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Capricorn – The Blood of the Saviour

Since ancient-most times, rituals for the birth of the Saviour have been performed on the winter solstice. The Sun is seen as the Saviour who brings life and consciousness to all living beings. The red rays of the morning sun look like the blood of the Sun and are regarded as ‘the Blood of the Saviour’. The seers say that when this light falls on our body, it is a very good opportunity to heal diseases of the blood and to purify our consciousness, especially in the month of Capricorn.

From the winter solstice onwards, the sun begins his apparent journey northwards. This time is very suitable for exercises to align to the subtle planes and to elevate us to the supramundane.

To visualize the transparency of subtle matter, I took pictures of a rock crystal in front of a candle flame. I arranged it as a pyramid-shaped mountain top. The pyramid indicates the four cardinal points of the cardinal cross. For the background I worked with the photo of a sunrise Christmas 2017 on the flight from Delhi to Bangalore. For the figure of the meditator on the mountain top I used the bronze figure of a Kashmiri in meditation, by Malvina Hoffman, Museum Chicago (Wikimedia). The rising sun is also in the heart centre of the meditator.

The symbolism of Capricorn is visualised in the eleven Capricorn paintings done between 2010 and 2020. For detailed detailed descriptions please see the website.

21 September 2020, pencils and photo work

One Response to “Capricorn – The Blood of the Saviour”

  1. jesus Says:

    Gracias hermano Ludger. Tus mensajes siempre son uina excelente carga de nutrientes para el alma.
    Abrazo grande,
    Jesús y Evelia

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