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Launch of the Iguazu Universal Peace Center – IUPEACENTER

There is a most beautiful powerspot on earth at the border between Argentina and Brazil, the Iguazu Waterfalls, one of the biggest of the world. At the centre of the falls there is an ashram in the subtle spheres – and you can feel the radiation of this sublime center. I had the good luck of having been twice at this magnificent place, at seminars of Sri Kumar in 2001 and 2008.

good friend of mine, Omar Nahúm Sheikha, has now just launched the project of the “Iguazu Universal Peace Center” – IUPEACENTER. Its purpose it to consider Iguazu Waterfalls and their surrounding environment as a location for the individual and group reflection, prayer for, and meditation on Universal Peace. Its motto is: Consciousness, Peace, and Prosperity.

In the presentation of the project which has been done on 3 August 2012 it says:

“IUPEACENTER is a kind invitation and a loving call of conscience to let oneself become inspired, interpenetrated, magnetized, and stimulated by these supreme qualities being permanently present in the expression of Iguazu Waterfalls, so as to progress from ‘one’s passive admiration’ to ‘one’s active and constructive integration’ with this universal energy center, allowing Iguazu Waterfalls to elevate us and transform us positively, such as the water falling through them goes raised and subtilized from the liquid state to the gaseous in an explosion of Pulsation, Vibration, Sound, Magnetism, Balance, Order, Harmony, Beauty, Power, Abundance, Prosperity, Universality, and Synthesis….
What IUPEACENTER is not:
IUPEACENTER is no political, religious, institutional, ideological, commercial, tourist, or business initiative or project.”

And in his last mail Omar added the words: “May your heart pulsate in unison with IUPEACENTER.”

The symbol of IUPEACENTER is an electric violet dot around which there lies an equidistant circle in the same color. You can read more about this symbol and the idea of the IUPEACE project here in English or in Spanish.

If you like to have a virtual walk around the Iguazu Waterfalls, please see this fantastic  Panorama presentation.

The Iguazu Falls. The centre of the etheric ashram is around the rock in the middle of the picture.

4 Responses to “Launch of the Iguazu Universal Peace Center – IUPEACENTER”

  1. RAMAIAH Says:

    Wonderful place,I would like to go & stay for few days and get the spiritual aura from the Ashramam.please guide me with details.Thanks alot .

  2. Julie Oxford Says:

    Gorgeous pearl of great price! Amazing wonder of the world. Sweet subtle etheric octaves really do choose beauty as their background art! Thank you.

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    You might take a flight to Rio de Janeiro – Iguazu. Or you go via Buenos Aires and then with busses. There are several WTT groups in Argentina, also near Iguazu. In case, contact me via e-mail:

  4. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Yes, it s a very thrilling place, and we had the good chance of being there together with Master Kumar:

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