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Leo – The Man-Lion. Opening the Heart Centre

Leo is related to our heart centre. The heart is the home of the soul. By turning inward, we enter the cave of the heart, lion’s den. The heart centre when opened transforms us into the man-lion.

In the Eastern Puranas, the opening of the heart centre is symbolically veiled in the story of Narasimha, the Lord with the head of a lion and the form of a man. The story tells of a father and his son. The son knows that the Lord is within as well as without, even within a pillar. The father doubts this, and he breaks open the pillar. Out of the pillar Narasimha manifests to help his disciple Prahlada and to kill the tyrannical father. Killing the father by ripping open the chest represents the transformation of man through the opening of the heart centre and overcoming the limitation of the lower self.

The image was designed with a photo of a lion’s head and a photo of a statue in the temple of Simhachalam, India. It depicts Narasimha opening the chest of Hiranyakashipu. The stone structures on the right and left indicate the opened column. It is a symbol of the column of consciousness, our vertebral column, from which the centres emerge like flowers.

The symbolism of Leo is visualised in the twelve Leo paintings done between 2010 and 2021. For detailed detailed descriptions please see the website.

23 April 2021, pencils and photo work

One Response to “Leo – The Man-Lion. Opening the Heart Centre”

  1. jesus y evelia Says:

    Hermoso y respetable LEO
    Gracias hermano Ludger.
    Jesús y Evelia

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