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Spring Equinox Celebration in the Paracelsus Centre Einsiedeln

Tuesday, March 21st, 2017

The weather report had announced for yesterday sunny weather in Eastern Switzerland, esp. the area of Einsiedeln. But when we drove there to celebrate Spring Equinox at the Paracelsus Center of the WTT – located in a house at the birth place of the great initiate Paracelsus – the clouds were hanging low over the lake Sihlsee.

And the cats in front of the house were warming each other.

We were 5 persons from Switzerland and Austria who gathered for the celebration of this spiritually important time of equinox. We started with a small candlelight ceremony and singing of mantrams and then did a long Equinox meditation around the time of the entrance of the Sun into Aries at 11:28 am. And when we opened our eyes there was sunshine and a blue hole in the sky above the house. The dark clouds still were hanging around the surrounding hilltops.

In the afternoon we did a walk at the nearby Etzel pass of Saint Meinrad. Later we continued with some group exchange. And when at the time of evening meditation the sun set with golden light behind the mountains we all felt again the magic of this wonderful place.

Autumn Gold, Scorpio Transformation

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

Nature withdraws its energies towards inside and the trees are turning into golden and fiery colours. In about a month, all the leaves will have fallen, transforming again into humus. Humus is related to humans – our mortal parts will one day fall and become one again with the elements from which it has been composed. But like next spring the leaves sprout again and within about one month all green will be back to the trees, we will also take again to new forms.

Scorpio hints at this miracle of transformation, and when we see through the veil of the golden colours of autumn / fall, we realise that there is immortality behind the mortality of the form and that the with each cycle of contraction we only prepare for a new cycle of expansion. In between or beyond there is the point which unveils the thread thread of continuity, of existence.

Here are some impressions of last Sunday afternoon walk close to my home.


August 4th: Anniversary of Master CVV, Transmittor of the Aquarian Energies

Monday, August 1st, 2016

August 4th is the anniversary of Master CVV who was born at Kumbhakonam in 1868. The grand work he did brought about a tremendous change in our planetary life and beyond. Below you find an extract of the transcription from Sri K. Parvathi Kumar’s talk in Paris, 25 June, 2014, where he speaks about these dimensions (see here my blogpost about this meeting).


There was a supra-cosmic energy visiting. It was picked up by the higher dimension of Uranus in the superior plane, Varuna, it is the same sound. It was transmitted through the Sirius system; he is the teacher to our solar system. That energy was picked up by Uranus from Sirius. From the central sun of Leo we call Regulus, the energy was transmitted into our system via Uranus. As it entered our solar system, a comet brought it with it. That comet when moving around the orbit of our earth, when its tail was about to touch our earth, on 31 March 1910, a grand Master from Hierarchy relating to the Sirius had taken birth before to receive. This Master is called CVV. The energy that was to be received was received by this great Master who knew the whole plan. He knew the solar and cosmic plane – what kind of adept one should be? Knowing the plan, he took birth 42 years before He was born in 1868. He lived a life of great splendour. He was a master of Vedas at the age of 18. He mastered the English language, his mother tongue and the local language, the Tamil and Telugu. Apart from these he learned Sanskrit for the Veda and then he learned English. In tune with the Plan, he became a member of Theosophical Society. He was a master musician and an erudite of Vedas. When he sings even the birds and animals looked at him. He was a mayor of the city. And his major hobby was to invite the people of the city for big dinners. He often offers meals of 16 dishes. That is the splendour he carried. All this he was doing in waiting the energies.

He also went once to Adyar to make contact with Madam Blavatsky. Being a member of the Theosophical Society, he had admission. Mme Blavatsky was always sitting under a Banyan tree before her residence. A huge Banyan tree, it can accommodate 200 people. Sitting in the veranda of her house, she was addressing people.

We all know from the story of Mme Blavatsky what a will power she had. If she looks at this instrument, no one could move it. She could control everything by her sight. When she looked at a cup of coffee, no one could move it. She fixed it with her look. She gathered a great knowledge of the planet in the Himalayas. That is the one who brought out the hidden light from India. She lived so emphatically because of the will that she has and the dedication she showed to Hierarchy. When the Master came to Adyar and to the Banyan tree, from the last row in the assembly, he looked at the Madam. Madam became silent. Just like when she looks at other things they could not move, when he looked at her she could not move. What kind of will this was? They made contact and he left.

Later for the work he needed her. These details are needed for your understanding of Uranus. Great beings descended from higher circles. It is not easy for us to contact these energies. We need the support of the triangle. That is the importance of Hierarchy. The Master received the energy like a thunderbolt and assimilated the energy for 60 days. Many members of Hierarchy visited him during the night hours to put themselves in line with the energy and with Master CVV: The Masters of Himalayas made a triangle with him and the energy. Thereafter the revelations through the books of A.A. Bailey came. This stimulated the energy we call the atmic violet vibration, meaning the 7th plane of cosmic plane. Not the highest but the lowermost plane of the physical cosmic plane. It is called our physical plane. This violet cosmic vibration he assimilated into him and therefore he was acclaimed as CVV. So he was acclaimed as Master CVV: He worked with this energy and he found the purpose of this energy to transform man from mortality to immortality. From mortality to immortality he found the limitations that existed in the system. Saturn, the planet, is a dimension of Pluto. Pluto is the higher dimension; Saturn is the lower dimension of Pluto. What we call Pluto, we call in English in the Puranas as the Lord of Death, Yama.

Saturn does not transcend death, he concretises and crystallised. The death of the soul in matter. Unless you related to very high energy like Savitri – Savitri means the energy of the central sun – you cannot transcend death. The energy of central sun can only be contacted in the head; it cannot be contacted in the heart. Therefore you have to relate first to the Ajna centre. It is not possible to come out of the body. Therefore Aurobindo has brought out the concept of Savitri. Before Sri Aurobindo came to Pondicherry he was directed by his Master to contact Master CVV in Kumbhakonam. Sri Aurobindo received his realisation on 23 November 1926. Master CVV was in the physical body in 1922. Sri Aurobindo was directed with Master Kuthumi to have a contact with the Master CVV and return to Pondicherry. It is 130 km from Pondicherry. When Master CVV received the energy he declared and gave an advertisement in the newspaper: “Those who do not want to die can contact me.” That is an Aquarian approach, contact my address in Kumbhakonam. People thought maybe his brain has gone abroad. But he demonstrated it. 18 times he demonstrated his departure of his body and returned. If you know the life story of Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, he also demonstrated it for the benefit of his grandson that he does not die when he goes out of the body and comes back through the process of Yoga. In the 6th and 7th step of yoga one can release the body and gain a body of light. Therefore the path of yoga is to ascend to high….. through a process of pranayama and meditation.

The Master said, “This energy gives the fulfilment of yoga faster.” Instead of one by one transcending the mind and the death, there will be groupal transcendences. Because group consciousness is Aquarian, while Leo is individual consciousness. That is why from individual to groupal one has to grow, you cannot be all alone. You have to relate to group. That is why the teaching of Master DK to A.A. Bailey was about group meditation, group study, group service. It is not that the society is for us but we are for the society, it is not that the group is for me but I am for the group. I don’t eat for myself but for the group. I don’t think of my needs but for the needs of the group. This group consciousness is an essential aspect of Aquarius. Until one learns to serve the group, the centralised energy would not be distributed. Man is more and more suffocated when living for himself. Expansion has to happen but it does not happen until you serve to the environment. Let the energy from the centre to the circumference permeate. Group consciousness is another dimension of this energy. Thus the man is released from his dimension. As your range grows through service the more … that is why he insists to group service, meditation, study. If you wish to grow in your awareness, let your hand be towards below.

Therefore he made an arrangement with Pluto, with Saturn. He said, “I have an agreement with Saturn and Pluto: “I have an agreement with Venus. I promise that I cause transcendence from mortality to immortality. He gave the sound as the key for meditation. That is how is CVV. On one side, if you utter forth the sound CVV a kind of transformation starts within yourself what you might observe. He starts slowly functioning from the heart into the lower triangle. I spoke about the crocodile which is the lower triangle. He causes a reorganisation of the mind. Mind relates to Mercury; then Mars relates more to the inner fight than to the outer fight. When the energy comes down to the muladhara and excavates the energy of matter from muladhara. He says, “Kundalini emptied”. The serpentine energy is living subterranean and covered by matter, and through the cosmic violet vibration it goes to every dimension of the body through transmutation. There is a transmutation of cells slowly going to transformation and then to transcendence. He speaks everything in English, not in Sanskrit or the local languages. He gave many mantras in English, which was a great surprise for the Indians because they thought it has to be in Sanskrit. Master said, “Mantra is a combination of sounds which effectively works.” It is a chemistry of sound that causes the needed transformation. It has nothing to do with language. In fact all mantras are combinations of seed sounds. There are 45 seed sounds arranged differently for mantras. When you say kham, it has no meaning in any language, Gam, lam, ram, it becomes a mantra when we intonate it. The Master said, “The work I bring in is the work with sound.”

As I said yesterday he is the Master Jupiter. Jupiter works through sound and through triangles. Sound relates to the 5th ether, we call Akasha. Therefore he said, “If you wish to relate to any planet work with sound.” Every planet has its related sound. When you relate to the sound, it relates to you. So every planet has its sound, he gave all the key sounds afresh. The book Spiritual Astrology is a direct dictation from the Master to Master EK on the etheric plane. Master EK was born in 1926 while Master CVV left the body in 1922. Master CVV contacted Master EK just like Master Morya contacted Mme Blavatsky. Through master EK Master CVV expressed the quality of the energy which expressed through him. The book Spiritual Astrology is a direct expression of the energy of Master CVV through Master EK, just as Master DK expressed through Madame Bailey. In that book all sounds relating to all planets are given, the sounds, colours and number relating to all planets have been different. It is slightly different from the traditional astrology. Master CVV said the astrology of the New Age will replace the traditional astrology. Natal charts are no more relevant when you can relate to Uranus.

A great astrologer from Madras was a disciple of Master CVV. He brought him his natal chart and said, “There seems to be a point of death in it.” Master CVV said, put your natal chart on the attic, the roof. Your chart no more works.” When Uranus works, other planets do not. They work in tune with Uranus.

I wrote a book on Uranus and on the Aquarian Master where you can read a lot about it. In Aries it is not the Sun, it is the state of Uranus working through the sun. In Cancer it is not the moon but the energy of Uranus via the Moon. Through most of the planets now Uranus is working, like through most of the governments the American government is working. The planets like it. In the book of Uranus I gave how the planets are overtaken by Uranus.

It is like one working for 7 planets. It builds the whole antahkarana. He said, “Every planet is with me why you work with other planets.” Therefore I said yesterday he is Sun to Sun, the World Teacher to the World Teacher, the Lord of Death to the Lord of Death. This is called by Master CVV ‘THE MASTER’. And he said that he is a medium for this energy. The energy finds its own expression and vehicle and causes the transformation. It would be very soon global. On one side it is working from the macro level, on the other it is working from the micro level. It is like making the tunnel from both sides. The Master predicted about all this that would happen through quantum physics, he gave so many expressions which seemed to be crazy. He said the man will invent aeroplanes and later would fly in a matter of 240 years. We can disappear in one place and reappear in another place through a sound code. He said there would be explosion of atom bombs and also said that there would be many things lifted up into the ether like e-mail, credit cards… He said that he would release the soul from the conditioning of the form. The energy of Uranus is an interpenetrating energy.

He is the one that builds the bridge between Pluto and Neptune, this works through sound. When you utter the sound and look within and observe in a matter of 12 years there is a tangible transformation. The Master said, once you sit in meditation and invoke and observe I shall transform the mental matter. The matter which is filled in mind is transformed and transparency is made. Man is self-regulated and would attune to the energy of Pluto, the Lord of Death. He said, “Whosoever follows the laws of Nature and fulfils the purpose of life, I shall not cause death with him.”

Visit to Dhauli, a Painting School, Puri Jagannath and the Mahasamadhi of Sri Yukteswar

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

Saturday, 16 January, our taxi driver picked us up in the morning and we drove into the direction of Puri. On the way we stopped at the Shanti Stupa at Dhauli. A battle had been fought there by Emperor Ashoka Maurya (304-2232 BCA) and he felt afterwards that he should do something after the war for the welfare of the world. So he saw that a Buddhist centre was developed there, and stupas etc. were erected at Dhauli. In the 70s of last century, the Japanese constructed a beautiful Peace Pagoda there overlooking the countryside.

Peace Pagoda at Dhauli

At a statue of the lying Buddha an Indian – as I discovered later – asked me in a friendly way and started doing a puja, where he and a colleague asked for the names of a friend and mine and of our families, since he wanted to bless us. Then he asked for 500 Rupees, for the maintenance of the site and the ritual to their God Buddha. I thought that the priests had “pocketed” the Buddha for their purposes. Since we did not want to start bargaining in the beautiful ambiance of the Stupa, we paid the money but afterwards felt being tricked by the priests’ marketing strategy. We did not want to keep the flowers he had given us – to carry them home and receive the abundant blessings – but offered them the next day at a small temple of the 9 planets near the Sun Temple in Konark.

The Priest

A little further we visited an archaeological site where you could see engravings of the famous rock edicts of Ashoka  surrounded by a little park.

The Rock Edicts of Ashoka at Dhauli

A little later, some kilometres before Puri, the driver brought us to a small village. An artist aged 85 years, Shilpi Guru Ananta Maharana from an old lineage of artists was the head of a school (Gurukula Ashram) in a traditional way of painting with stone-colours. They have many students living there for a while to learn this kind of painting. One senior disciples showed us a number of highly meticulous paintings and the way how they are done. For some of these paintings it took several years to finish. We were very much impressed seeing the great quality of their work, the humbleness in which the work is being done. Stone colours do not fade away – he showed up paintings aged several centuries still looking well. We stayed there for nearly 2 hours. There was no commercial attitude at all, just one simple proposal if we would like to support the work with a donation – and we did. Meini bought a beautiful Ganesha painting done by the Guru 30 years ago. When showing a painting about the life of Sri Chaintaya, the great Bhakti Yogi of the 15th /16th century, the disciple explained that Chaitanya had come through this village via the way directly in front of the house. The house itself was several centuries old.

The octogenarian artist sitting at the front door of his ashram

We finally reached Puri in the early afternoon. The sun was burning down when we set out to walk to the Puri Jagannath. temple.

Great amounts of people were pouring to and fro the temple, and bicycle rickshaw drivers tried to convince us to take a ride – in vain. It is forbidden for foreigners to visit the temple –the orthodoxy keeps non-Hindus out from seeing the shrine.

The taxi stopped about 1.5 km from the temple – after a certain point only rickshaws and motorbikes are allowed. We decided to walk in the hot sunshine. Everywhere beggars or street-vendors tried to get some money. In the mid of the road some cows and a bull were “meditating” in stoic silence. A serpent of humans pressed towards the temple entrance control. For some money we were allowed to go up to the roof of a house to have a look at the temple and the masses below. We did a short prayer and descended again.

Sri Kumar had told us to get a poster of the temple tower and focus on the wheel at the top as the centre of the energy, also at home. This proved to be a special “key”: Rosa asked at the temple administration where we could get that picture. They said, at a kiosk at the entrance of the temple. The kiosk was inside and some policemen were guarding the entrance. With her charming smile and a sari Rosa asked if we could enter. The first policeman said no, the other, irritated, said yes, and so we slipped to get just in front of the temple gate, a place which is normally not accessible for foreigners. While Rosa bought the posters we stood there and aligned to the energy inside – it was a vibrant, magnetic radiation, much stronger than outside the precinct. Rosa said: “It is a blessing of the Master to ask us to get these pictures and thus coming here, a bit inside.”

Puri Jagannath temple

“Only Hindus are allowed…”

After a lunch in a nearby “pure-veg” restaurant (vegetarian without onions and garlic”) we set out to find the place of the Mahasamadhi of Sri Yukteshwar, the teacher of Yogananda. Miquel had found on Google some description of the place but not any precise address. It was supposed to be near the beach of Puri. We didn’t find anything. Finally Miquel and the driver asked at a hotel. They gave a vague description. We drove along a side road. Suddenly Miquel said, There is a sign of a Kriya Yoga. We stopped and found an old signpost. We went by foot through a small sand-road. Finally we found a house where a sign “Kriya Yoga Ashram” was painted. The house seemed to be closed. Miquel tried to speak with the neighbours, without success. We wanted to return. Then Rosa came. She started speaking with the neighbours, asked if someone is living in the ashram and if the door is closed or can be opened. The neighbours started shouting, and after a while a young swami appeared at the door. He made us enter and we mounted up to the second floor, where there was an assembly hall with the images of the Masters of the Kriya Yoga lineage. There was a beautiful ambiance. With the few words of English he knew he said that this was not the Mahasamadhi of Sri Yukteswar, at another ashram. With the help of mobile connection to our driver as a translator we got the right address – in a side-lane not far from the beach road. We had a short meditation at the ashram and some exchange with the swami, then set out to find the other ashram.

At the Kriya Yoga Ashram

From the busy beach road we entered by feet into a small lane and then a smaller lane until we finally saw the sign: “Karar Ashram. Sri Yukteswar Kriyayoga Centre.”

It was closed at 5 pm but we had informed them that we would come a short time afterwards. After some ringing we finally were allowed to enter – but “no photography!”

We entered the inner court of the beautiful and simple old ashram. While the man was searching for someone I took a hidden shot – and one of our group then took a picture also at the Mahasamadhi, the place of the final rest of Sri Yukteswar.

We first saw the prayer hall and then met the head of the Ashram, Swami Yogeswarananda. He told us that he is often travelling to the west to teach Kriya Yoga, and comes twice a year to Germany and Switzerland. He was very warm-hearted and smiling. We exchanged about our pilgrimage and our teachers and he proposed several places in the surroundings of Puri which we should visit – and we visited them the next days.

After a short meditation at the Mahasamadhi we finally set out to return to Bhubaneswar – after a very rich day full of surprises.

At the Mahasamadhi of Sri Yukteswar

Full Blue Moon – A Time-Lapse Video from Australia

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

On the 31st of July, 2015, Luke Taylor captured pictures of an incredible rise of the Full Blue Moon 4 km (2 ½ miles) away from Cape Byron Lighthouse, on Belongil Beach, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia. This is the most easterly point of the Australian Mainland and therefore is the first place in Australia to watch the full moon rise. He took 1038 frames and then made this video “Once in a Blue Moon” by slowing down to as close to real time as possible. A fantastic video. Here is Luke’s Facebook-page (“Surflife Australia Photography”).

Screenshot from the video (c) Luke Taylor

Misty Advent Atmosphere

Sunday, December 6th, 2015

The mist over the country during the last days creates a magical ambiance making the forms appear from out of a light filled field, blurring the contours. Saturday morning I went to Berne city to do some errands. My camera caught some motives of the advent season decoration in the old town. The five-pointed stars around the “Münster” (cathedral) captivated me anew – they are reflecting the yearning of the souls towards the light. And some shop windows were showing traditional handicraft work or were trying to motivate customers with special arrangements. Find here some impressions.



Summer Solstice and Dimensions of Spiritual Astrology

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

Around summer solstice there was a 6 days seminar with Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar on “Astrology and the Path”, in Billerbeck near Münster, Germany. Over 150 persons from different countries of Europe, the Americas and India had come to this group living. Many of them I knew, and so it was a beautiful “family gathering”. For me it was a very intense time – besides the discourses there were several organisational meetings, and of course lots of exchanges. I took particularly time to meet persons who I don’t know yet or where there is not much contact. The main purpose, however, was to go into a deeper understanding of the wisdom teachings in their astrological dimension, and to dive inside with profound meditations. I appreciated this very much. Other highlights were the marriage ceremony of Anwar and Susanne and two fire rituals. The group also visited the Gulab garden, a rose garden of the WTT group of Münster inspired by Master Morya.

In his discourses Sri Kumar gave profound insights into aspects of Spiritual Astrology, commenting the introductory pages of the book and elaborating on questions of the participants. I gained new insights – into the effects of the north node and south node, into working with Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, ways of reading the chart and, of course, the importance of Cancer solstice. Below you find an extract of my notes on the north and the south nodes (they are incomplete and might contain mistakes), and some impressions of the seminar:

“The north and the south node, as we all know they are shades but are not planetary principles. They happen on account of the movement of Earth around the Sun where sometimes Moon comes in the way to cause solar eclipse and Earth comes in the way to cause the lunar eclipse. Therefore, these are shades emerging relative to Earth. A shade that we experience during the solar eclipse, where we see the partial Sun, or we may not see the Sun if there is a total eclipse. Likewise, when Earth comes in between there is the shade on the full moon where you experience gradual decrease of Moon and again coming back to its original form. These shades are considered as shades on consciousness. These shades are of particular importance as visualized by the seers of wisdom.

The positive node, which we call in Sanskrit as Rahu, is similar to Mars; while the negative is similar to Saturn. A positive node is stronger than Mars. The negative node is like Saturn. Saturn itself is a very strong energy. What do they do? The positive node has a very strong grip. To grip anything the energy that exists with us is the positive node. Mars works as force and the node enables gripping it. This grip is generally misused than used properly. That’s where the quality of shade prevails. Instead of gripping the right thing we tend to grip the wrong thing. To grip what is beneficial for the soul does not happen. The grip enables eclipse to the soul. That is how eclipse to the Sun happens. We do things which are not desirable and we grip them strongly. What are desirables for us we don’t have such a strong grip over it. The grip on virtues is not so strong as the grip on vices. That’s how we can give a pass-by to a prayer now and then but not to a breakfast. Breakfast we don’t give a pass-by. We make sure that we have a breakfast. But we don’t make sure of a prayer as regularly as breakfast. What is valuable is not gripped, what is not value for the soul is gripped. That’s how it causes an eclipse to our consciousness. For example, in the world certain things are necessary to be gripped. For that positive node helps. But if you grip anything too much, it has the counter effect of the grip. Like people gripping money, there is a counter effect of money gripping them. People gripping the power, people gripping the other gender, people gripping certain views strongly and move forward whether right or wrong.

This grip of node has its positive dimension and also negative dimension. Its negative dimension damages the person, it afflicts the person. That’s how people are power-blind, gender-blind, money-blind. Excessive grip is the negative dimension of positive node. Generally, what is not desirable is gripped. For example, the grip over the body, which is the ultimate grip. In the advanced age even when we feel like getting away from the body because it is no more functional, you have many difficulties for a smooth functioning of the body, and we feel it is enough to be in this body; you wish to move but there is a grip. This grip is an undesirable grip. It is a grip that continues to give unhappiness to the soul. This grip exists in personality, but also at the body level, at the mental level, at emotional level, at all levels. What is to be gripped is not gripped, what is to be not gripped is gripped.

Therefore, the node and anti-node both, if they are in the negative houses they work positively. That’s how we interpret in astrology. For example, if you have the positive node in the twelfth house it is useful. Because a negative principle in a negative house works much more positively because two negatives makes positive. Likewise, eighth house, especially sixth house, and twelfth house. These are the houses which are considered very favourable to the node and the anti-node. If this node or the south node or negative node is in the fifth house, you have trouble conceiving, you have trouble in delivering. In any other house it is trouble. Mostly, if you see the node and anti-node in the charts these days, it is in the first and seventh house. That’s why most of the marriages tend to be very difficult to continue. The wedlock does not continue long because the node, anti-node cause where they have to be together the couple are not together. They meet on the ground where there are differences more than on the ground where there are agreements. That’s how it works in the first and seventh house.

Coming back to node itself, node causes gripping things which are not beneficial to the soul and progress of the soul – except when it is in the negative houses of the native. When it comes to the south node, it does the opposite. It causes, for example, if I hold something… you know many people when they hold spoons, when they hold forks, or when they hold something in their hands, things fall from their hands. That is a very clear indication that anti-node is at work. We don’t intend to throw them but they slip from our hands. In life, many things people lose on account of lack of grip. This is what south node does. It releases when you don’t wish to release. People lose on account of this. People lose memory. The loss of memory is also an act of south node. You tend to be more and more forgetful. It is OK if we forget unnecessary things but those are not the things that we forget: necessary things we forget, unnecessary things we hold. All those which are valuable to you, helpful to you, support to you such things the mind loses. And only things which are unnecessary, non-essential, and sundry things, they are all held. In fact, sundry things, unnecessary things should be eliminated. What is to be eliminated is held what is to be held is lost. This is how the south node functions, especially on mind.

The north node functions especially on the Sun that means consciousness. The north node is deeper and the south node is at the mental plane. When the south node is properly placed in the horoscope it is easy for you to leave the body. An eighth house south node is very helpful to leave the body. A twelfth house south node is very easy to get away from the world, meaning easy departures are there. If you have south node in the eleventh house then you would have associations with saints, sages, and mendicants. You are not more with the material world, you are more with the philosophical world. Like that, it tends to give certain dimensions. Basically, south node causes one kind of loss by not holding what is to be held. North node gives problems by holding things which you are not supposed to hold. This is how the comprehension is eclipsed.

To overcome this eclipse, what is generally suggested is to think of a serpent standing on its tail. A serpent standing on its tail is worshipped to overcome the ill effects of the south node and the north node. For both nodes it is the same sign. Why? Because north node is said to be the anterior part of the serpent while the south node is considered as the posterior part of the snake. And they always move in that direction — in one axis they move. These shades when they fall upon Moon or Sun, they have an impact on your comprehension and your mental memory. When solar eclipse in that sun sign where you are born, let us say Leo, if you are born in Leo and if there is a solar eclipse in Leo that year you have to be particularly alert to ensure that you don’t lose related comprehension. For that, you are asked to relate to this symbol. Likewise, a lunar eclipse also has an impact on your Moon. If there is lunar eclipse in that sun sign of your birth Moon then it has a greater impact on you. This is how these nodes are observed.

When we think of compatibility between two persons, the two persons when they are in togetherness, three things are important. One is the seventh house which gives us the compatibility of being together – be it a partnership or be it a man-wife relationship, any persons together is a relationship. This relationship is seen through first and seventh house. If there is anti-node or node in any of the first or the seventh house of any of the two persons, there is an indication of a problem there. Most of the cases where divorces happen, if you look into the chart, you would have them – either node or anti-node either in the first house or the seventh house of one person or the other. This would cause the separation because there is already a shade that causes separation. Likewise, in marital relationship or in partnership, what is intended is to bring forth certain fruitful productions. In the case of business partnership it is the ability to work together to bring out good products and good profits. In the case of marital relationships it is bringing up good children. There the node in the fifth house, if there is anti-node, please note such persons would be denied ever of good fruits unless remedial measures are taken like meditation upon the snake on the background of a black colour, a white snake has to be maintained, and that has to be daily looked at.


Equinox Celebration at the Paracelsus Center

Thursday, September 25th, 2014

Last Tuesday, 23 September, there was the Yogic point of autumn equinox, an important time for aligning with the annual ritual of the 2 solstices and 2 equinoxes (read here more about the spiritual impact of this festival). We gathered with a group of 8 persons from Germany and Switzerland near Einsiedeln at the birthplace of Paracelsus, the great initiate and revolutionary of medicine. On the way, a fantastic sunrise already announced an extraordinary day. The air was filled with golden light when we met at the Paracelsus centre.

After preparing the room with a thanksgiving altar, we started with a little candlelight ceremony (in the esoteric understanding, Libra, representing the unfoldment of objectivity or matter, is the midnight of the subjective side of the year) intonating the mantra of Durga. I gave a short introduction into the theme of the equinox and of the symbolism of Durga, the impermeable Mother. Then we did a group study about the deeper meaning of the ritualistic symbolism.

After the lunch prepared by the group, we went for a walk through the beauty of the surrounding nature, followed by coffee and cake and the discussion of some house rules for the use of the rooms, which we had prepared beforehand – and it seemed to be necessary for the center to run smoothly. The group also decided to make a “cleaning festival” for the rooms next year before Easter – two days of a group living with a cleanup of the centre.

We continued with an exercise which I had developed on the basis of the teachings of Master KPK on the directional intelligences of space and the inner planets, followed by a group exchange about some principles of Yoga. The beautiful day ended with a group meditation followed by a water ritual and dinner. On the way home, there was a radiant after-sunset glow in the air, the final of a day full of magic.

Laniakea – New Concepts of the Immeasurable Heaven

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

The galaxy of which our solar system is just a tiny part is part of a giant supercluster of galaxies – regions in space, which are densely packed with galaxies. It was difficult for scientists to define where one supercluster ends and another begins. A team based in Hawaii has now developed a new technique for creating maps of the universe according to the flow of galaxies across space. They redefined our home supercluster and named it Laniakea, which means ‘immeasurable heaven’ in Hawaiian. So welcome home in mind-blowing infinity. A fascinating video of the international magazine Nature, which reports in its September 2014 issue about these new calculations.

Laniakea – Our home of supercluster of galaxies, from the video, (c) Nature. Click on the picture to see it enlarged.

Another fascinating fact which has not yet arrived in our common understanding: Our solar system is a vortex, and the old heliocentric model of planets rotating around the Sun is just a limited perspective. The solar system is moving through space at 70’000 km/hour, and the Sun is like a comet, dragging the planets in its wake. “Rotation motion” and “vortex motion” are two completely different things. Life is a vortex, not just a rotation. The solar system is part of life. “DJSadhu” has created an impressive animation to illustrate this dynamic movement. The animation is not to scale, otherwise you could not see the solar system, the Sun or any of the planets. DJSadhu has also realised another animation about the Milky Way’s journey through space at a speed of appr. 600 km/s.

Very interesting from a cosmological point of view: A complete revolution of the galaxy takes 226 million years. One precession cycle of the earth through the zodiac takes 25,920 years. Since one revolution takes 226 mln years, this would mean that there are appr. 8692 precessional cycles in one revolution. In this animation there are only 60.

So one galactic year is appr. 225,296,640 years. Now look at the Hindu units of time measurement: a manvantara consists of 71 mahayugas (306,720,000 solar years), a small part of a day of Brahma, whose total age is 100 years.

(c) DJSadhu. Click on the picture to see it enlarged.

“The Duet” – A Beautiful Short Film

Saturday, August 16th, 2014

Have a look at this playful hand-drawn short film by Glen Keane in dark blue. Keane was the main creative in some of the most famous animated Disney films. Animated and directed entirely by him, DUET tells the story of Mia and Tosh and how their individual paths in life are woven together to create a duo – cute :-). Here you can read more about the realisation of the film. And here is a video about how it was done with “ATAP” (Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects group).

Glen Keane - The Duet
An extract from the video (c)