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Virgo – Ydun giving the Apples of Immortality

Creation comes forth from light, which, in the Vedas, is called Aditi or the Mother of the World. We are part of this original light and are, by our very nature, immortal beings of light. However, having forgotten our true identity and having assumed a false identity, we have become mortal. Whenever violation of the natural law threatens to lead humanity to self-destruction, immortal divine beings descend to earth to once again give the law and help humanity recognise its original identity. The immortals pave a way through which mortals can once again find access to the subtle realms. When the etheric body is built from out of golden light, we can experience immortality once again.

In Norse mythology, Ydun is the goddess of immortality. She guards the golden apples that confer eternal youth and thus immortality.

The figure of Ydun in the centre of the painting was created using a photo of a statue of Ydun by the Danish sculptor Herman Wilhelm Bissen (1798 – 1868). Ydun descends from the golden light to grant access to immortality with her apples. The sphere of the upper part of the picture shows the subtle world, the lower part of the picture indicates the dense physical world – both created with images from the virtual globe “NASA World Wind“. The light structures at the bottom were designed with autumn-coloured leaves foliage of the ivy called Virginia creeper.

The symbolism of Virgo is visualised in the twelve Virgo paintings done between 2010 and 2021. For detailed detailed descriptions please see the website.

26 May 2021, pencils and photo work

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