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A “Spring-Clean” ritual at the Paracelsus Centre

Last Friday was Good Friday, as it is commemorated in most of the Western Christian traditions, where Easter is celebrated the first Sunday after the full moon of Aries – this year, Thursday, 6 April). Master KPK (Sri Kumar) explained that the esoteric Passover took place directly before the Aries New Moon and it was calculated according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, Good Friday should be celebrated the Friday before New Moon as long as the festival still falls in Aries, otherwise, as this year, on the last Friday in Aries – this year, 14 April.

A moment of sunshine before rain – the Bernese Alps seen from my room – just before starting the journey to Einsiedeln

Like the last years, we did a “cleansing ritual” at the Paracelsus Centre of WTT in Einsiedeln on the “classic” Good Friday, being a festival here in Switzerland. And, also like the last years, we were two persons going.

Calves at the Paracelsus Centre

The Paracelsus Centre is in a house at the place where Paracelsus is said to be born, next to the old “Devil’s Bridge” across the Sihl river. At our arrival we saw the effects of the land slide on other side of the bridge which recently happened besides the bridge directly below the barn of the farmhouse. There were fortification works going on. There is no danger to the bridge and the house of the Paracelsus Centre; they are built on rock.

Cleaning the statues

Paracelsus Medal
The bookcase while taking inventory

We cleaned, washed, vacuumed and put everything back together again. Outside was also a cleaning ritual – it was raining when we went to Einsiedeln, a famous old pilgrimage centre.

Our Good Friday ritual also included lunch at the “Tulipan” opposite the monastery church, where many people, especially Kosovars, streamed out and into the restaurant as they do every year. Afterwards, we also visited the monastery church with the Black Madonna.

The monastery church seen from the Tulipan restaurant
The golden Madonna on the forecourt of the monastery church
The Black Madonna surrounded by a golden radiance

Later, back in the Paracelsus Centre, we read Sri Kumar’s lecture on Good Friday (PDF). And we also contemplated the pictures and descriptions of the “Way of the Cross” series in 14 + 1 tables I had painted 40 years ago. You find them here and also in my book on “Paintings” (PDF 2013), p 89ff.

Just as we finished reading, bright sunrays pierced through the dark clouds and lighted the room for some minutes – a magic moment. We concluded the stay with the evening prayer before driving home again.

Reflections on the copy of the Roerich painting “The Song of Shambala”

7 Responses to “A “Spring-Clean” ritual at the Paracelsus Centre”

  1. Herwig Says:

    Lieber Ludger, liebe Mathilda,

    das schaut wunderbar aus und vor allem das Reinigen der Gegenstände unter fließendem Wasser.

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Lieber Herwig
    Vielen Dank für dein Feedback -ja, es war ein sehr schönes kleines Treffen – das Reinigen magnetisiert ja die Dinge.
    Liebe Grüsse

  3. risa Says:

    A lovely group endeavor & journey, Ludger…the shining alps, the cows, the statues, the altar table, the monastery, the reflections….thank you for sharing this with us. love, Risa

  4. Margarita Says:

    Thank you very much Ludger. A beautiful place where Paracelsus is. I would like to visit it someday. A huge hug of light

  5. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Yes, Margarita, it is a silent, magnetic place, which Master Kumar much recommended to keep it available and linked to Paracelsus and his energy. In case you come, just contact me and we can see how to arrange.
    Also to you a hearty hug of Light.

  6. Devika Menon Says:

    I wish to be there , merge with the energy, beauty and silence of the divine space at some point of time.

  7. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Yes, Devika, it is a very sublime, peaceful place of a divine ambiance

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