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Experiencing Silence

A week of traveling and at the end a seminar of silence with my spiritual teacher K. P. Kumar at the Yoga Vidya centre in Bad Meinberg, Germany, kept me away from blogging. The seminar with about 130 participants over the last weekend was a short but intense experience of looking inside and getting into contact with more subtle planes of one’s self. Observing the rhythm of breath over a longer period of time helps you switching away from the continuous flow of impressions and thoughts and opens up doors to the inner worlds.

One Response to “Experiencing Silence”

  1. Shankar Prasad Says:

    Dear Sir,

    I am so happy for you that you are blessed and fortunate to regularly interact and be with Master Parvathi Kumargaru.

    You have mentioned in your experience, “Observing the rhythm of breath over a longer period of time helps you switching away from the continuous flow of impressions and thoughts and opens up doors to the inner worlds. “.

    Though this seems easy to learn and simple to remember as well as the most natural thing to start practising, we have so well trained ourselves to ignore and forget our own breathing rhythm that we hardly notice it most of the time. Master keeps on reminding us again and again in different ways to keep observing.

    I pray that we get the inspiration and the firm commitment to really practise this observance of the rhythm of breath for a long time.

    With Warm Regards,

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