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Libra Equinox Celebration 2023 at the Paracelsus Center

Time offers different qualities. Especially the solstices and the equinoxes carry specific qualities which are supportive for spiritual practices. It is very good to align to these specific energies time offers. 20 September 2023, I had given a short introduction about “Tuning into Autumn Equinox Celebration” at a Zoom equinox meeting of WTT-Global, illustrating the energies with some of my paintings.

Since 10 years, we have been celebrating the solstices and equinoxes at the Paracelsus Center of WTT in Einsiedeln. Whenever the weather allowed, we started with a fire ritual on the Etzel Pass mountain ridge. The day before, it had intensely rained but on Libra equinox morning the rain had stopped. We decided to go, while the clouds were hanging low.

There is a nice place in a small clearing at the ridge. The forest was wet but singing the mantrams of the the fire ritual created a sublime ambiance.

The low-hanging clouds created a mystic ambiance over the landscape.

Cows, farm houses, and the town of Einsiedeln with the old monastery in the background
Cutting some rose hips for the decoration of the equinox celebration
Picture of Master KPK

Master KPK had inspired the creation of the Paracelsus Center and had accompanied it over the years. He pointed out the important of Paracelsus, a great spiritual Master whose impulses had a profound impact on the development of medicine, especially naturopathy. He was born at the place where the Paracelsus Center is located.

We prepared the room, did a little ritual of candle lighting and a guided equinox visualisation. Later in the afternoon, we studied a talk of Master KPK on the importance of Libra (autumn) equinox.

In the afternoon, the sun came out for a while and we walked along the Sihl river to a little shrine of Maria near a waterfall. She is an emblem of the World Mother.

The evening meditation closed our autumn equinox celebration. We were a small group but in the wareness of being linked to many who were also celebrating the equinox around the globe. We were thankful for being allowed by time to participate.

8 Responses to “Libra Equinox Celebration 2023 at the Paracelsus Center”

  1. Jesús y Evelia Says:

    Gracias hermano del alma por siempre alimentarnos con tu sabiduria

  2. Murthy V V B S Says:

    Sir Ludgar ji,
    One best thing I humbly love & learn from you is the Daily Agnihotri puja= Fire ritual. Though we do on regular basis we do on fast track basis as time is up for office, or on a Sunday fast forward for other meetings so on, but never in peaceful nature. But whenever I see in your Flowers on the wayside, I used to fascinate with your dedication, humility & admiration.
    We all b blessed by the Masters to achieve such immense best traits from them.
    Namaskaram Master.

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Dear Sri Murthy-garu
    Thank you for your kind words. No, I can’t do the ritual daily – at home, I do it on Sunday mornings, on the balcony, 2nd floor, when the neighbours are still sleeping. It is not allowed / “normal” to do in our settlement. The ritual in nature is possible at the Paracelsus center, and there during the summer solstice and autumn equinox (about 160 km from where I am living) – otherwise, it is not possible. I also am not able to do the long version the Master did but the short one which he gave for the “Westerners”. I like it very much and do it now since 23 years, around the year.
    Yes, we are much blessed by the Masters
    Namaskarams Master

  4. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    🙏 muchas gracias, hermanos!

  5. Margarita Rojas Says:

    I have always been fascinated by your humility, perseverance and inspiration.
    Namaskarams Master

  6. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you very much for your kind feedback, Margarita. I hope that you are doing fine!
    Namaskarams Master

  7. risa Says:

    Ludger, when you share with us your rituals, it helps us then perform our own rituals too, wherever we are. I love the rose hips gathered, the fire (it was cold there yes?), the scales on the altar for Libra, the photo of the simple meal that you all shared together, & the slovely tatue of Mary – her beautiful face.
    love, Risa

  8. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you for your feedback, Risa. Yes, it was cold and had rained a lot the day before and over night. Friday afternoon we decided to do the fire ritual nevertheless and then the rain stopped about 2 hours before our arrival, and later in the afternoon the sun came out.
    Yes, the statue is beautiful, it is at a little river coming down the hill.

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