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A Strange Maya and a Messenger

At the first day of the Guru Pooja a strange maya produced and led me into an early morning experience of a special kind:

10th January I received a comment on the blog-post Early Morning Life, mentioning an encounter with Sri Kumar in 1982/83 – and I answered. It made me think of the early years of WTT and the sad schism that had happened in these years with the family of Master EK. On my second visit to Visakhapatnam in 2002 I had a long talk with Sri Kumar about how he lived through these difficult times, how he didn’t want to take over the presidency of WTT because he didn’t want to interfere with the claims of the family, though Master EK had installed him in this role. He fell very sick for a longer time and only recovered when he had realised that he had to take over this task designed for him. He said, “As a souvenir of this refusal of mine to comply with the will of the Plan I carry with me my diabetes, so that I can’t eat sweets anymore the way I did before. This keeps reminding me of not to refuse the Will.” He tried a lot to integrate the sons of Master EK in the WTT but without success…..

11th January early in the morning I spent some time trying to get a blogpost ready, It took some time and I was getting late. I rushed down just in time the bus was supposed to arrive, When arriving at the Guru Pooja compound and getting out of the bus I saw the first site which wasn’t available for WTT last year due to another activity going on there. Now I saw something written there in Telugu with 51 on it, but no sign of WTT. The quick thought came, this is not WTT here, but some other organisation.

I proceeded to the Guru Pooja hall and sat down for morning prayer. Thoughts presented themselves: I knew from their website that the movement of the family of Master EK runs Guru Poojas at the same dates than WTT, though at another place. It must be them now daring to celebrate their Guru Poojas here,- parallel guru poojas, in the same way I saw a few years ago that they were doing May Call celebrations in Switzerland at another place, a real shadow of the WTT ceremonies.

I felt an intese sadness about it and thought of the picture hanging in the Guru Pooja hall with a saying of Master EK: “Excluding others is religion and including others is spiritualism.” This strange mood kept beyond the morning prayer…

After breakfast with the Western group I then saw groups of the Indian brotherhood coming from that space which in my maya was the place of the parallel guru pooja – it now prooved to be the dining hall for the Indian brotherhood – they have spicier food than the one prepared for us from the West at the other place – and only then the spell of this vivid maya fell off. I wondered what had caused this strange spell. And I thought of the blog-comment of the previous day….

The 12th after lunch I went into the Indian “dining hall” again. An Indian came to me, and I asked him about his name. He told it to me and then said, “I live just 2.5 km from here. I am a purohit (priest) doing fire rituals and water rituals for people requesting it. I work together with the family of Master EK, Dr. Anantha and … (I don’t remember the names) doing service activities.”

I then thought, this must have been some odd messager for me…. I reflected a while about it, pondered on the implications, and then this blog-post came about.

The picture with the saying of Master EK in the hall

4 Responses to “A Strange Maya and a Messenger”

  1. Kali Says:

    really touched my heart

  2. Kali Says:

    today while reading this message i was exactly in a similar situation at my professional front and was seriously thinking whether to take up the responsibility. I prayed the Master to show me the way and lo….. he answered it in clear words…..i have no words to express my feelings…..

    Thanks and Regards
    Kali Krishna

  3. MNSHARMA Says:

    Message is very touching. I was very much felt for not being participaed in the Pooja Celebrations.

  4. Kaliprasad.Indraganti Says:

    U R information recollected me the sayings of Master “EK” that ”
    ALL ARE BROTHERS” …. Sharing the brother hood as we are Praying ” Sri Krishna Maacharya anantha putram Sath Saadhu Mitram Karunaadra Netram “….

    With Divine Love,

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