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Filling the Love Leakage

My wife yesterday said that she had observed something like a “love leakage” with several persons: They seemed to be unable to go into a nearness to a friend or a partner, and it seems that it had to do with a feeling of not being accepted themselves. With some there was a problem with their father or mother in the past and one didn’t have a father. Though many years since their childhood had passed they tried to avoid closeness or expressing affection. This strategy of avoiding somehow spills over into different areas of life.

My wife described how some “miraculous” changes happened, as soon as they started establishing a conscious contact with their soul, the higher self: On very deep levels there were transformations happening, and they started coming into a flow. In one case the changes were quite dramatic. Psychiatrists and psychologist who had been involved in a related crisis hadn’t been able to reach to the point. The “magic” of the soul, however did.

It needed accompanying and guiding the persons to themselves, to get confidence into their own inner essence. The problems couldn’t be changed from outside, but from within.

Master EK says in his Spiritual Psychology Meditations: ““Have a friend in yourself, be a friend to others.” And Master KPK beautifully describes the power of love, which is the power of the soul, in his booklet On Love: “Love heals. It needs no intellectual techniques… Love transforms… Love is the sleeping energy in every being. When Love awakens, there is no self-control! The SELF flows…”

White-waters in the Pochtenschlucht in Kiental, Switzerland

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