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Cataracts of Irritation

Last Tuesday I was in the management body of my office presenting the detailled conception of the new intranet cum document management, together with the head of the agency realising it. Finalizing the conception had been a bit turbulent, since some security questions arose the week before.

In the meeting, however, other questions came up. The discussion was at full swing before I was half-way through my introduction.

Though I had informed the management before about the effects the new system would have for all personnel, it seemed that some members of the board only realized now the impact of the new collaboration system: There was some irritation around.

I observed that irritation is a fertile ground for further irritation, for arguments motivated by different goals came in. It became clear that in some areas there was an information gap. So the director decided that I’ll have an individual talk with the different heads of departments in the next days to clear the questions. Fortunately he didn’t stop the project, but gave the green light, so that we can go ahead as soon as the extra-round is done.

I felt relaxed: the progress wasn’t arrested, the next phase, the implementation of the new system can start.

The situation reminded me of turbulences in a river with cataracts. When you are going through the rapids, you have to be extremely alert not to get drowned in some vortexes.

The Cataracts of Iguazú, Brasil.

2 Responses to “Cataracts of Irritation”

  1. eurodipity Says:

    It is a very good metaphor of the cataract, seems that the moments of irritation always can go to more, I can understand the sensation perfectly.

    I have been in the Cataracts of Iguazú, beautiful, only seeing them, I’d not going through the rapids

  2. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    I also was at Iguazú for a seminar with our spiritual teacher 3 weeks ago, it was deeply impressing. I didn’t go through the rapids either, though some of my friends did – and got quiet wet 🙂

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