11 August: Birthday of Master EK, a Real Healer
Today is Master EK’s birthday. He was born on 11 August 1926. Master EK (Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) is very dear to me, and celebrating his birthday also by writing some words has become a little tradition.
Over the last 12 years, I already told already various stories, like my inner encounter with the Master, whom I never met physically. Or about how his teachings and his way of living impressed me very much, especially his biography “Master E.K. – The New Age Teacher”, a vivid description giving a good insight into his life. And there is also “Music of the Soul”, a series of 6 DVDs relating to the Yoga of Master CVV and Master EK’s life.
But for me, the most important is to regularly link inwardly to the energy coming through the Master and and also to his teachings, by regular reading a few pages in the books of the Master, if possible, every morning. So, I would like to share with you the extract from a lecture of Master EK on Healing and Cure, which I read this morning, about what is a real healer, from the book “The Masters of Wisdom“, Overseas Messages XI, p 136ff, Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, 2020 (book orders). Although he does not speak about himself, you might read it as if he does – it is very enlightening:
“So, when you remember that healing is being done through you and not by you, then there is no question of your energy being spent for healing. It is ignorance and stupidity to believe that we pour our energy into the patient.
It is too much and it is audacious to believe that we are healing him. For the simple scientific reason, that this vehicle is given to us and it never belongs to us. If we remember this scientific fact, then healing takes place to any number of people through you. You need not do it in the name of healing, ask people to sit down in a ceremonial and systematic manner, like a ritual or a religious ceremony. You need not baptise every patient with healing magnetism. The patient need not know that you are healing. You can sit down in your office and during leisure hours you can smile to some fellow and heal him. You can play the jokes with some fellow and heal him provided you know how to play jokes without insulting him. An absolutely positive way is required. You can use humorous way of speech or conversation, provided you know how to use humour without insulting others or without scandalizing others in their absence. The fundamentals of human ethics are the only rules of real healing and there are no secrets of healing at all.
This is one secret. You can heal a hundred people in the day and yet you are fresh and you are healed in the process. Can you say that this wire is producing electric current? Current is not coming from the wire but it is coming through the wire. So, the healer is like the wire. This is one principle. If you can maintain a place and a time for your meditation and invoke the idea of healing humanity, then your healing magnetism increases. If you sit in the train or bus or aeroplane, the few people who sit near you or before you can be automatically healed through your conversation or smile or seeing them. If you go to a house, pay a visit to the friend’s house, spend a half an hour there and come away, they find from that day onwards the health in the family increases.
This is how the real healer heals because if the patient is healer-sensitive about you, it is as bad as the patient being doctor-sensitive. It is a great obstruction to healing. Real doctor is he who keeps his patient in perfect ease. If a patient feels nervous of the presence of a doctor, because of the greatness or the name and fame of the doctor that means the doctor is a stupid in the fundamentals. Same is the thing with the healer also. A healer never allows his patient to know that he is a healer. Then you can do the maximum amount of healing in minimum time. If you know these fundamentals, if you practise positive approach, you can use sound to heal. You need not name it as a therapy or a pathy. You can make miracles or you can use your sight or you can use some colours by having windowpanes of beautiful colours in your room. Or you can take the patient into a garden of roses and put him at ease by the presence of the beautiful sight of roses.
Automatically his energy centres will open up. Then your healing magnetism works. Take him to good scenes. Make him enjoy the Sunrise or Sunset or a beautiful picture drawn by an artist or you can use music. Anyone of these things are wonderful to heal. When medicine is necessary, don’t think that spiritual healing is against medicine or medicine is against spiritual healing. Don’t feel it as an insult to use medicine when you are a healer. Don’t have such complexes and limitations, because medicine is as much God given as healing magnetism. When medicine is required, your thought healing or magnetic healing will never help. When spiritual healing is required, for example in a pre-cancerous condition, your medicine will never help. So, use healing magnetism when it is required. Use medicine when medicine is required. Use physical exercise when it is required. When surgery is required, don’t boast of your medicine or spiritual healing and kill the patient.”
Normally, I write also some lines about the birthday of Helena P. Blavatsky, whose birthday we celebrate on 12 August. For once, I refer you to previous blog-posts. But let’s keep her in mind as well. Here is a picture of Madam with Master M. in the background, painted by the great Moldavian painters couple GrevKafi.
August 11th, 2022 at 5:43 pm
Namaskaram Masrer EK
Madam Blavatsky namasksram
August 12th, 2022 at 12:04 pm
Siempre hemos sentido un gran acercamiento con el Maesrro y Con Nadame Blavatsky