Living with the Wisdom Teachings – correspondence part 8: Dealing with Psychic Pressure
End of October, my young Indian friend wrote about unpleasant experiences at night. The illustrations are from a walk last weekend along the Aare river and in the municipality where I am living – not related to the content.
“These past days have been very suffocating because of my night problems and despite sleeping with camphor next to me (as Master KPK suggested) I still feel, sense and see a lot of unsettling things at night and the lack of sleep is taking a toll on my body. So maybe Masters are allowing this to happen so that I can learn something from it? I remember you telling me twice that there is a psychic pressure in our planet at the moment and a couple of friends ( who are on a spiritual path but not in Master’s tradition and are much older than me) messaged me to find out if I feel what they feel. They also have been experiencing panic attacks, depression, losing control over the body, not being able to work etc since last week. I don’t even feel like meditating – even healing energies feel like too much at the moment if you know what I mean. All this isn’t to complain, I just feel better when I let you know and you tell me it’s going to be fine.”
My answer: “I well know the experiences you mention, I had such night experiences – especially at the threshold of sleep when you would like to pass over, there the inner doors are also sometimes / with some people more open for unwanted entities / energies trying to come in.
Camphor is good for purifying the ambiance, the muscles, rheumatism… but not with sleep problems / relaxation.
Yes, Masters allow the suffering but also as a pressure/ kick to learn, as you wrote.
Please consider getting Valerian as tincture or as tablets. It has a very good effect on calming the nerves. I take it whenever I have problems to fall asleep (normally I very quickly fall asleep but then, when there has been much pressure during the previous day, wake up after 1-2 hs and don’t get back.) As I wrote previously, it is also very good from a spiritual viewpoint to strengthen the nerves in times of pressure. This is what I recommend you most – don’t take much, it is good with hot milk.
And, as said, honey, very much recommended also by the Master – if possible pure one – helps to calm down.
Be aware that living in or near a city with many people and their vibrations is seen as burdening – and that is why the Masters prefer to stay in high mountain areas. However, we are where we are as our training grounds. See that you get enough pure, fresh food and walk, if possible in nature / a park, when it is safe for you there.
Yes, when there is too much tension around it is a natural “brake” to keep you off from subtle experiences. If you know a good homeopath, please ask for something strengthening your system. As you probably know, also disbalance in minerals /vitamins can cause disturbances in sleep.
When it is getting very tense, I might ask, with your permission, xxx to do some energetic work. …
May you be well!”