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Installation of a Krishna Statue in Lake Constance Area

September 3rd, 2024

Not all in the West know who Lord Krishna is and much less is known about his spiritual significance. Although he lived about 5300 years ago, his energy keeps on expressing on the planet. I read about Krishna in the 1970s and felt much fascinated.

27 years ago, Master Kumar inaugurated a Krishna statue in Wermelskirchen, Germany during a celebration of Krishna’s birthday in August 1997. The Master has gifted Krishna statues to group members from different countries around the globe and personally installed and consecrated them. It was a great program to anchor and strengthen the presence of Lord Krishna in the lives of those who came in contact.

I came with a group from Switzerland to Wermelskirchen; it was my first physical contact with Master Kumar and the World Teacher Trust.

It was a beautiful inauguration ceremony and ritual through which I came in touch with the magic of Lord Krishna’s soul music. And this touch of His presence was anchored in me. I felt drawn to the Krishna statue whenever I saw it again. It is not stone, but a living presence.

The inauguration was embedded in a seminar, where Sri Kumar spoke about the book “The Music of the Soul” by Master EK – the soul music with which Lord Krishna transformed people. The book and the soul music also left a lasting impact in my life.

Now, the statue was given to Sabine and Manfred to find a new permanent place at their home in Heiligenberg (meaning, the Holy Mountain) – in the rose garden that Manfred has cultured with much love and devotion. 10 days ago, a group of 9 members brought the statue from Northern Germany to the south. It was installed with a little ceremony and some more members joint the celebration.

I could not participate in this inauguration but I was involved in preparation work when I visited Manfred and Sabine for some days beginning of July. Inwardly, I was much there at the celebration and I received photos and video-clips of the beautiful inauguration: Klim Krishnaya, Govindaya, Gopijana Vallabhaya Namaha – the sacred sounds of mantras were blessing the atmosphere of the whole area and beyond.

4 weeks ago, I had given an envelope with a symbol and a little glass jewel for the place of the statue to a friend from Germany to send it to Heiligenberg. The envelope, however, did first a tour through southern France and now finally arrived in Heiligenberg. I was thrilled to see the new photos of the statue yesterday.

I share here the pics with you so that you too can feel the magnetism of the Presence of Lord Krishna.

Listen to the Music of the Soul

The Gallery of Synthesis in the Making

August 30th, 2024

Three months ago, I blogged about Preparing a Home for my Paintings and how the paintings arrived at their home in Murcia, Southern Spain, at the farm house of Ursula and Jesus from the WTT Vamsi group (vamsi: the flute, of Lord Krishna).

There is a huge hall which needed repair and preparation but which seemed to be ideal for a Gallery of Synthesis for the Images of Synthesis, as is the name of the new series of paintings which started end of 2009. Jesus promised to give regular updates about the progress of the work.

Here you can see part of the photos and video clips he shared. It demonstrates and inspiring process of goodwill manifesting for preparing a sacred place for the paintings. And through the paintings a place for exchange about art, astrology and wisdom teachings, like the virtual Aquarian Salon meetings.

07 June 2024: Part of the hall, used as a store room, filled with many things.
10 June 2024: Heavy rainfall outside. You see the hall on the first floor, right side of the clip.
Around 10 June 2024: palm tree service in front of the house
14 July 2024: Sunset beyond the statue of the Christ as seen from the farm
22 July 2024: a mason fixing a hole, setting a window

25 July 2024: a fire ritual

28 July 2024: Work in progress, repair work at the walls
28 July 2024: Work in progress, view of the room and repair work

15 August 2024: The hall is cleared, view in southern direction
15 August 2024: The hall is cleared, view in northern direction

29 August 2024: Jesus gives an overview of the work done so far and outlook

Sunday, 25 August 2024: Birthday of Master MN

August 22nd, 2024

25 August we celebrate the 141st (Indian counting 142nd) birthday of Master MN (Sri Mynampati Narasimham). He was born 1883 in Naidupeta, a village in Andhra Pradesh, India, and passed over 11 March 1940.

The video “Master MN – The Pole Star of Master CVV Yoga” has just been published. It contains a few life events of Master MN narrated by Master KPK during the May Call 2011 seminar.

You find here the biography “Master MN – The Fiery Flame” (PDF) by Master KPK.

A photo of Master MN

Below, there is an extract from the fascinating talk of Master KPK about Master MN during the during Master MN Birthday Celebration 2021:

Master MN is novel in his approach. His outer appearances were considered very modern in those times. We cannot know his inner side of life by looking at his outer appearances. Even while associating with Master EK, I used to think of Master MN. I used to feel “why is it that Master EK invoked Master MN in the prayer though Master CVV directly contacted Master EK? If Master MN is invoked, why not others like Master VPS?”
Once I asked this question to Master EK and he answered “Master MN is the fulfilled one in the path of Master CVV and he stands as a pole star in the yoga of Master CVV. What Swami Vivekananda is to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Master MN is to Master CVV. The work to be done mostly comes to us through Master MN and he is mainly responsible for the spread of Master CVV yoga in the west.”
From then on, I realised that we should relate to Master MN as well. Master MN looks to those who are sincere in their prayers. Master MN prefers to work in the background but I tried to bring him to the foreground by relating to him.
During initial years, there used to be only pictures of Master CVV and Master EK on the altar during the prayers. After Master EK left the physical, I felt that Master MN’s picture should also be added to the altar. I got an oil painting of Master MN done by a painter by name Sastry with a small reference picture I had. That is the picture that we mostly use on the altar now. I personally have some experiences with Master MN and he brought about some important changes within me. Many changes that happen during prayers are spearheaded by Master MN himself.
I came to know that the occult meditations copies with Master EK came from a place called Ongole, the place where Master MN resided. I felt like visiting Ongole once and I went there. I visited the house of Master MN which was renovated into a function hall at that time. I came to know through an acquaintance that when Master lived in Guntur, he used to visit Ongole every week on Sunday for almost a year and conducted prayers at a house in Ongole. This information affirmed to me the importance of Master MN in this yoga. I even visited that house a few times. Later, I visited Ongole few more times to participate in Lotus Congregations organised by followers of Master MN. In this manner, these visits helped me relate well to Master MN.
Another way to relate to Master MN is through fire ritual. That is why we have been conducting a fire ritual once a week at Radhamadhavam since 1988. Many people got their life problems solved by attending these fire rituals on a regular basis. Groups even in the west started conducting fire rituals during group lives and even some groups conduct it on a weekly basis.
Some of the contents of the book “Master MN” in English were dictated by Master MN himself. Even the language is his own which is why the language in some of the chapters is different from the rest of my writings. I prefer to write in simple words and simple sentences because I feel that the objective of language is to convey our ideas to others in a manner they can understand. This is what I learnt from teacher Sri CP Rao during my initial years of Chartered Accountant practice. That is why I try to avoid complex and compound sentences.
So parts of the chapters narrating Master MN’s crisis in life, his initiation, his practice and his departure are in the words of Master MN himself. So translating this book into Telugu is not an easy task. Do not feel otherwise but the complete spirit of the book cannot be carried into a translated version of the book. So the effect is different when it is directly dictated into a language compared to its translated version. I will always recommend reading books in the language originally written instead of translated versions. That is also why I keep asking people to learn English because Masters of Wisdom decided to disperse wisdom in the English language. In the present world, everyone would be benefited by learning English.
Master MN remained in the physical only for 57 years and in that short span itself he experienced splendorous objective as well as subjective life. He met Master CVV when he was 36 years old. If we observe the meeting was arranged by nature by bringing together different situations. He wanted to go to Srirangam with him family but got stuck in Chennai at the house of his maternal uncle Janakiram. That is when he came to know of Master CVV and got more intrigued. It was just a few days to December Call and at the instance of his uncle, he got to meet Master CVV on the December Call day. From that day itself, he was deeply connected to the path and had deep interactions with Master CVV. Some letters exchanged between Master CVV and Master MN are also given in the book. If you read them, you will understand the bond they shared.
Master CVV had a special liking for Master MN and he himself called Master MN as “Little Master”. I also gave some anecdotes of how some supernatural acts happened through Master MN after he reached a fulfilled state in the path. It is just to show that nothing is impossible for one who progresses in the path. Master MN also had a splendorous outer life yet he lived with no particular interest in wealth. His profession continued well while he kept growing in yoga as well. Master CVV always emphasized on one having a profession or business to sustain oneself without depending on others. Both Master MN and Master EK demonstrated that aspect in their lives.
Master MN kept working and money came as and when required. He never bothered to count or accumulate wealth. The law in creation ensures that work comes to oneself as per one’s karma and due reward also comes in tune with karma and time whether one seeks it or not. One who knows and believes in this law does not worry of reward or remuneration and only attends to the work sincerely. Master MN lived in such a manner. So whatever came was being continuously used to offer food to others. He became very courageous once he stabilized in this path and had no worries in life because he surrendered everything to the Master.
This is a message for all of us. For one who is oriented towards inner life and practice, the outer life moves on effortlessly. One just needs to have faith and work by completely surrendering to the Master. Remember that Master MN is actively present in all group activities that happen in the name of Master CVV. He will be invisibly present in all our group lives though we hardly recollect him. He works like an invisible fire. He is the fiery element in this yoga path while Master CVV is the airy element.
Let us all be sincere in our prayers and invoke Master CVV, Master MN and Master EK with intent. If you do so, the Master energy takes you over, works with you, causes transformation in you and uplifts you. How well it works depends on your aspiration and devotion. May the Master bless you all and may we all be blessed to walk the path. Let us all remain on the path without getting deviated and we will surely reach the destination.

Birth chart of Master MN
Master MN was born on 25th August 1883, to Mynampati Seshaiah and Smt. Rangamma in the town Naidupeta of Nellore district, at 9:30 am on a Saturday.

15 Virgo Paintings

August 19th, 2024

The earth sign Virgo represents the World Mother and is the sign of purity. A virgin mind is a clean mind which only reflects. The members of the Hierarchy have such a virgin mind, in which the Light of the World Mother is reflected. They can be impressed by the divine Plan and radiate it down on earth. Virgo calls upon us to cultivate purity in food and drink as well as purity in thought, word and deed. Once our mind is free of impurities, the holy child of the Virgin, our soul consciousness, can be born within us.

The Images of Synthesis for the month of Virgo illustrate the related symbolism. You find there all previous Virgo paintings with detailed explanations in four languages (en/de/es/fr). You can also download print-versions for free. Find here the Images of Synthesis with short extracts from the wisdom teachings. Or subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter giving thoughts from the wisdom teachings to inspire putting them into practice.

Virgo – The Light in Matter
18 July 2010, pencils, crayons and photo work
Virgo – Purity and Holiness of Virgin Nature
19 June 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work
Virgo – Kwan-Yin, the Mother of Grace
12 May 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work
Virgo – The Sons and Daughters of the Virgin
12 April 2013, pencils and photo work
Virgo – The Mother and the Maturing of the Souls
10 May 2014, pencils and photo work
Virgo – Mother Nature Protecting the Solar Child
14 May 2015, pencils and photo work
Virgo – The Rainbow Aura of the World Mother
14 May 2016, pencils and photo work
Virgo – The World Mother and the Four States of the Word
17 May 2017, pencils and photo work
Virgo – Spiritual Light and Spiritual Food of Mankind
18 May 2018, pencils and photo work
Virgo – The World Mother, Planetary Chains and Root Races
09 May 2019, pencils and photo work
Virgo – Blessing of the Mother
21 May 2020, pencils and photo work
Virgo – Ydun giving the Apples of Immortality
26 May 2021, pencils and photo work
Virgo – Meditation on the World Mother
8 June 2022, pencils and photo work
Virgo – The World Mother and the Seven Seers
7 June 2023, pencils and photo work
Virgo – The Splendour of the Soul
13 June 2024, coloured pencils and photo work

Virgo – The Splendour of the Soul

August 18th, 2024

Picture to the month of Virgo

Virgo stands for the purity and sublimity of virginal nature. The soul can shine through pure matter and let the splendour of its light radiate. It is through the soul that the light of universal consciousness, also known as the World Mother, makes its appearance.

In Eastern wisdom, the light of the soul is also called Buddhi and the soul itself is called Atma, the I AM. The light of Virgo is described as the pure, milky-white light from which the brilliance of the rainbow colours emerges. The interpenetration of creation with universal consciousness is symbolised by the Sri Yantra. It is a symbol of sacred geometry which contains 45 triangles.

In Western astrological symbolism in earlier centuries, Virgo and its supernatural nature were often represented by an angel. Late summer is characterised by Virgo’s golden light, a time when the fruits of nature are harvested.

To illustrate this symbolism, I merged the photo of a fruit-bearing apple tree, where the glow of the white sunlight iridesced into multicoloured rays, with a photo of glowing apples. I superimposed the edited image of a Sri Yantra.

For the angel of the Virgo symbol, I reworked the etching by Jacob de Gheyn II (ca. 1565 -1629) on the constellation of Virgo from Hugo Grotius‘ book ‘Syntagma Arateorum‘ from 1600. The female angel figure now carries in her right hand a lily, symbolising purity, and in her left hand a staff of Hermes/Mercury, symbolising Mercury, the ruler of the sign of Virgo.

The Images of Synthesis for the month of Virgo illustrate the related symbolism. You find there all previous Leo paintings with detailed explanations in four languages (en/de/es/fr). You can also download print-versions for free. Find here the Images of Synthesis with short extracts from the wisdom teachings. Or subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter giving thoughts from the wisdom teachings to inspire putting them into practice.

Virgo – The Splendour of the Soul
13 June 2024, coloured pencils and photo work

New web-page: Aligning to Shambala

August 6th, 2024

In 2022, Master K. Parvathi Kumar had published the book on “Shambala” and he also had given several proposals for a humble cooperation with Shambala.
By this, he intended to strengthen our awareness of Shambala and to awaken an increasing part humanity towards the fact and truth of Shambala.

There is now a web-page in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish (Telugu will follow soon) about “Aligning to Shambala“. It contains all related information for the general public. You also find information about how to use this symbol of Shambala for visualisation/meditation.

And here are some blogposts on Shambala published earlier.

Video: Aquarian Salon 2-2 Theme: The Mother

August 4th, 2024

The recording of the “Aquarian Salon 2-2 on Art, Astrology & Wisdom Teachings” from 27 July 2024 has now been published on YouTube. The theme was “The Mother”.

It was again an inspiring meeting, 18 persons from 4 countries participated and contributed with their thoughts. Feedback from a participant: “Thank you for this profound Salon and everyone’s contributions. I’ve learned so much and will listen to the recording. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next Salon!”

The Aquarian Salon is a free and non-commercial initiative and experiment of online group exchange on spiritual topics with the power of the group.
The virtual exchange was prepared and presented by a team of 5: Slides (operated by Lauren), participants care (Rosa), musical inputs (guitar, Frank), introduction talk and moderation (Risa), “Images of Synthesis”, explanations (Ludger).

The recording time: 01:35 h. If you would like to see a specific part, go directly to:
:: Welcome, explaining the schedule: 0:15
:: Guitar piece: 01:40
:: Prayer for group coherence: 05:26
:: Introduction into the theme… : 07:20
:: Exchange on image: Cancer – Cosmic Musicians and the Moon Principle 23:05
:: Exchange on image: Leo – The Gateway of the Sun Centre 38:45
:: Exchange on image: Virgo – The Sons and Daughters of the Virgin 1:00:55
:: Exchange on image: Aquarius: The Twin Gods and the Downpour of Cosmic Energies 1:15:07
:: Violet Flame Invocation: 1:31:40 Musical Closing: 1:33:25
:: After Hour – a vital exchange, bus as always no recordings.
Information / further meetings (PDF) | Exchanges / Updates on Telegram |

The Aquarian Salon is presented by
:: The Circle of Good Will, Switzerland
:: Night Light News, USA

You find the recording here or in the YouTube channel of Friends of World Teacher Trust. And you find the Images of Synthesis presented in the Salon here.

The Significance of Merry Life Day, the 26th of July

July 24th, 2024

To be cheerful is an essential quality for any person to progress in their path of life, and much more so in the path of discipleship.

On 26th July 2021, Master K. Parvathi Kumar gave an inspiring and insightful talk on the Merry Life Day and the energy of Master CVV. As a part of the talk, he laid out aspects relating to Plenty of Prana and how Master CVV has ushered in the Aquarian speed into the process of spiritual evolution of humanity. There is a booklet based on this lecture of Sri Kumar about “Merry Life Day”. Its message is to be cheerful in life.

And there is now a YouTube video lecture by Master Kumar on “The Significance of Merry Life Day” given on July 26, 2020.

On 30th March 1910, Master CVV received the influx of the cosmic Energy Of Synthesis, which the Master distributed to the disciples on 29th May 1910, naming it “The May Call Day”.

On the 26th of July, the Master was able to utilize the energy to link up the pranic principle in all three planes of existence, the cosmic, solar, and planetary energy with the kundalini of the individual aspirants. It is the first of its kind on this planet to speed up the spiritual evolution of the humanity on this planet. It was a grand achievement in relation to the energy that descended.

Master CVV has declared this day, the 26th of July, as the Day of Merry Life. It is considered an important day that should be recollected and remembered to pay homage to the grand Master CVV.

In Barcelona, Spain, there is “Merrylife”, a non-profit association created with the purpose of providing Knowledge, Wisdom and Love to apply in everyday life. (See the website with automatic translation).

Through courses, workshops, activities, conferences and therapeutic medical care, the group contributes to an inner transformation, through a synthesis that integrates Science, Art and Spirituality, and promotes a Culture of Peace.

Merrylife is the fruit of the commitment of a group of people from different cultural and social backgrounds who build the project, who believe in a better humanity and who work together so that human beings can achieve their full potential. Merrylife is funded through courses and activities, membership fees and donations, as well as contributions from the medical and therapeutic areas.

There is also a “Merry Life Society” based in California with volunteers performing service activities and organizing seminars.

15 Leo Paintings

July 24th, 2024

Leo is the royal sign that embodies noblesse and dignity and it bestows the power to rule and protect. Many kings chose the lion as their national symbol. Leo is also a sign of initiation; the first step is to rule ourselves and allow others to rule themselves. Symbolically, the lion of the personality must be killed in the cave of the heart so that the Son of God can be born.

Many great teachers like Master EK, Master MN, Master CVV, Madame Blavatsky, Sri Aurobindo and especially Lord Krishna were born in the month of Leo to enlighten humanity and show the way to the kingdom of God.

The Images of Synthesis for the month of Leo illustrate the related symbolism. You find there all previous Leo paintings with detailed explanations in four languages (en/de/es/fr). You can also download print-versions for free. Find here the Images of Synthesis with short extracts from the wisdom teachings. Or subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter giving thoughts from the wisdom teachings to inspire putting them into practice.

Leo – The Mother on the Lion
27 June 2010, pencils, crayons and photo work
Leo – The Mother with the Lion
11 June 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work
Leo – the Three Planes of the Sun
22 April 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work
Leo – The Entrance
17 March 2013, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Sun Centre in the Heart
09 April 2014, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Tree of the Universe and the Cosmic Teaching Principle
17 April 2015, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Path to the Super Soul
15 April 2016, pencils and photo work
Leo – Hercules Conquering the Inner Lion
20 April 2017, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Gateway of the Sun Centre
17 April 2018, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Pulsating Heart of the Lion
12 April 2019, pencils and photo work
Leo – Group Consciousness. Common Purpose
18 April 2020, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Man-Lion. Opening the Heart Centre
23 April 2021, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Jewel in the Lotus
8 Mai 2022, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Mystery of the Dog-Star
3 May 2023, pencils and photo work
Leo – Group Consciousness, Influx of Energy
10 May 2024, coloured pencils and photo work

Leo – Group Consciousness, Influx of Energy

July 20th, 2024

Picture to the month of Leo

When many people come together in a joint spiritual alignment, a field builds up as a vessel into which high energies can flow and manifest in this way. Even though individuals may not realise it, this raises the consciousness of all, and there is also a strong impulse into the larger collective consciousness. Such an influx of energy is much greater than is possible for individuals. This field of consciousness is not limited to a time of meditation, but is also expressed in being together and, even more profoundly, in greater co-operation.

In ancient times in the East, sages and their disciples would come together for long periods of meditation, ritual and sharing of wisdom teachings. In modern times, people meet for group livings with a spiritual orientation. They are often brought together by a teacher, but also through the power of collective group action.

In the centre of the picture you can see the influx of energy in both a vertical and horizontal direction, represented by the reflection of sunlight in camera shots. The ray of light begins at the cosmic level and anchors in the physical level. The upper background shows the petals of a lotus flower, a symbol of the unfoldment of consciousness. The power of group inspiration is depicted in the lower half.

For the design of the lower half, I combined elements from three photos of different group livings. In the foreground you can see the scene of a discussion group at the 100th May Call celebration in Switzerland in 2009. For the background, I used a photo of a group life in northern Germany in 2015.

The Images of Synthesis for the month of Leo illustrate the related symbolism. You find there all previous Leo paintings with detailed explanations in four languages (en/de/es/fr). You can also download print-versions for free. Find here the Images of Synthesis with short extracts from the wisdom teachings. Or subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter giving thoughts from the wisdom teachings to inspire putting them into practice.

9 May 2024, coloured pencils and photo work