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Birthday Anniversaries of Master EK and of H.P. Blavatsky

Celebrating the birthdays of the Great Ones always gives a good opportunity to reflect about their life, their work and their teachings. This strengthens our resolve to follow the Path and we can experience the Presence which expressed through them.

Master EK (Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) was born on 11 August 1926 during the evening hours at about 5:30 pm. Around 11 hours after Master EK’s birth but 95 years earlier, Madam Blavatsky was born on 12 August 1831. So we commemorate their birthdays together.

Below you find a short extract from Master KPK’s (K. Parvathi Kumar) talk at the “Master EK’s Birthday Celebration 2020” and some words from Master Kumar’s talk at the “Madam HPB’s Birthday Celebrations 2020” as well as two photos of these great Messengers of Light.

“In one of his poems, Master EK expresses to the Divine ‘I surrender my life at your feet. Please forgive me for any mistakes that I have committed out of ignorance. I believe that everything happens as per your will’.

Madam HPB also lived in the same manner with complete surrender to the Divine. She put everything in the Divine account. She was instructed by her Master to scold HS Olcott, the founder president of Theosophical Society, for no reason. She was given no reason except that she was told to scold him. She used to do so just by having faith in her Master’s word. Master EK also used to scold some people a lot sometimes and we used to find no proper reason. We realise later that the scolding neutralized karma of that person and he progressed in life in a much better way. Master EK saw such acts as the Divine working through him to put his children in the right direction. Therefore, he never worried of the consequences as he was acting completely under the Divine instructions.

Master EK never changed himself for the sake of others. He always lived in the same manner irrespective of who he met. He was there to show us the way and not to please us or do things as we like. He never played for the disciples or audience. He never did anything special to show to the world that he is a Master.

Master EK was always available to the needy, at any hour of the day. He never thought of rest. He used to tell that the Divine never sleeps and that the Divine would question him if he does not respond to someone in need. He never planned to sleep and he hardly used to sleep for few hours a day. In a poem, Master EK requests the Divine, ‘Please allow me to serve you at all times. Please grant me a state where I forget myself and only remember you.’ That is how Master EK forgot himself in service to others.”

“On occasions like this, we should recollect some of her teachings and writings so that we get inspired to read and understand more. It helps us come out of the ignorance and superstitions that we might have. Remember that we cannot walk the path shown by Master of Wisdom if our mind is filled with superstitions. Madam HPB writes, ‘Keep away your superstitions and put yourself to experiment’. If we start reading books of Madam HPB after recollecting her, she herself will show us the way to understand the book. We need to establish an alignment with her to be able to understand her books. This applies to the books of every Master of Wisdom. I started reading her books with Isis Unveiled and it took almost 3 years to complete that book. After that I read Secret Doctrine which also took many years to complete.

As aspirants, we should make it a point to read at least one page of wisdom coming from Madam HPB and Master EK. It expands our consciousness and our awareness increases. The same books can be read again and again because such books reveal themselves as our awareness grows.”

4 Responses to “Birthday Anniversaries of Master EK and of H.P. Blavatsky”

  1. Murthy. Vvbs Says:

    Namaskaram Master EK to your Lotus feet,!!


    Namaskaram Madam HPB, the Lotus Lady! with all my reverence & humility.

  2. Murthy vvbs Says:

    My first glimpse of Master EK was in the year 1969 at Visakhapatnam when Dr. ( Master) EK came to my home to meet my grand father….at that time I was 10 years. In our home we knew HIM as Doctor Krishnamacharya.

    Then till 1972-73 no interaction. Then I was going to Master KPKs prayer center with Sri Pilla Joga Rao Garuda my lecturer at college for sciences. There I used to see more often Master EK. Then with Master’s sons at various places in Vizag. A superlative Divine personality I ever met. I am quite fortunate.
    Namaskaram to Ludger ji & others.

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you very much for sharing your experiences. I never met Master EK physically, though I heard of him in the early 80s already. I might share the strange events one day in a blogpost…

  4. jesus y evelia Says:

    Muchas gracias estimado hermano Ludger. Ya te comenté la hermosa ezperiencia que tuvimos cuando gentilmente nos mostraste la habitación del Maestro EK por allá en 2005.
    A la Sra. Blavatsky la reconocemos cada momento. Basta con ver su foto para impegnarse de ella.
    Abrazo grande,
    Jesús y Evelia

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