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Early Morning Life

In the retreat centre the morning starts early. Trying to get in time a place under the shower, quickly doing some asanas so that the body doesn’t start to rust, then after a sip of tea down into the seminar hall, which by now is cramped with chairs. The about 115 group members from the West (about 85 of them Spanish speaking and a bit of Southern vitality 🙂 )are quite disciplined, but besides the chit-chat there is the “waterfall music” of the ventilators and the dogs and birds from the outside, not to forget the horn and other noises of the cars.

An early morning musician

The altar in the lecture hall with the pictures of the great masters

Lakshmi, the goddess of fullness, giving us her blessings

At the backside of the lecture hall there is a huge new poster of a fire ritual

Sri Kumar welcoming the groups yesterday afternoon

I try to use my imagination visualising that we are not in a mega-city – though not in the centre – but in some forest ashram at the times of the old rishis 🙂 This visualisation strongly gets vivified when at 6am the sound of all the voices unite for intoning the OM 7  times and then the invocation of the Masters. It is lifting up, high above the lower spheres, reminding me of the description of Master DK in Occult meditations that through intonating the OM a cone is formed in the ethers opening up to above and that through this funnel energy can pour in – and this in a concentrated group meditation here is very inspiring.

Afterwards quickly washing some laundry in the bucket and putting it on the strings on the balcony. Mine is filled with some garbage of the retreat centre which obviously didn’t find any other place. But there remains a little space for the clothes.

Morning laundry sunrise over the neighbour balcony

And then coming into the dining hall, it is difficult to get a place at a table, but I succeeded – sitting among a group of Argentineans. Soon the plate is filled with idlis, sambar and toast. And since there was no milk, I improvised my “survival muesli” with chai – inter-cultural fusion of east and west.

Another “survival item” for my Indian tours is a vegetable paste from Switzerland, Tartex, which was tasted by the neighbouring Argentineans with keen interest.

You never see an Argentinean without the obligatory cup of Mate, which is being refilled with water and passed around.

The Indian cook in action – preparing idlis in a little stove and cooking with gas fire sometimes flaming up.

View of the kitchen- here the food for all of us is being prepared – with very simple means and ways of cooking…

Murthi, the good spirit and caretaker of the house – meditating in action? 🙂

In an hour we will start for Simhachalam, where the Guru Pooja will begin this evening. Today at noon we will visit the old temple at Simhachalam uphill – something for the next blog-post.


6 Responses to “Early Morning Life”

  1. Kaliprasad.Indraganti Says:

    Thanks for UR daily updates.Can U give me any Link for Live to Follow on Line of this Guru Poojas as was give at Bangalore “December Call” Prayers and discourses of our Grand Master ” KPK” 🙂

    With Divine Love,

  2. aristid Says:

    My dear fb friend..this is a mesage for Sri Kumar. My name is Aristid Havlicek.I am Bishop of Liberal catholic church in Slovenia. I meet Sri Kumar in (1982 or 1983) in Geneve. Together with Rudolf Schneider and Robert B. Pitts. At the moment i am in Indija traveling with my friend to Puri visiting Totapuri jeeva samadhi. We are going to stop at Visakhapatnam ( 19.& 20.1)for two days. I would like to meet Sri Kumar and talk with him about esoteric work and cooperation…namaste +aristid

  3. Melodie Says:

    The picture of Sri Kuar above I felt instantly drawn to. Such happiness, Love and peace for everyone, enjoying the company of other people with the same like minds, yet a feeling of being even more comfortable when alone. A person I would love to meet one day.

    Blessings. Melodie

  4. Ramya Says:

    Felt good to see master garu….our namaskarams to him…..once again felt gr8 to recollect all my childhood days and my good olden days in India……miss India and Vizag to the core….. and yes Ludger you are right Murthy he’s a very good care taker …we all love him so much…. keep posting Ludger iam awaiting 🙂

  5. Gayathri Says:

    I am very excitable and I am very happy to seen Master Sri PARVATHI KUMAR garu.Thankful to Master.

  6. Gayathri Says:

    I am very excited to see the Master Parvathi kumar garu.And i am very thankful to Master KPK.

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