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Covid-19 – my Experience with Vaccination, Part 2

Friday, May 21st, 2021

Last Wednesday, 19 May, I took my second anti-covid19 vaccination – there is a blog-post about my first vaccination on 21 April and about the antecedents.
When I now came again to the vaccination centre at the university clinic of Berne, the queue at the entrance was longer but I had good luck: inside the tent with a corridor and a number of cabins, a patient just left and I was immediately called in. The doctor asked some questions about how I had digested the first shot – a little nausea in the evening, feeling groggy the first two days, on the third day like having a veil inside the head with some difficulties to concentrate, but from the fourth day on it was OK.

I didn’t tell what I further had observed: During meditation and on more subtle planes, there was a feeling of fog, which took more time to dissolve. After a few days I thought, everything is OK again and that the body had well digested the vaccination. There was an undercurrent of nervosity which I didn’t link to the post-vaccination reactions of the body / subtle bodies. I thought it was because of the ongoing work load and the general rush of events, which is high, though outwardly I’m living quite secluded.

Eight days ago, I contacted a couple who are friends, and especially she clairsentient, asking what might be the reason for the ongoing tenseness, if I had caught some disturbing elementals. They said that there is nothing in my aura but that they observed in my system some ongoing effects from the vaccination, a kind of subtle fissures. They did some energetic work and asked if I now felt better, and I said that yes.

Last weekend, I mentioned this observation to an American friend. He told me that his wife is a naturopath and has a number of patients having various after-effects of vaccination. We spoke about the impact the vaccinations have, but also the need to take them, in view of the much stronger impacts coming in through Covid 19 and especially its newer variants.

This was at the backside of my mind when I sat down for getting the second vaccination – it took just a few seconds. Then I received the vaccination certificate and my yellow international vaccination document with the stamps – the momentary “ticket” for travelling abroad, until the Swiss authorities, in coordination with the EU, will give out a “vaccination passport”… They told me I could immediately leave again the centre, since there was no allergic reaction the first time. And so I went out. Rain started dripping and then pouring down while bicycling back home.

In the afternoon I felt OK but the next day there was like a dense grey veil in my head. I felt disarranged, rattled. In the afternoon a friend came and brought me homoeopathic vaccination support with three little bottles of globules from a naturopathic pharmacy. The set contained Sulphur D12 to be taken one day before vaccination, Ledum C 30 for painful injection sites and Thuja C 30 for one day after injection. I took the Thuja. My friend also gave a dose of each for my wife who didn’t yet have the vaccinations and left.

When afterwards I went for a walk in a nearby forest, I was so dizzy that I thought I would not be fit to drive a car. After the evening meditation it got better – maybe it was because of the homeopathy.
Today it is better, but there is still a basic tension. The body is still working to adjust.

An update: A friend asked how I am doing now – I am very fine, meditations clear, the system stable. As per my perception, everything is OK, also in the subtle realms. The debris of the vaccination substance out of the body, the necessary anti-reaction of the body well digested.
I spoke with friends who are sensitive people and had taken one or two vaccinations without feeling anything. They told me of group members with normally a good sense of discrimination believing that the soul escapes from the body through the injection point…
As per my experience, THAT I AM (the Soul) is permeating everything and, though sometimes my perception being clouded THAT is always there, continuously.
Another friend told me, “so even if your spiritual protection prevents your problems, it’s not the case of the others…” seeing blood share from the vaccinated ones and the coming children from vaccinated people polluting the global DNA…
I am not going to try clarifying views of “many mediums and healers … checking for real the disconnection of their vaccinated clients when they meet them.” I am reminded of the wisdom stories about the effects of maya (the misperception of reality) on believing the unreal to be real – only when awakening the reality of the dream dissolves. Discussion about it does not help. But wakeful observation is needed. Some of my friends had intense reactions with the second vaccination, others do not want to get vaccinated. It remains a choice with imponderabilities in each direction.

A crystal near my desk as a visualisation of the injection

Hornets’ Nest of Covid-19 Opinions and my Experience with Vaccination

Saturday, May 1st, 2021

I took the first anti-covid19 vaccination 10 days ago. I first wanted to wait with blogging about my experience until I had the second vaccination in mid-May (see the blog-post here). But yesterday, Sri Kumar gave a text asking to inform this to all groups:
“As regards vaccination: Guidance is sought if we should take the vaccination. Two versions are emerging. One is Yes. The other is No. My view is, it is safer to vaccinate than to stay without. Eliminate Fear and Doubt from mind. Follow the Gov.tal direction of the land. It does not affect the spiritual progress. Master DK also expressed this view during the last pandemic.”

I decided taking the vaccination before and I now decided to write this blog-post, because having sent out the message, I then received mails of members confused or opposing the statement…

Extract of the “map” of the University Clinic of Berne “Insel” (island) – at the top the “Institute for Infectuous Diseases”

For the last year I tried to remain an observer as per the whirlpool of information and opinions about what to do with the Covid-19 pandemic. People sent me their thoughts and partly urged me to forward “important info”. I listened and read but didn’t act – and I didn’t add my opinions. I felt like in a hornets’ nest.

All my life, I was a sceptic as per vaccinations, never taking any since after childhood days – until recently. I witnessed a slow change in my attitude. The many pieces of mere information and opinions didn’t really influence me, but exchanges with friends did and the first cases of corona in my close surroundings as well as deaths of near ones of friends due to corona. (For those understanding German, there is an interesting – a bit lengthy – article on “Anthromedics” about questions around Covid19 vaccinations by leading anthroposophical doctors from Germany and Switzerland; see the section: The Process of Vaccination Decision) – the anthroposophists are not known for being vaccination-friendly but here they strongly recommend this vaccination in view of all the more serious short and long term damages done by the virus and its variants.)

Queue in front of the vaccination centre tent

In January, I had a Skype call with my cousin, a doctor of biology, saying “Of course, I will get myself vaccinated. And of course, it is clear for me as a biologist that every vaccination has side-effects if it is to be effective. The healthy child of close friends became wheelchair dependent since 50 years now and I saw other cases of vaccination injuries. But it is a matter of benefit-risk assessment, and the impact of covid-19 on health in short and long-term perspective is a much more serious toll. And for a biologist it is clear that the more aggressive versions of the virus will quickly outrun the softer ones and further escalate the matter.”

Beginning of December 20, a friend gave me the text of an e-mail she was going to send to Master Kumar expressing her concern about vaccination impact, saying that many doctors are fighting against the big lies and manipulations of those who want to impose the vaccine on us. “It has not been checked enough, but they are in a hurry to implant it. This vaccine has terrible side effects in the body, it causes genetic bad changes and disorders in the cells of the body… and will kill great parts of the population.” And she asked what attitude we should have towards the vaccination. He just answered “Just take the vaccine and get out of all fuss”.

Entrance into the vaccination centre tent

She felt bad that she had asked but I replied: “You submitted the concern on the basis of the virus discussion going on esp. in the naturopathic / alternative circles. He is looking from a higher perspective. I would have been astonished if he gave another answer and put members into a conflict who want to obey the vaccination, or put them even against legal regulations in their countries. (He also argued against all criticism against the mobiles and radiation, though many scientists warn.) I am sure that by law-abiding, even if it is human law, the karma is not yours but that of the greater whole. Instead, if you go by other considerations – though they seem very right from the plane of mental understanding – it is from this plane only and might not be in accordance with the higher plane. I will wait as per the general development and, in case, take the vaccination, focused on the Plan of the Soul.” These thoughts further germinated in me.

In February, I took the decision to get myself vaccinated – not for my personal safety but because of perceiving the health, social and economic impacts of the pandemic. The impact is a collective matter / karma and I didn’t want to stay aloof but do the related experience through vaccination. On 21 April I could take the first dose in the vaccination centre of the university clinic of Berne (no choice between the variants, I got Pfizer/Biontech). In the afternoon and the following day, I felt groggy, for short moments also nauseous. On the second day especially, I felt like having inwardly a grey veil over my awareness and I had difficulties to concentrate and work with complex mental matters. The meditations were hazy. But since the third day, I felt stable again and didn’t witness any disturbing influences. This is now over a week back. I will take the second vaccination on 19 May.

Information posters in the entrance area

As a reaction on the information of Sri Kumar, a friend this morning sent me some lines writing: “Good mediums of mine and other great people see that this injection stuff is made to disconnect somehow the person from its soul source. And we are going to see the results quite soon. Really, with all my respect, Master KPK is is not seeing clearly the deal and treat us as sheep when it comes to follow governments that are not for their people! Anyway, free will is at play here!” (It made me think of the urgent warnings in books about not to do any lumbar punctures so as not to disconnect from the soul and lose the memories of the past. I needed to get a lumbar puncture when in hospital with a brain bleeding 2.5 years ago. And I recovered perfectly well.)

I forwarded these and other remarks to Sri Kumar, and he replied: “It’s a suggestion, not a direction. Free Will prevails at all times. I do not prepare sheep. But there [are] sheep too. Every member can decide by himself or herself in all matters.”

I am now beyond the sphere of whether or not – I am willing to stand related personal consequences, as part of my path, of the Path of Experience. And I will continue to collect thrown-away hygiene masks in forests, meadows, or along the roadside to put them into the waste bins during my daily walks.

Digitizing “The Yoga of Patanjali”

Friday, February 26th, 2021

End of January Benjamin, a friend of mine, sent me a scanned version of a booklet of Master EK (Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) which is no more available in print, at least in the West: “Triangles. An Esoteric Approach”. It is a nice booklet; I had read it about 20 years ago.

I told Benjamin that before putting it online on the WTT website, I would like to speak to Kulapathi Editions, the Indian publisher of Master EK’s books. So I had a hearty Zoom talk with Raju, who takes care of the publications. He agreed that we might organise scans of Master EK’s books which are not digitally available and do as-is reproductions of the print version. And we said that M. EK’s “The Yoga of Patanjali” would be a good starting point, since it also contains the yoga sutras in Sanskrit.

I only had my private copy left; so I sent it to Benjamin. It wasn’t in a good condition. I scanned the cover, cleaned the artefacts and shared it with Benjamin.

Last Sunday we met in an online meeting. There was some noise and someone of the group asked, “Hey, Benjamin, what are you doing?” He replied, “Cutting the Yoga of Patanjali book.” Then he switched his camera on and showed the cover and the pages of the book – apart.

Last Monday, he sent the scanned version, writing:

I did a deep digitizing test with the EK book “The Yoga of Patanjali”. The original book came in a bad quality, but it was the last exemplar you could find. So better than none and a perfect test object for getting a good quality also with heavily used material.
The goal was to find an automated process with a minimum of manual (time intensive) operations and most important: a high quality result.
As predicted the scan without OCR produced huge files much bigger than 100 MB. With Ghostscript compressing techniques I got a 14MB PDF with a nice cover.
I wrote down the complete process for imitation by others. Feel free to distribute the attached PDFs.

Since Benjamin always does things very carefully, he wrote a step-by-step guide to scanning the books. He mainly works on Linux systems, he used free software for the entire process – And the book was very well done; he had cleaned all pages automatically.

So I uploaded the PDFs of the two books – here is the one on Triangles – An Esoteric Approach, and here The Yoga of Patanjali. Profound food for thought. Let me know in case you want to scan another book as proposed – I might send you a copy.

Last Tuesday, I received a parcel from São Paulo, Brazil. It contained several books of Master EK, including a paper version of “The Yoga of Patanjali”. Six years ago, I had sent the books to a friend. She told me she no longer needed them and thus returned them, saying “Certainly someone will be interested”. An incredible coincidence.

Living with the Wisdom Teachings – correspondence part 8: Dealing with Psychic Pressure

Sunday, January 17th, 2021

End of October, my young Indian friend wrote about unpleasant experiences at night. The illustrations are from a walk last weekend along the Aare river and in the municipality where I am living – not related to the content.

“These past days have been very suffocating because of my night problems and despite sleeping with camphor next to me (as Master KPK suggested) I still feel, sense and see a lot of unsettling things at night and the lack of sleep is taking a toll on my body. So maybe Masters are allowing this to happen so that I can learn something from it? I remember you telling me twice that there is a psychic pressure in our planet at the moment and a couple of friends ( who are on a spiritual path but not in Master’s tradition and are much older than me) messaged me to find out if I feel what they feel. They also have been experiencing panic attacks, depression, losing control over the body, not being able to work etc since last week.  I don’t even feel like meditating – even healing energies feel like too much at the moment if you know what I mean. All this isn’t to complain, I just feel better when I let you know and you tell me it’s going to be fine.”

My answer: “I well know the experiences you mention, I had such night experiences – especially at the threshold of sleep when you would like to pass over, there the inner doors are also sometimes / with some people more open for unwanted entities / energies trying to come in.

Camphor is good for purifying the ambiance, the muscles, rheumatism… but not with sleep problems / relaxation.

Yes, Masters allow the suffering but also as a pressure/ kick to learn, as you wrote.

Please consider getting Valerian as tincture or as tablets. It has a very good effect on calming the nerves. I take it whenever I have problems to fall asleep (normally I very quickly fall asleep but then, when there has been much pressure during the previous day, wake up after 1-2 hs and don’t get back.) As I wrote previously, it is also very good from a spiritual viewpoint to strengthen the nerves in times of pressure. This is what I recommend you most – don’t take much, it is good with hot milk.

And, as said, honey, very much recommended also by the Master – if possible pure one – helps to calm down.

Be aware that living in or near a city with many people and their vibrations is seen as burdening – and that is why the Masters prefer to stay in high mountain areas. However, we are where we are as our training grounds. See that you get enough pure, fresh food and walk, if possible in nature / a park, when it is safe for you there.

Yes, when there is too much tension around it is a natural “brake” to keep you off from subtle experiences. If you know a good homeopath, please ask for something strengthening your system. As you probably know, also disbalance in minerals /vitamins can cause disturbances in sleep.

When it is getting very tense, I might ask, with your permission, xxx to do some energetic work. …
May you be well!”

Living with the Wisdom Teachings – correspondence part 7: Microdosing Drugs and Inner Guidance

Sunday, December 13th, 2020

At one point, the correspondence with my young Indian friend touched the question of ethical issues in microdosing psycho-drugs, esp. Psilocybin. The illustrations are from a walk along the Aare river in the municipality where I am living – not related to the content.

My friend wrote: “I don’t remember if I told you this previously but I started researching on microdosing of Psilocybin to see if it can be used to treat psychological problems like postpartum. It’s a very exciting study and with a lot of luck I’ll probably be able to do a clinical trial to study its performance. Please let me know if you sense any ethical issues with the aim of this study.”

My answer: “As per Psilocybin / ‘Magic Mushrooms’: Microdosing might be an interesting field of research. Here in Switzerland a psychiatrist team officially got permission to experiment with microdosing LSD. (I had done self-experiments with LSD, about 10 trips in 1973-74, before starting meditation; for 3 years at that time, I also smoked a lot of hash – I felt attracted to the Hippie movement and ‘expansion of consciousness’.)
It is difficult to understand the long-term impacts. Depression seems to be a problem related to missing soul contact. I do not clearly know about the subtle effects of psycho-drugs but it seems that they have effects of tearing apart subtle etheric veils.

The brain is the instrument for the soul to incarnate through, built by the Lords of Form (Lunar Pitris), and it took very long to develop the right forms for the souls to enter. When these forms are somehow affected, the expression cannot be stable or is seriously hampered.
If microdosing helps to remove blockages must be studied in such experiments – ask for inner guidance the inner team of healers as per such experiments.
I know from the trance work of my wife that she had success to a certain degree with treating depression – in the process, she is ‘taking the place of the soul’, triggering the soul contact of the patient who is not able to hold it him/herself); but in serious cases it needs treatment with psychopharmaka. It is certainly worthwhile researching if psilocybin opens new vistas.
So I don’t see ethical issues as such but try to stay in inner contact with the processes initiated.”

She answered: “For a while, I had the feeling of the presence of an inner guide. It was not the / a Master, maybe an elder helper. In the Tibetan’s books it is described that elder disciples help the younger ones from inside; this reminds me of a message Master KPK sent us recently. He said that seniors help juniors. The way your wife has a team of inner doctors helping, I hope I’ll get a team of pharmacologists, clinical researchers, statisticians and neurologists to help me advance my research on psychedelics.
I was repeatedly thinking of this ‘joke’ in my mind and then a thought came out of nowhere. It said, ‘Wisdom wasn’t given to Madam HPB for free. She had to take a very tough training before becoming capable of receiving all that wisdom’.
This thought felt like a gentle slap in my face. I understood that I should first be worthy of guidance to receive it and this totally makes sense.”

Living with the Wisdom Teachings – correspondence part 6: About Prophecies

Tuesday, November 17th, 2020

In the correspondence with my young Indian friend we spoke about the demise of Sri Kumar’s wife during his stay in hospital in April (I did not blog about it) and she asked: “Will another Master in human form guide us after him”?

I replied: “Hierarchy is always guiding the earnest seekers. Master Kumar and the Tibetan Master said that there will be a new phase of the work of Hierarchy starting in 2025. There was a first phase of externalisation of the work beginning with H.P. Blavatsky, then a second phase with Alice A. Bailey / The Tibetan Master. For about 50 years, roughly from 1975 to 2025, there are Master EK and Master KPK as major exponents of the third phase, and then, with the new revelation going on, we will see…. Now, we are preparing for the transition, in many ways.”

She answered: “You are right about the revelation of a new phase in 2025. Even exoteric astrologers are predicting some majors paradigm shifts after 2024. I am very excited to see what will happen.”

My reply: “Over the last decades, there were often speculations / prognoses about great paradigm shifts – they came but not necessarily like expected, like 2012. Before, I “survived” several announced global catastrophes – but as the Masters say, we don’t know what Hierarchy does to prevent most of these.

But for 2025 and beyond, I feel an intense global boiling point rising, also in the more silent spheres of consciousness awakening. The last 50 years, which I consciously witnessed, were already a great speed-up. Here, vegetarianism and veganism have become part of mainstream trends – in the 70s people in my family thought us crazy and neglecting health when my friends and I started with vegetarian diet experiments, leaving away all meat and more.

As per expectations of catastrophes, I mentioned my 2008 blog-post about “Dealing with Prophesies” and wrote that I have survived a number of announced global catastrophes (she asked for a list – I don’t give it here…).

I don’t deride it. Hollywood has visualised many such scenarios…
It says that Spiritual Hierarchy is working hard to divert impending dangers and many seeds of disasters have been eliminated on the subtle and causal planes so that they did not manifest on the physical plane. And we, ignorantly, feel safe, happily playing our lives without any thought of what has been around.

At the same time (at the moment of writing) the protests of “Fridays for Future” are going on, with “Extinction Rebellion” or youth protests warning of global warming and flooding coastal countries and causing desertification.

I keep things which I cannot understand in my ‘inner broom closet’, trying not to judge but also not to close my eyes.

This post is again illustrated by photos from the excursion to the Creux du Van near Neuchâtel – not related to the content – showing groups of beech trees standing closely together like families and looking like one tree.

Personality Integration and Inner Training

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

Four weeks ago, I wrote a blog-post about the correspondence with a young Indian friend. The intense exchange on various topics of spiritual and everyday life went on, and she encouraged me to share about it in the blog: “You send me a lot of amazing information each time and I am starting to think that making our correspondences available on your blog could help other seekers. Please share your view on this. I know we both are overburdened with work at the moment ….” indeed, and so I could not immediately pick up the idea.
But I now grouped the topics of our exchange and will share parts of it now and in some future posts. The illustrations I use are from an excursion to the Lake Neuchâtel and (later) the Creux du Van near Neuchâtel – not related to the content.

As per the blog-post she replied:

“Thanks for making our exchange into a blog post. I see that a lot of youngsters these days are going through such crises and this post could help someone feel normal. I really like the part where you say it is personality integration and not spiritual progress. While I don’t entirely understand what a personality integration means, I have seen a handful of people misunderstanding this state as Vairagya or enlightenment or something else that sounds fancier. It never made sense to me because how can I think I am enlightened when I am unhappy and anxious? Losing interest in worldly things is probably just the beginning.”

My answer: “Personality integration sounds like a technical term but it is maybe the most important thing on the spiritual path, at least until higher initiations. It means orienting / transforming one’s life to be an expression of one’s soul, or better oneSelf, and not of one’s personality, the lower self. Please see here.
It very much has to do with finding a stable orientation in life, arranging one’s rhythms, activities – the everyday life, at home, in study/profession, in social relations…. in a way that the orientation to the soul becomes prime priority without neglecting the other needs. It should be so normal and decent that others might not perceive at all anything of your orientation, except maybe the very close ones. Master CVV calls it as ‘normal temperament’, being normal and not abnormal like most people who follow other things that the inner self, the inner Master.
In a way this means vairagya, orienting away from false values to the values of the soul. It needs no propagating as being spiritual or searching for anything.
Very rightly you wrote: ‘It never made sense to me because how can I think I am enlightened when I am unhappy and anxious? Losing interest in worldly things is probably just the beginning.’
This losing interest has to do, not with losing but with slowly finding the contact with the inner self. Master CVV speaks of giving 200 percent life, inside and outside, enjoying both, not one on the cost of the other, but living in a moderate way.”

Reply: “I understand personality integration better now and yes, this is exactly what I am going through. Being born into a Telugu Brahmin family I grew up with a lot of conditioning and suffered a lot because of the friction between my true self and my upbringing. At the beginning of my crisis my entire “value system”, which made me feel bad about myself fell apart and it was hard to accept who I really am without all these labels.
I started trying to get into a rhythm and like you said there were many challenges coming my way. First two days I managed to stick to my plans. Then I got a flu and was not able to work. There were many irritations and psychological disturbances each time….”

My answer: “Indeed, what you are experiencing is exactly what personality integration means – a lot of friction (this level is also called “fire by friction” in the books of the Tibetan Master & Master KPK’s teachings). You experience the same as I went through, having grown up in a very religious catholic family, where my parents wanted me to become a priest… – but that was not my plan, the plan of my soul. So I revolted against – and went through years of turbulences / intense search. It need not be like this but what you are experiencing is the work of the Master’s energy.
Master CVV was very unorthodox in his way of life and is in his means of training – it comes from inside, so your experiences are fine.
And it’s the best to ‘make friends with the personality’, as Master KPK says – not trying to change anything by pressure but with humour, continuous orientation to the soul and when something did not work, just see what is possible next time.
Yes, flu etc. are also means to ‘keep you cooking’…

Going the Path – a Correspondence

Thursday, August 20th, 2020

I would like to share with you some extracts from a correspondence with a young seeker, a little adapted for publishing. There have been various e-mails before.
Answering to a remark that she had gone through a severe crisis on her path I wrote that I also went through longer crises deeply shaking me.

She answered, “It’s hard for me to imagine that you went through such a turbulence because now you look like the most serene person I’ve ever seen. … It gives me hope for my future.”

I told her a bit about some turbulences at the beginning of my meditation time, linking to a blog-post about how I started meditating.

She: “Your blog is really cool. I want to share it with my friends because you give an interesting perspective on TM and the hippie movement. The post you shared just shows how important it is to find a Sadhguru who has only our best interests in mind. …”

Me: “Although it seems that ‘we find’ with good luck an accomplished teacher, it is always the teacher who, for a long time, over several lives, observes a student and then slowly guides him to come closer – first to other students of the “ashram” (group of disciples, not a physical structure) and, when someone might start to be useful in the work, also a physical contact. It says that the student cannot recognise the teacher, only slowly coming to understand – it is the teacher who sees the student.
Hierarchy decided a century ago to do group teachings now because many – though it might seem to be few – approach discipleship and are no more dealt with on a personal, one-to-on basis. It is learning, practising and working together in groups, as a group. So it is up to us to prepare ourselves. You will face challenges…”

She: “You are right about my struggle to put things in order. I have absolutely no energy to do anything other than meditating or writing since January this year. I don’t even have the interest to do other things for now. My parents find this very strange and pressurize me sometimes to be ‘normal’. May be I will get better after going to university.”

Me: “I very well understand your having absolutely no energy to do anything other than meditating or writing… I experienced the same in the 70s / early 80s. No real interest in study or profession… It seems to be a kind of crisis of soul orientation. It is not a sign of spiritual progress but of personality integration. Your parents pressurizing you to be ‘normal’ is also no solution in this. When my parents told me this way, it never was of help, just causing me sometimes to feel bad.
Going to university is also not as per such a real solution – when you are yearning for the soul, it is the thirst of your soul – and this cannot be suppressed by directing it elsewhere. But study might help because, what we need to acquire on the spiritual path is a stable stand in the triangle of meditation – study – service. Meditation: going inward, Study: not an outer filling of the mind with information stuff but understanding the subtle realities, therefore reading spiritual teachings. Service: being of help for the surrounding life, not living for oneself.
This means: You need skills to survive in life and to be useful for service. If you do not acquire, you get stuck on your spiritual path. Saturn will block you as long as you haven’t got this lesson.”

She: “I know you advised me not to teach or promote anything till I became very stable in Master’s yoga and I agree with you but in June this year, I felt a very strong urge to write a simplified essay on planets incorporating teachings of Master EK and Master KPK. The intention was to help millenials with a short attention span understand these concepts.”

Me: “If you feel inwardly that you would like to share the text with friends, you have the OK from your soul, your inner Master. It is good to help millenials with teaching – be prepared that when you start you will need to continue, through years, maybe life-long. Don’t take it up just for writing a momentary article and then put off again – this is just a fancy. If you are ready to keep up – no need to know for how long but willing to do one step after the other, then do it.”

Raising Awareness for Wisdom Issues in the Younger Generation

Sunday, July 5th, 2020

Were it strange coincidences that I came across the topic of raising awareness for wisdom issues in the younger generation in apparently unrelated situations during the last week?

The topic is already longer in my mind since long but mostly in a dormant state. In a talk with Sri Kumar four weeks ago he gave some proposals concerning youth involvement which I carry in me in a germinal state since then.

Constructing dwarf homes in the forest

Ten days ago, a group of younger people contacted me. They are developing a communication project to reach people who are not in new age groups and they wanted to share their plans with me, and so we had a Zoom meeting last Wednesday. I felt thrilled by their enthusiasm and I decided to accompany them in their project.

Last Friday, I was informed that the website of the youth forum Mithila will be closed on Saturday – inspired by a proposal of Sri Kumar it started 16 years ago and was first intended for a Jupiter cycle of 12 years. And so, it yesterday came to a close.

“Mithila” is the name of the ancientmost school of Wisdom and of wisdom education for the young generation. There are various groups giving Mithila classes and even Mithila schools in India for children from slum areas.

And there is a group in Venezuela especially dedicated to Mithila education who had a comprehensive website on wisdom teachings which, in a series of great challenges, had to be closed some years ago, and I supported an initiative to bring it back to life. Some days ago, I received a call for help due to another new difficult situation, and so I tried to initiate a group of members to support. The project is very dear to me, and there is much goodwill of the members behind.

I thought, one impulse dissolving, another coming up, others continuing and transforming.

About 15-18 years ago, we had a small Mithila group in our town. I was teaching the two boys of a friend and also our two boys basics of living ethics. My wife gave yoga classes to youngsters and we tried to lay a foundation for right living in a time with lot of counter-currents.

Over the years, I had tried to accompany a few young friends through the times of growing up and early adulthood. I felt they are carrying seeds for the future – but it needs much time and crises for growth. Flowers need time to develop.

Constructing dwarf homes in the forest

Also my youngsters have become adults going their ways into life. The contents of what we tried to teach them has transformed into character and attitudes but not the contents – it is part of the transformation of life.

Solstice Celebration Experience

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

A group of seven members yesterday met in and around the Paracelsus Centre of WTT near Einsiedeln, Switzerland to celebrate summer solstice. We were coming from different parts of Switzerland and from Austria.

The preparations were special, different from previous celebrations. Until few days ago, the borders between the central European countries were still locked due to Pandemia measures. In the last days and weeks, the regulations were slowly reverted again with certain caution prescriptions recommended. Besides, members of WTT-Global, Switzerland, were committed to organising international Solstice meditations & celebrations via Zoom, and some, who first thought of participating, decided to stay with the virtual meetings. Around the physical location of Paracelsus Centre, there is an area with no or very little internet connection. We wanted to meet again physically. The weather was quite rainy the days before, and also the day of Solstice started with rain in Austria. In the Swiss area, and also around Einsiedeln however, good weather was announced. And it was more than beautiful.

Around 9 am, we met at the top of the Etzel pass near the Paracelsus Centre, starting our walk to a fire place at the mountain ridge – on the one side you see the Lake of Zurich, on the other the area of Einsiedeln, an old place of pilgrimage, and the surrounding mountain areas. I conducted a fire ritual there. Flowers and fruits as “prasad” were lying in the grass. A sublime ambiance spread around. During the ritual, there were no hikers or bikers coming along the nearby trail, and while the group sang the Maitreya song, a group of hikers waited at a nearby panorama place. After the closed of the ritual, hikers and bikers started coming again.

Sabine had brought a small cooker with freshly cooked rice deliciously spiced “Indian style”. After the picnic breakfast we read for a while a text from the Summer Solstice seminar of Sri Kumar in Germany, 2008 – profound thoughts on the energy and importance of Summer Solstice. We closed there with the Global Prayer for Peace and then walked back. In the meanwhile, the place where our cars had been parked was crowded – many people wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature there. And we wanted to descend to the Paracelsus Centre….

At the centre, we improvised a small altar and started with the noon meditation, intonating 21 times OM. Towards the end, the thought came, that it was just 21 years ago that the Paracelsus Centre started. And so we began to exchange about what we remembered and what we had experienced – how in 1993, Master Kumar read in a Swissair inflight magazine about the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Paracelsus being in Einsiedeln, how, together with Jesús and Tiziana, he walked from Einsiedeln to the birthplace of Paracelsus near the old bridge at the Sihl river and had a vision of an eagle there, a symbol of the Master. How, in 1999, during the May Call celebration on Mount Rigi, the German group proposed to Master Kumar an excursion to the birthplace, where Sabine had participated. How there, the idea of a centre there emerged. How a few days later, it came to be known that a small apartment had just become free in the house at the birthplace and how it was rent. How later that year, there was a group life in Einsiedeln with Master Kumar about Paracelsus, where the centre was inaugurated. How then later, for some years, the centre was established and after a few years again dissolved in Einsiedeln but the Paracelsus centre remained. How the members of WTT-Global supported the project and met on certain occasions there. How inner and outer transformations took place with all members involved. A very profound exchange.

While the three members from Lucerne area had to leave again, we four members stayed. Improvised lunch, a little walk over the meadow to the luxuriant vegetation at the Sihl river, evening meditation and further exchanges. It was already late when we set out for the return journey.

There was an incredible golden light colouring the Sihl lake and the mountains in the background. We stopped at a small parking to take some pictures. Two camper-vans were standing there and three young men just had finished their dinner. A conversation started: They had come from different areas of Switzerland to enjoy nature there, looking for a place to pass the night. We told them about the Sihl river and the mountain ridge. They told us about their experiencing of nature – one of them has started guiding people into nature for “Waldbaden” (forest bathing), Shinrin-Yoku, experiencing the subtle qualities of nature in forests. It seems to be a hype at the moment – I saw many activities in Switzerland on the web. Very nice to spread an awareness of such experiences.

When driving back through the golden dusk and the night, I thought of nature’s movement entering now into the period of six months, until winter solstice, of night, inner and outer darkness. In this time, it is easy to lose oneself in the outer matter, and it is more important to keep the contact with the higher Self.