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Scorpio – Fusion of Individual, Groupal and Planetary Kundalini

Picture to the month of Scorpio: A few weeks before his transition November 2022, Master KPK (Dr K. Parvathi Kumar) gave a prayer called “Master CVV Sharing“. It refers to Master CVV’s mission to connect the spiritual groups and share the creation and building of an energy grid around the Earth, thus helping to uplift humanity and the Earth into the realms of Light.

The prayer is intended to remind us to consciously connect the individual Kundalini with the group Kundalini and with the Kundalini of all spiritual groups that are oriented towards the Hierarchy. From there the spiritual Kundalini may merge with the Kundalini of Humanity and the Earth Kundalini, and further with the Kundalini of the Hierarchy, and up to Shambala. All global groups may remain connected and the energies be shared with all groups to uplift the Earth to the Kings of Beauty.

The image visualises the linking and merging of the individual Kundalini with the Kundalini of the global groups. For this I used elements from various earlier paintings. The image is centred on the central axis as the planetary Kundalini and indicates the spiritual upward movement leading beyond our planet.

At the bottom, you see individual persons forming a group, the rainbow snippets symbolizing the different Kundalinis. Out of the group rises a greater form with a longer Kundalini symbolizing the humanity. It is looking up to the huge lighted form symbolizing the Hierarchy and Shambala with a white spot at the top surrounded by an aura of light. The white central axis over the planet might be seen as the Kundalini of the Earth aligned with the higher centres.

The Images of Synthesis for the month of Scorpio illustrate the related symbolism. You find there all previous Scorpio paintings with detailed explanations in four languages (en/de/es/fr). You can also download print-versions for free. Find here the Images of Synthesis with short extracts from the wisdom teachings. Or subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter giving thoughts from the wisdom teachings to inspire putting them into practice.

10 August 2023, pencils and photo work

One Response to “Scorpio – Fusion of Individual, Groupal and Planetary Kundalini”

  1. Jesús y Evelia Says:


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