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Aquarius – The Spiral Hieroglyphs of Ages

The constellation Aquarius is called ‘The Man in the Heavens’. The Masters of Wisdom recognised him as the archetype of man and called him Manu. The Heavenly Man has descended into the forms of the many human beings. As Manu, he leads mankind to perfection in accordance with the spiral movement of evolution. Master EK describes this development as spirally moving hieroglyphs.

In Aquarius it is recommended to meditate upon the glittering body of the Heavenly Man and how the stars of the constellation emanate forth the light of spiritual realization. Within us, the light pours down through all centres from the point of Aquarius at the top of the forehead.

The picture shows the light streaming down from the head of the Heavenly Man. A spiral comes forth from his heart. The background of the picture shows the hieroglyphs of a piece of the Tabula Smaragdina (Emerald Tablet). In this text Hermes Trismegistos taught the relationship between man and the Heavenly Man with the words “As above, so below”.

The predominant colour of the painting is between deep blue and violet. It is described as the colour of Aquarius. The actual colour appears as colourless to the human eye, since the human eye cannot recognise this colour. At the upper left corner, you see the stars of the constellation Aquarius and on the right side the Aquarius glyph.

The symbolism of Aquarius is visualised in the eleven Aquarius paintings done between 2010 and 2020. For detailed detailed descriptions please see the website.

28 October 2020, pencils and photo work

One Response to “Aquarius – The Spiral Hieroglyphs of Ages”

  1. jesus y evelia Says:

    Gracias estimado Ludger,
    Como siempre, excelente material de sabiduría.
    Jesús y Evelia

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