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24 Years Newsletters, 14 Leo Paintings

The first newsletter came out for Leo Full moon 2000. It was called “Full Moon Round-Letters”, as a direct translation from the German word “Rundbrief” – I thought, it is not “news” but about eternal wisdom, so I didn’t want to call it “news-letter”…

The idea for this newsletter was given by Master Kumar, when my wife and I met him in the home of friends in Zurich in June 2000. Following a suggestion of the Master, the newsletter was called “The Lunar Messenger” from Leo 2004 on.

The topics expanded from spiritual astrology to general spiritual topics. “The Lunar Messenger” became the monthly synthesis of various aspects of the wisdom teachings, while the newsletter contained other messages related to the teachings, like book presentations or, from 2010 on, the Pictures of the Month. And the pictures are given with an extract of the wisdom teachings on the website of the Circle of Good Will, while they are given with a detailed explanation of the image and the symbolisms on the website

We are now in the 14th cycle of the monthly paintings giving facets of the symbolism of spiritual astrology. And with Leo, we are starting the 24th annual cycle of the newsletters of the Circle of Good Will.

Leo is experienced with the golden light in the heart center, the light of Buddhi. When our heart lotus is blossoming, we can ascend and reach from there the head center with the electric radiant light in the Ajna. It is not a technical matter but it requires inner work and outer acts of good will. For this, we receive support and inspiration from the teacher and the wisdom teachings.

The Images of Synthesis give short extracts from the wisdom teachings. And the 14 images for the month of Leo illustrate the related astrological symbolisms with detailed explanations in four languages (en/de/es/fr). You can also download print-versions for free. Or you subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter giving thoughts for putting wisdom into practice – the only way for character transformation.

Leo – The Mother on the Lion
27 June 2010, pencils, crayons and photo work
Leo – The Mother with the Lion
11 June 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work
Leo – the Three Planes of the Sun
22 April 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work
Leo – The Entrance
17 March 2013, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Sun Centre in the Heart
09 April 2014, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Tree of the Universe and the Cosmic Teaching Principle
17 April 2015, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Path to the Super Soul
15 April 2016, pencils and photo work
Leo – Hercules Conquering the Inner Lion
20 April 2017, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Gateway of the Sun Centre
17 April 2018, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Pulsating Heart of the Lion
12 April 2019, pencils and photo work
Leo – Group Consciousness. Common Purpose
18 April 2020, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Man-Lion. Opening the Heart Centre
23 April 2021, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Jewel in the Lotus
8 Mai 2022, pencils and photo work
Leo – The Mystery of the Dog-Star
3 May 2023, pencils and photo work

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