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Inter-Penetrating Experiences

The next stage of our journey brought us last Saturday from Berlin to Kassel, where our friends, a couple we know since years, are working as nathuropaths. He is also a skilled craftsman and has realised a number of beautiful sculptures, some pictures of them you find below.

Again we had intense exchanges about our spiritual paths. It is a fascinating experience of our journey  that we dive into different atmospheres and environments, where each time we leave back our own world and get imbued with the other realms. We follow the rhythm of meditations and rituals with our friends, dive into their ways of life, and then come back into the “uterus” of our car when traveling to the next place, where another very familiar but nevertheless different world opens up. It is a great experience of an extreme richness of impressions, opening many new vistas and giving us clues to understand better our own world and the interconnectedness with others.

Sculptures of our friend, extract

Sculpture of the 12-petaled lotus of the soul

In the practice of our friends, a model of the inside of a head: The outside of the inside

At the “Hercules” statue, a land-art park of the 18th/19th century overlooking Kassel

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