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8 May – White Lotus Day, commemorating Helena P. Blavatsky

On 8th of May, the “White Lotus Day”, we commemorate Helena P. Blavatsky, the great Bringer of Light for the Aquarian Age. We have been doing so since the beginning of our blog 18 years ago. If you would like to know more about the life of the Madam, please find here a biographical sketch about the life and work of HPB.

Master KPK often spoke about the greatness of Madam Blavatsky and what she had done for spirituality. He also gave several books about HPB, her teachings and the impact of her life:

May we recollect on the White Lotus Day that Helena Blavatsky brought out the truth about the Masters of Wisdom through her books and that she opened the door for us to link to the Spiritual Hierarchy. We pay homage to her by practically integrating the wisdom into our lives.

See below the words of Master KPK from a discourse on 08th of May 2016 at Visakhapatnam:

“8th May is celebrated as White Lotus Day in the Theosophical Societies. On this day, Madam HPB passed over in the year 1891 and after the departure, she attained a permanent place in the Ashram of a Grand Master in Himalayas. Grand Masters themselves declared this day as “White Lotus Day” because to fulfil their grand Plan, Madam HPB was born. She was a highly pure soul which can be compared to a ‘White lotus’. It is said that there was no other being as pure as her, at the time when she was in a body. She went through lot of hardships in her life and worked towards the establishment of truth and Divine Wisdom on the planet. It is considered a highly difficult task because it is the age of Kali and lot of lies was spreading around and the messengers of Kali were very powerful in their work. Through her, the Divine wisdom spread all over the globe.

So on this day, we should recollect her. She keeps giving her presence to all groups which aspire to learn and practice the path to Divinity. She has a body of light and she is always prepared to grace sincere aspirants. She was given the title “Upasika” by the Grand Masters. It means she was highly devoted to the Divine and his work.

She was born in the early hours of 12th of August and she departed on 8th of May. This day is also celebrated in the Ashrams of Grand Masters because she gained a permanent position in the Ashram through her sincere work. She did not care for the physical body at any point of time. She sustained immense pain in the physical to fulfil the work. She did not leave the body until she completed the book “Secret Doctrine”. She was even suggested by Master Devapi to leave the body prior to that but she did not agree and remained in the body until the work was complete.

The truth that the Hierarchy of Masters exist on the planet and they keep guiding the humanity in the path of ascent, is known to very few. Though it is written in the Indian Scriptures, Indians too did not recognize them. We recognized them only when Madam HPB brought out the truth about them through her books. Only through her, we could get a link to the Hierarchy of Masters. She is the gateway to enter the Ashrams of those Masters. That is why we should recollect her regularly.

She is an embodiment of wisdom and through her we were presented with the knowledge relating to Cosmo-Genesis and Anthropo-Genesis. This knowledge was not available to the mankind earlier, in such detail. So on this day, I took time at the beginning of this discourse to recollect her and her work. She is very much liked by all the Masters of Wisdoms and we gain their blessing by remembering her.”

Have a good White Lotus Day!

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