A Profound Urge for Freedom
From Hamburg a one-hour drive brought us to the house of a friend and his wife living at the outskirts of a small town. Sitting in the garden, surrounded by flowers, we spoke about different stages of our spiritual journey through life, while our wives were exchanging experiences in the living room. Later we joined together.
For years my friend had had a spiritual bookshop and a publishing house for spiritual / astrological books. Later he sold the shop and focused on publishing as well as on managing the production of nice jewellery with spiritual symbols, in Asia.
In his life he showed a great love for freedom from limitating structures and a great aspiration towards cosmic depths. He is much interested in creating a space for people to meet in freedom. He told us of a round table group of men with different spiritual backgrounds and with an intense inner journey which a friend of his, a publisher, had formed a year ago where. They meet every 6 months for a weekend of exchange, contemplation and reflection. Our friend is planning to launch a free meeting with friends of our spiritual movement for next year, and he showed us his draft of a concept.
After evening meditation we continued our drive eastwards to meet a friend near the Baltic Sea.
A wind mobile in the garden of our friend
Buddha meditating in the garden