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Archive for the ‘Along the Path’ Category

On the Verge to India

Tuesday, December 20th, 2022

The suitcase is packed, the travel preparations largely finished. Tomorrow morning, I will set out for another trip to India. It is a very special journey this time. It was planned before the passing of Master KPK, Sri Kumar. For quite some time, it was not sure if the journey could take place. But finally the doors are about to open. The first stop is Sadguru Tapovana, the centre of WTT in Bengaluru. Here are some impressions from the trip 2019/20. On Friday, we will go for some days to Kotagiri, the retreat center of WTT “Master Mountain” – a very sublime place related to Rishi Agastya, also called Master Jupiter, who has one of his ashrams in the subtle planes of this point.

Master Mountain, view from retreat centre. Photo: AVR Ramakrishna

Long before I came there the first time in January 2013, I felt already the call. There is a long story behind, about Master EK and Albert Sassi meeting in the Nilagiris in the mid-60s of the last century. I did some research about this meeting and Albert Sassi. And for the present journey, I went again through the traces of this story.

Another story came in form of a book. When preparing the present journey, a friend from the US of Indian origin, who will join the travel group sent some information about a book said to be of Helena P. Blavatsky and recently discovered: “The Land of the Gods. The Long Hidden Story of Visiting the Masters in Shambala”.

I was surprised that such book did not come to our notice up to now – but having read the publisher’s note which my friend sent, I suppose that it might be a gem revealed only now. Other friends who read the book were enthusiastic. See the book on Amazon. And here an extract from the Publisher’s note of the book (c: Radiant Books).

I haven’t yet read much myself but the first 2 chapters and kept it as a travel reading. I just saw that there were some interesting hints at the end of the book. But maybe later more about it….

Transition of Master Kumar – and Beyond

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Last Tuesday afternoon, 1 November 2022, I surprisingly got a call from a friend living in California. He told me that there is a message in the WhatsApp group of WTT India called Radhamadhavam (this being also the name of the assembly hall for teaching and spiritual activities in Master Kumar’s house).
Guru Prasad, the son of Master K. Parvathi Kumar, had just posted, “Our beloved Master KPK has sailed to higher realms. Master KPK Namaskaram.”

It was a shock. Although I knew that Sri Kumar was seriously sick, he had speeded up giving inspiration and guidance in many directions over the last months. His weekly “Merry Life” talks every second Saturday were brimming with inspiration and wisdom. Although his body was handicapped increasingly by the progressing stages of blood cancer and he was having pain, he kept on a high pace of interacting with members via writing, speaking, teaching.

I found it breath-taking, also what I came to witness from people who visited him or were in contact with him directly. He kept on reacting quickly when I asked questions concerning activities of WTT-Global in a chat group with him. In the last 2 months, he initiated several far-reaching new projects, which he first submitted to us in the “Triangle”, the internal organisational steering team of WTT-Global. We discussed details in a Zoom meeting, and then he presented them to larger circles of members. He contacted members to take over the responsibility for these new projects and gave guidance. As late as September/October, he even conducted the several days’ long Durga Festival and the Festival of Light, Divali, in Radhamadhavam with many participants.

When hearing of his passing, I started functioning in a kind of “auto-mode” for the following days – preparing and sharing communications, speaking with close persons and trying to keep up with other ongoing work and situations. Slowly, more information came in about the situation of Master Kumar in the last time, especially the last day. Guru Prasad, his son, gave a detailed report last Friday night about the disease and the moments of passing. And there were short videos and photos of the final rites, the cremation of the physical sheath of the Master last Thursday, and now about the 10 days of traditional rituals done after a passing. At the moment, Guru Prasad is on a journey bringing the ashes of Master KPK to sacred rivers in India.

Cremation, 3 November 2022
Cropped photo of a member
Guru Prasad pouring flowers and a part of the ashes of cremation into the Ganges,
5 November, cropped photo of a member

After the first shock, there were intense experiences of the sublime presence of the Master and joy. And the feeling of a new cycle starting. Gratitude filled my heart. Last Wednesday and Saturday evening in my German and English online study groups, we exchanged about the situation, and the members expressed their experiences. It was a very profound moment of sharing and meditation. Some had been in e-mail contact with the Master until the last days before his passing. The members of the group had similar experiences and we all felt a profound bond of connectedness. Yesterday, a friend who participated in the group exchange wrote: “It feels so good to go on all together this way. A big hug for all, Namaskaram.”

Today is Sri Kumar’s anniversary. He was born on 7th of November 1945 in Vijayawada, a Wednesday at 07:20 AM in the month of Scorpio. Through him manifested a great amount of global goodwill work; therefore, we celebrate the 7th of November in his honour as “Day of Goodwill”. He now concluded his journey on earth after 77 years. Our acts of goodwill, together with the regular prayer/meditation and self-study, are the best ways to pay homage to him and to keep him present among us.

A small group of WTT members from ANIMA Channel visited Visakhahaptnam in August and recorded a face-to-face personal interview with Master KPK which was just published in the ANIMA channel under the title “Man behind Master”. They shared it today, on Master KPK’s birthday, to honour His life and forever radiant presence, and as a token to the groups.

You find here the video with original sound in English (subtitled in German, French and Spanish) and here with Spanish voice-over.

Master KPK, extract from the Anima video

A Son of Mother India Prime Minister of UK

Tuesday, October 25th, 2022

This morning, Master Kumar wrote in a chat:
India’s Proud Moment!
Rushi Sanak becoming UK’s Prime Minister!
He is just 42 yrs. We pray for his success.

India has all reasons to be proud that Rishi Sunak, a son of Mother India, is getting Prime Minister of Great Britain, after a long and painful history, where people of colour and of colonies were not seen as full humans while seeing oneself as superior.

May right human relations and inclusion be the basis of growth, also internationally.

Rishi Sunak (2020), (Photo licensed under the United Kingdom Open Government Licence v3.0)

Self-Excuses and Twists in Perception

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022

My mother once told me that when I was a child she asked me to pick up something on the floor which I had thrown there. I didn’t want and replied: “I cannot, my arms are too short.”

This became an iconic example for self-excuses. It comes to my mind in cases of my own self-excuses and when coming across others’ expressing their inability to do something. Often it is a self-fooling and trying to hide one’s unwillingness. In such cases, my wife and I use to say, “Yes, the arms are too short.”

Such twisting is not as negligible as it might appear at first sight. It causes inner twists leading to distortions in our perception and to character flaws. And these again, are boulders on the spiritual path.

I recently came across a person having problems with a neighbour for years. The problem was, of course, seen as being with the neighbour, and there was no chance of changing the situation. So she said: “They say it’s all part of the Divine Plan. My view is that the Plan must have flaws.”

We usually project the sources of problems to the outside, to other people or outer situations, neglecting to start with ourselves. So I replied, “Sorry to say so, but it is your view of the Plan where the flaws are.”

A Video Interview with Master CVV’s Great-Grandson about the Advent of the Aquarian Age

Tuesday, September 13th, 2022

Five friends of mine, WTT members and from the core team of the Anima channel, travelled to India to do some videos. At first, they went to Kumbakonam in South India for Master CVV’s birthday on 4th August. Joan from the travel group wrote:

“When we arrived to the “Yoga Friends School” we found a bold and moustachioed man, dressed with a dothi, who happened to be Jaikumar, Master CVV’s great-grandson. Here we share an interview with him.”

And you might read more about Master CVV in the biography “The Aquarian Master“.

Extract from the video (c) Anima channel

The Mantra against Fear

Wednesday, August 31st, 2022

I yesterday searched a picture of Ganesha on my computer – it was the day of Ganesha’s birthday. A PDF of a German book popped up with the title “The Mantra against Fear” (Das Mantra gegen die Angst, by Helge Timmerberg, a German journalist and writer).

At first, I didn’t remember how it came on my computer but later I saw on Wikipedia that a close friend of mine had written about him in an Author’s encyclopedia – and he had given me this book… The sub-title is “Ready for Everything. Nine Days in Kathmandu” – 2020, just at the beginning of the pandemia lockdown, and in a country still suffering very much from the aftermath of a big earthquake.

I hadn’t read it but now quickly zoomed through the book. And it caught my attention: Helge went to Nepal in search of a Guru whom he had met 15 years ago. He describes in the first chapter how this Guru was “tested” if he was free from fear:

They were flying together in a plane which on a short flight nearly crashed three times. The first time some passengers still laughed, the second time nobody laughed, and the third time all were crying, except this yogi which sat on his side. He was as deeply relaxed as Helge had come to know him during the last 2 weeks. This time, the plane didn’t crash but a year later, he saw photos of the crashed plane, of “Shangri-La Air” in the newspapers, and it was scary for him to see.

The mantra of the Yogi was: “I am ready for everything” – the Mantra against fear.

Helge was now in a crisis and wanted to re-find this Guru. The book is about his experiences in Nepal on the journey to himself.

Picture from a flight, India 2014, shortly after a devastating cyclone

15 August: 150th Birthday Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, 75 Years of Indian Independence

Monday, August 15th, 2022

Today, 15 August, we commemorate the 150th birthday anniversary of Sri Aurobindo (15 August 1872 – 5 December 1950).

15 August 2022 is also the 75th commemoration day when India gained independence in 1947 but West Pakistan (present-day Pakistan) and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) gained independence as well. The British Indian Empire was partitioned into two dominions, a Hindu-majority India and a Muslim-majority Pakistan.

Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of an independent India based on religious pluralism was much challenged and he finally became a victim during an interfaith prayer meeting in Delhi, 1948.

On 15 August 1947, Sri Aurobindo strongly opposed the partition of India, stating that he hoped “the Nation will not accept the settled fact as for ever settled, or as anything more than a temporary expedient.”
Striving towards expressing the underlying unity, and overcoming separation is of utmost importance, also in present day situations. It starts from within.

Statue of Gandhi at the beach of Pondicherry, Jan. 2006

At Leo full moon 1997, Master Kumar spoke about Aurobindo and his joining the independence fight. And during our visit with the Master in Pondicherry, January 2006, he again spoke to the group about Aurobindo, after our morning meditation at the Mahasamadhi (tomb shrine) of Sri Aurobindo.
From my notes January 2006 and from a German transcription of the 1997 seminar:

Entrance of Aurobindo Ashram, January 2006

“Aurobindo felt that it was the mission of India to bring the Light to the world and therefore should be free. So he joined the freedom movement. They were planning a bomb assassination attempt on a high rang British official. Before the attempt he had a dream about a tall man which we suppose to be Master Koot Hoomi, who told him that this political fighting is not the way for him, but he did not listen to the dream.

Aurobindo and his group continued with the preparations, but the whole conspiracy was discovered and he was thrown into prison. He was praying there a lot and was reproaching the divine that he worked for a noble cause, but nevertheless was thrown into prison. Master Koot Hoomi again appeared to him telling that he was put into prison, because he did not listen to the dream. He should work for the spiritual liberation of the soul of man, not for the political liberation of India, which would come in due course of time.

Master Kumar in front of the Aurobindo Ashram, January 2006

On Nov. 22nd /23rd, 1926 Aurobindo felt that the super-consciousness descended onto earth and he received His enlightenment. Coincidentally, it is also the birthday of Sri Satya Sai Baba.

On that day Aurobindo had the vision and heard the voice that India will get its independence on August 15, that was in 1926. 20 years later, in 1947, on August 15, India raised its flag, and so the prophecy was fulfilled.

The great light that had appeared to Sri Aurobindo also informed him that this political independence is not independence. The true independence for India would come 50 years after the political independence (1997). And therefore, it is yet another good reason that from today, India will achieve another dimension of independence.”

You might also want to read a blogpost of Sri Kumar speaking about Sri Aurobindo’s chief work, the beautiful story of Savitri, summarising the content of the book.

P.S.: A friend just sent me the following lines:
“15 August 1947 freedom speech from Radio broadcast from Tiruchurapalli. Sri Aurobindo noted in a speech broadcast on the eve of India’s independence:

‘August 15th is my own birthday and it is naturally gratifying to me that it should have assumed this vast significance. I take this coincidence, not as a fortuitous accident, but as the sanction and seal of the Divine Force that guides my steps on the work with which I began life, the beginning of its full fruition. Indeed, on this day I can watch almost all the world movements which I hoped to see fulfilled in my lifetime, though then they looked like impracticable dreams, arriving at fruition or on their way to achievement.’

The Divine’s seal has thus been firmly placed on India’s destiny, for she has been freed not for achieving any selfish aims of becoming a world power who dominates and exploits others politically, economically or militarily; rather India has been freed for doing the spiritual work of uniting and uplifting the whole world, towards an era of peace, freedom and truth, towards a descent of Satyuga.”

11 August: Birthday of Master EK, a Real Healer

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

Today is Master EK’s birthday. He was born on 11 August 1926. Master EK (Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) is very dear to me, and celebrating his birthday also by writing some words has become a little tradition.
Over the last 12 years, I already told already various stories, like my inner encounter with the Master, whom I never met physically. Or about how his teachings and his way of living impressed me very much, especially his biography “Master E.K. – The New Age Teacher”, a vivid description giving a good insight into his life. And there is also “Music of the Soul”, a series of 6 DVDs relating to the Yoga of Master CVV and Master EK’s life.

But for me, the most important is to regularly link inwardly to the energy coming through the Master and and also to his teachings, by regular reading a few pages in the books of the Master, if possible, every morning. So, I would like to share with you the extract from a lecture of Master EK on Healing and Cure, which I read this morning, about what is a real healer, from the book “The Masters of Wisdom“, Overseas Messages XI, p 136ff, Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, 2020 (book orders). Although he does not speak about himself, you might read it as if he does – it is very enlightening:

“So, when you remember that healing is being done through you and not by you, then there is no question of your energy being spent for healing. It is ignorance and stupidity to believe that we pour our energy into the patient.
It is too much and it is audacious to believe that we are healing him. For the simple scientific reason, that this vehicle is given to us and it never belongs to us. If we remember this scientific fact, then healing takes place to any number of people through you. You need not do it in the name of healing, ask people to sit down in a ceremonial and systematic manner, like a ritual or a religious ceremony. You need not baptise every patient with healing magnetism. The patient need not know that you are healing. You can sit down in your office and during leisure hours you can smile to some fellow and heal him. You can play the jokes with some fellow and heal him provided you know how to play jokes without insulting him. An absolutely positive way is required. You can use humorous way of speech or conversation, provided you know how to use humour without insulting others or without scandalizing others in their absence. The fundamentals of human ethics are the only rules of real healing and there are no secrets of healing at all.
This is one secret. You can heal a hundred people in the day and yet you are fresh and you are healed in the process. Can you say that this wire is producing electric current? Current is not coming from the wire but it is coming through the wire. So, the healer is like the wire. This is one principle. If you can maintain a place and a time for your meditation and invoke the idea of healing humanity, then your healing magnetism increases. If you sit in the train or bus or aeroplane, the few people who sit near you or before you can be automatically healed through your conversation or smile or seeing them. If you go to a house, pay a visit to the friend’s house, spend a half an hour there and come away, they find from that day onwards the health in the family increases.
This is how the real healer heals because if the patient is healer-sensitive about you, it is as bad as the patient being doctor-sensitive. It is a great obstruction to healing. Real doctor is he who keeps his patient in perfect ease. If a patient feels nervous of the presence of a doctor, because of the greatness or the name and fame of the doctor that means the doctor is a stupid in the fundamentals. Same is the thing with the healer also. A healer never allows his patient to know that he is a healer. Then you can do the maximum amount of healing in minimum time. If you know these fundamentals, if you practise positive approach, you can use sound to heal. You need not name it as a therapy or a pathy. You can make miracles or you can use your sight or you can use some colours by having windowpanes of beautiful colours in your room. Or you can take the patient into a garden of roses and put him at ease by the presence of the beautiful sight of roses.
Automatically his energy centres will open up. Then your healing magnetism works. Take him to good scenes. Make him enjoy the Sunrise or Sunset or a beautiful picture drawn by an artist or you can use music. Anyone of these things are wonderful to heal. When medicine is necessary, don’t think that spiritual healing is against medicine or medicine is against spiritual healing. Don’t feel it as an insult to use medicine when you are a healer. Don’t have such complexes and limitations, because medicine is as much God given as healing magnetism. When medicine is required, your thought healing or magnetic healing will never help. When spiritual healing is required, for example in a pre-cancerous condition, your medicine will never help. So, use healing magnetism when it is required. Use medicine when medicine is required. Use physical exercise when it is required. When surgery is required, don’t boast of your medicine or spiritual healing and kill the patient.”

Master EK, Ekkirala Krishnamacharya

Normally, I write also some lines about the birthday of Helena P. Blavatsky, whose birthday we celebrate on 12 August. For once, I refer you to previous blog-posts. But let’s keep her in mind as well. Here is a picture of Madam with Master M. in the background, painted by the great Moldavian painters couple GrevKafi.

HPB, by GrevKafi

The Sons of the Sun, or how the Topic of the Lunar Messenger for Leo Grew

Thursday, August 4th, 2022

With the Lunar Messenger for Leo, there are now 22 years of composing each month a text on the basis of the wisdom teachings mainly of Master EK, E. Krishnamacharya, and Master KPK, Sri Kumar. It is surprising to look back about the variety of topics which came. I feel that the inspirations are coming from a subtle source.

For the “Lunar Messenger” for Leo full moon, I chose the topic of “The 12 Adityas”, see also here. And I would like to let you know how this topic grew.

Over the years, this topic was touched in several Lunar Messengers, but not in greater depth. And it appeared also in various paintings, like the one on “Aditi – the Mother of Light and the Birth of the Twelve Lights”, the 12 Adityas, from 11 September 2011.

Capricorn: Aditi – the Mother of Light and the Birth of the Twelve Lights
11 September 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work

Since more than a year, Sri Kumar has been teaching in his online classes about Aditi, the cosmic consciousness, expressing through 12 qualities of the cosmic person, the 12 Adityas, and the way the spiritual Light comes down over different levels up to us, the human being. And in the beginning he said:

“A man who is just mind oriented gathers things, develops some concepts which are confusing, and then confuses others with their expressions.”
And: “Knowledge can be assimilated only when practices are carried out, and all assimilation happens in the buddhic plane, and the mind when it is more and more in association with the buddhic plane only wisdom is retained, not otherwise.”

Gemini – The Son of the Sun and the Great Cycles of Time
09 February 2014, pencils and photo work

Although I rediscovered these sentences only now, it is this, which has touched me since a long time. I have listened to all the lectures but was it more than assimilating mental concepts? What did I understand about the Aditya, the cosmic sun?? And the Adityas? I felt – nearly nothing, and the teachings were like escaping from my mind, from my understanding.

I pondered on, What does it have to do with me? How do I use the teachings for self-transformation? How can I integrate something in my life?

Leo – The Tree of the Universe and the Cosmic Teaching Principle
17 April 2015, pencils and photo work

Daily in the morning, after some asanas and before meditation, I have been working with certain visualisations to relate to some of the cosmic dimensions and impregnate / align myself.

So, the last weeks, I chose the topic of the 12 Adityas for the Lunar Messenger Leo, which is related to the Sun on the different planes of creation.

I worked on what the Master had said about “Aditya”, collecting all the relevant mentions of the 12 Adityas from transcriptions and books – a big text collection, grouped it, pondered on it to bring the essence down to my understanding and, in text form, to the size of the Lunar Messenger. This helped me very much to gain more clarity.

I was thrilled feeling a cosmic dimension of astrology and of the sources of the zodiac developing like an inkling beyond the mind’s horizon.

I integrated the 12 Adityas into my daily visualisations. It helps me to open a door to a deeper understanding, growing slowly like a flower. And maybe also giving a little deeper understanding of Sri Kumar’s teachings of the last 12 months.

So, may this Lunar Messenger Leo, which has just come out today, be of some help for others as well.

Aries – Permeation
See the video:
12 December 2016, pencils and photo work

Telegram Channel: Wisdom Buds for Friends of WTT

Thursday, August 4th, 2022

Like a flower needs time before sprouting, the idea was already “in the air” for some time but it got concrete during the last week: today, there is the launch of the new Telegram channel ‘Wisdom Buds for Friends of WTT‘.

We chose this date, because today, on August 4th, we commemorate the birthday of Master CVV (1868-1922), who anchored the Aquarian energy on our planet. As per Indian counting, this year is his 155th birthday; as per Western counting we now celebrate his 154th birthday.
Many times, I blogged about him, and this time in the context of the launch of the Wisdom Buds channel, because it is inspired by the energy of synthesis which Master CVV brought in. Preparing the launch together with two friends and with an Aquarian spirit of cooperation has been an inspiring experience.

The purpose of Wisdom Buds is to create a platform for sharing ideas and thoughts inspired by the wisdom teachings of the World Teacher Trust with friends of WTT. It is not a chat – only admins can post. And the team takes charge that the spirit of Wisdom Buds is kept alive.

There is an English and a German branch of the Wisdom Buds channel so far:

Would like to know more? Join the team of admins/contributors? – here it goes.

Wisdom Buds is part of the Friends of WTT network. It’s symbol is the conch: