In the wisdom teachings, this bridge is compared with the bridge between the human kingdom, the fourth kingdom of nature, and the fifth kingdom, the spiritual hierarchy. The linking bridge between these two kingdoms is formed by the spiritually advanced humans who selflessly work for the benefit of the greater good. This group is also called in some teachings the “New Group of World Servers”.

3 Responses to “Do Pets have an Inner Dimension?”

  1. Margarita Rojas Says:

    Dear Ludger

    Thank you very much for the explanation about pets. I adopted a cat five years ago, now he is sick and I think about the day he will have to leave.

  2. Margarita Rojas Says:

    Dear Ludger

    I adopted a cat five years ago, now he is sick and I think about the day he will have to leave.
    Thank you very much for the explanation about pets.
    A big hug

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Dear Margarita
    Thank you for sharing your experience – be sure that the love you have for the cat will help the further evolution of him and of you.

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