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Aquarian Salon 2 – the Rehearsal

Yesterday, we met with the team of supporters of the Aquarian Salon for a rehearsal – exchanging about the experiences with the first Salon, about little changes and the tasks of the different team members.

The program

As already announced, the second Aquarian Salon will be on Saturday, August 19th, 2023. We will meet again at 07 pm, CEST (UTC +2) / 12 pm, CST (UTC -5). See here for more info (PDF).

Discussing the presentation formats

For the warm-up before the meeting, we will open the Zoom channel about 15 minutes before the start. While the participants will slowly come in, Frank will play some guitar pieces and Lauren will show the program and also give a preview of the paintings that we will discuss later during the Salon.

Preview of the paintings for discussion

The structure of the meeting will remain largely the same, as you can see in the program. We will again have an interactive exchange with the participants, moderated by Risa, and she will also give an introduction. The images are a selection from my Images of Synthesis paintings.


Towards the end of the rehearsal, after the content and the technical issues were discussed, we had a very lively exchange about some future initiatives beyond the range of the Aquarian Salon. A group collaboration around a joint task creates possibilities of developing ideas. The group of supporters of the Aquarian Salon is indeed a beautiful vessel for this. And the next Aquarian Salon promises to be again very inspiring.

The Prayer for Group Coherence used at the meetings

2 Responses to “Aquarian Salon 2 – the Rehearsal”

  1. Jesús y Evelia Says:

    Siempre sorprenden con la belleza, el color y el amor puesto para cada trabajo
    Bendiciones a todo el grupo
    Jesús y Evelia
    Buenos Aires

  2. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Queridos Jesús y Evelia
    Gracias por sus amables comentarios. También bendiciones para ustedes

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