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Twelve Taurus Paintings

Taurus is the first earthy sign of the zodiac. It belongs to the fixed cross and provides form and stability. Venus rules over Taurus and gives beauty to the form. Subtle forces radiate through a beautiful form bestowing splendour on it. This splendour is an expression of the subtle beings of light. At Taurus full moon the light descends in a great measure. Since ancient-most times, the Masters of Wisdom and their disciples assemble at the time of this full moon in the Vaisakh Valley of the Himalayas to receive a fresh impulse of energies of Will and to distribute them on the earth.

The symbolism of Taurus is visualised in the twelve Taurus paintings done between 2010 and 2021. For detailed detailed descriptions please see the website.

Taurus – Vaisakh Festival
25 April 2010, pencils, crayons and photo work
Taurus – Receiving the Milk of Wisdom
11 March 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work
Taurus – The Woman in the Heart of Man
12 February 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work
Taurus – The Magic Flute of Krishna
21 December 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work
Taurus – Receiving the Flow
27 December 2013, pencils and photo work
Taurus – The Bull and the Lingam
25 January 2015, pencils and photo work
Taurus – The Higher Bridge and the Awakening of the Third Eye
25 December 2015, pencils and photo work
Taurus – Krishna’s Flute, Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Centres
29 January 2017, pencils and photo work
Taurus – Impregnation by the Divine Will
20 December 2017, pencils and photo work
Taurus – Downpour of Divine Will
1 February 2019, pencils and photo work
Taurus – Transmitting the Impulse of Consciousness
13 December 2019, pencils and photo work
Taurus – Apollo and the Seven Centres above the Neck
24 January 2021, pencils and photo work

3 Responses to “Twelve Taurus Paintings”

  1. jesus y evelia Says:

    Pinturas hermosas, no es posible decidirse por una porque todas están en la decisión. Gracias hermano y maestro Ludger.
    Jesús y Evelia

  2. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you Jesús y Evelia – the Master is the one giving the inspiration, I’m just cooperating.

  3. risa Says:

    You are an ARTIST, Ludger!
    Inspired & inspiring!
    thank you for sharing your talents with us.
    love, Risa

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