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Journey to Spain 4 – The First Days: Murcia. The Paintings arrive at their Home

From Onda, we went further south and arrived in the afternoon at Murcia, reaching finally the place where I wanted to bring my paintings. As we drove around the city on the motorway and approached the area of the farm of Jesus and Ursula, we suddenly saw a huge statue of Christ on a mountain reminding of the Christ on Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro and like blessing the surrounding.

We drove through some small streets and then saw the farmhouse of Ursula and Jesus.

They gave us a warm welcome. There were also a brother of Ursula and a Dutch friend from the office of Jesus.

We parked the car in front of the house and started unpacking.

Unpacking “Levels of the Logos” – The only big painting having “remained” from my “Early Paintings” 35 years ago
The room at the ground floor – a room of the same size at the first floor will be renovated for the paintings.

I felt very happy to see the beautiful space very well suited for the paintings. Jesus showed me the house and the room where the images are now stored. Then we had some hearty talks.

Jesus and Ursula together with her brother

After evening meditation and dinner, Jesus and Ursula showed us the area. There was a great sunrise behind the mount with the statue of the Christ – a sublime moment.

Ursula in front of the house
The street
The mount with the statue of Christ
Dusk over the mount

Early next morning, after morning meditation and breakfast, we started towards Cordoba together with Ursula and Jesus.

Mathilda and me after the morning meditation

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