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Today: Anniversary of the Foundation of the World Teacher Trust

Today we celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the foundation of the World Teacher Trust (WTT). It happened on Saturday, 18 November 1971. (As per Indian counting, it is the 54th anniversary since the seed of the Trust started sprouting.)

The WTT was founded on 18 November 1971, in the month of Scorpio, spiritually the darkest time of the year, but the moment to prepare the ascent.

Chart of the foundation of the World Teacher Trust, Visakhapatnam, 18 November 1971, 13:30 h

Already 94 years earlier, on 17 November 1875, there was the foundation of the Theosophical Society with Helena P. Blavatsky. This was an important step to reveal the Masters and their work to a wider public.

This work is continued by the World Teacher Trust. On the foundation day of WTT, Master EK showed the pictures of Lord Maitreya, Master Morya and Master Kuthumi to those present. He said that these Masters form the core triangle of the WTT and guide the Trust invisibly. He said that their Plan has been worked out for over 5000 years on this planet and they work as per the instructions of Lord Krishna. And he mentioned that one of the aims of the WTT is to bring the Hierarchy into manifestation.

Symbol of the World Teacher Trust

In May 2020 Master KPK (Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar) spoke at the WTT India council assembly of heads of groups (Ganapatis) about the next foundation day, 18th November 2020, where 49 (7*7) years of service would conclude for him:

“The World Teacher Trust, founded by Master EK on 18th November 1971, tended to be a great banyan tree sheltering many true seekers all over the globe. This is purely Master’s grace.

It has become like Theosophical Society founded by Mme. Blavatsky, The Lucis Trust founded by Mme. Alice A Bailey and The Agni Yoga Society founded by Mme. Helena Roerich.

These four are global organizations externalized the most ancient teachings of the Hierarchy whose head is The World Teacher, Lord Maitreya.

The World Teacher Trust is today extremely liked organization which is due to the three preceding trusts.

Master EK made a happy blend of Sanatana Dharma. He knitted together all teachings to be brought onto one platform and give a way of life which is global. For this Master Jupiter Sage Agastya, Master CVV gave a grand push.

I want to share with all group heads be it council members or ganapatis, by 18th November 2020, 49 (7*7) years of service concludes. It is my duty to inform you all since I continue to be its mentor. Kindly share with all group members and do your best in your groups to celebrate 18 November 2020.

‘Group is the Master’. Where group is alive, Master’s presence is abundant.”

May the flame of this grand work keep growing and may we contribute to it by our fiery aspiration and dedication to the purpose of the Work.

Master KPK an Master EK during a tour in Belgium in the early 1980s

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