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Inner Resonances

When listening to the inner, there are sometimes tunes coming up from encounters with people. Qualities assume shapes stimulated by the impressions given by these friends. With some of them I am in an actual present exchange, and the subtle impressions reflect thoughts stimulated by these contacts. But there are also exchanges with persons, where for the time being there is no outer exchange, but nevertheless an inner exchange is going on. I call them my “inner circle of friends”.

It often takes to the form of qualities these persons represent to me, like subtle echoes of encounters. This is mostly not in form of mental articulations, but in form of qualities or feelings associated with the persons. Often they have touched certain strings in my inner and the thought of them causes a resonance of feeling linked to the experiences with these persons.

It reminds me of an Aeolian harp where the wind blowing across the strings produces sounds. The resonances are sometimes linked to undissolved emotional situations, where there seems to be no way to dissolve them in the present. Some I have gone through myself, some I have just witnessed with my friends. The echoes of their processes, often only hinted at but not clearly expressed, leave these imprints resonating from time to time. It gives a melody of a certain mood.

When inner light streams through these forests of resonances, there is an upliftment happening. It reminds me of the beautiful sentence from “Occult Meditations” by Sri K. Parvathi Kumar (Meditation 31):

“Vena, the Gandharva, is wiping off the pictures of the subconscious mind on the walls of my nature with the hieroglyphs of sound from his seven stringed lyre.”

Gandharvas are the musical intelligences beyond the creation. They are the blissful ones and bestow the bliss causing the muse of the souls with the Super Soul.

Here are some autumn impressions, which the last weekend brought:


A wall near our house

View from a hospital window

Autumn scene on the table of the hospital’s visitors room

Lamas – since several years new guests on Swiss farms



Curious calves

A goblin greeting from the wayside

A playful farmer’s tree monster

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