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Traveling around from group to group of our spiritual movement of the WTT for now two weeks turns out for me to be much more an insight-seeing than a sightseeing tour. Traveling and living in the houses of friends / group members for some days each time opens up new and deeper views into their way of living and the way they are walking the spiritual path.

Besides the many intense talks we have each time I enter into an inner dialog with the thoughts and impressions I encounter. I feel that this is working on me, making me reflect on my images and judgments, the way I perceive others. When living at home I much more stay in my own perspective. Now the perspective changes very much, not only from day to day, but through the whole environment of thoughts, feelings, ways of understanding, besides the changing rooms and cities.It opens up my viewpoints, it is like the inner core widening and spreading into the surrounding.

This process makes me to adjust, to reverse subtle prejudices, to open up to the different viewpoints and attitudes, especially when perceiving the living energies of groups and their qualities. At the same time I try to keep up with my rhythm of meditation, the e-mailing and other work coming via the web, blogging, and my daily writing of a poem in thee early morning hours, which I started about 6 weeks ago.

This subtle work with language, where perceptions and impressions find an expression in a condensing word-flow is somehow sharpening my perceptions and the awareness of what is going on in and around. Of course the exchanges with my wife help a lot in structuring the experiences. So the journey is an intense process and at the same time a most interesting study.

Two days ago we saw the new Harry Potter film. I like the sensitivity with which the characters were portrayed and the intense images of the story – being a HP-fan since the beginning, following the adventures in reading, hearing and seeing. A really good story touching many subtle dimensions.

Today we are leaving Berlin for Kassel.

Crystal rosette in the house of a friend in Berlin

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