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En route in northern Germany

From 14 to 22 March 2024, I was en route in northern Germany, meeting my brother and sisters and WTT group members and participating in the CVV Sharing meeting at Kassau. It was a long drive, but these visits are best means to keep bonds of friendship. There were many exchanges – too much to tell here. But I’d like to share here some impressions from the journey.

In Ahlen:

In front of the house where I grew up
Garden in the backside. My room was in the middle of the upper floor. One of my 3 sisters and her partner are living there.
Buddha at the entrance to the garden
As children, we used to play here – but we also had to work to keep the garden intact.
My middle sister Roswitha has created many “corners of beauty” in the garden.

From there, I did some excursions, visiting brother, sisters and friends in the surrounding – including a quick visit to Münster to meet Doris, Günter and Yavaline. On 16 March, I went to the eldest of my sisters, Birgitt, living on a cottage in Malgarten north of Osnabrück. In the 1990s, she had created beautiful paintings.

The cottage
The cabin where I spent the night
Birgitt with some of her paintings

A gorgeous sunrise

Sunday, I visited Christina and Ernst on their farm in Pr. Oldendorf. They had created a spiritual centre , where many group activities of goodwill and healthy living had taken place. Even in their old age, they are still active in the garden, growing vegetables and flowers.

Later, I continued to Bünde, where I stayed overnight at the home of Reiner and Julieta, where meetings of the regional WTT-group take place.

Reiner in front of their house
In their garden, Master Kumar had once installed a Krishna statue.
There, you also see big spiritual symbols cut with the lawnmower.

The next day, I went from there to the CVV Sharing group life (see separate blogpost). And after the group life, I first drove to Kassel to stay overnight at the home of Dorle and Dierk – friends, I had often met at WTT seminars in India and elsewhere. The final stage of the journey back to Switzerland began the next day, with some hours stop in Baden-Baden at the home of Brigitta and Paul, both long-term members of WTT. In the early 1080s, Paul had invited Master EK to their home in Munch for the first seminars of the Master in Germany. It was a beautiful close of a very intense journey.

Evening walk with Paul and Brigitta – a little castle in their neighbourhood with flowering trees.
Sunset behind the hill

2 Responses to “En route in northern Germany”

  1. risa Says:

    You grew up in a lovely large home, Ludger with a big back yard….it’s lovely to hear about everyone’s journeys. The standing Buddha is beautiful and the WTT symbol cut in the grass is precise & geometrical! love, Risa

  2. Murthy V V B S Says:

    Om Sri Krishnam vande jagadgurum om

    WTTemblem like a Crop Circle drawn attractively

    Namaskarams Masters

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