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Talking at Crossed Purposes

Last week I had at my office an online demonstration with telephone conference of an international web-analytics enterprise: They wanted to convince me to implement their tool (up to now we have another solution). One person had prepared the contact (and he was a bit pushing), two others were on the phone showing me all the advantages of their system. I nearly had no time to say anything nor did they enquire what our needs were. They showed me many features of their tool in all details – the only thing was, that these weren’t relevant for us.

After over an hour the presentation came to an end. Before the second person could go on with some more explanations, I found a second for objecting, “Our situation is different from that of a business enterprise, and the tool has so many possibilities of web tracking, which nobody in our office would be interested in.”

They were a bit consternated, then excused and asked what our needs were. I explained. Indeed, their system could cope with these needs, and in an easy way. At the end they excused for not having asked in the beginning. I said, it’s o.k., only we have to meet each other’s understanding and requirements before we can proceed.

I don’t know yet if I want to change to this analytics-system or not.

Tubes without connection leading nowhere…

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