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Eleven Sagittarius Paintings

The fire sign of Sagittarius is related to focused alignment. The Sagittarius energy teaches us to direct all forces to a noble goal. It is considered a very spiritual time and is a highway to the Light. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, “Among the zodiacal signs I AM Sagittarius. Among the moon phases I AM the eleventh moon phase”. The eleventh ascending moon phase in Sagittarius is the climax, where the gates of heaven open for the experience of the cosmic consciousness. It is called the Day of Synthesis, of Narayana. This year it starts Tuesday 24 November at 10:12 am CET.

The symbolism of Sagittarius is visualised in the eleven Sagittarius paintings done between 2010 and 2020. For detailed detailed descriptions please see the website.

Sagittarius – Shooting up, Pouring down
9 October 2010, pencils, crayons and photo work
Sagittarius: The Tree of Wisdom and the Waters of Life
03 September 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work
Sagittarius – Kalki, The Rider on the White Horse
05 August 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work
Sagittarius – Pre-Dawn Meditation
3 August 2013, pencils and photo work
Sagittarius – Fiery Alignment
08 August 2014, pencils and photo work
Sagittarius – The Upward Journey
04 August 2015, pencils and photo work
Sagittarius – Seven Seers and Seven Layers of Consciousness
11 August 2016, pencils and photo work
Sagittarius – Sagittarian Contemplations
15 August 2017, pencils and photo work
Sagittarius – The Path of Return through the Sushumna
9 August 2018, pencils and photo work
Sagittarius – The Axis of Rotation
12 August 2019, pencils and photo work
Sagittarius – Before Dawn. Fiery Aspiration
24 August 2020, pencils and photo work

One Response to “Eleven Sagittarius Paintings”

  1. jesus Says:

    Apreciado Ludger: El pincel debe sentir amor cuando lo tomas para pintar porque sabe que a través de él, expresarás las belleza y el sentimiento.
    Muchas gracias por SER y muchas gracias por ESTAR.

    Dear Ludger: The brush must feel love when you take it to paint because it knows that through it, you will express the beauty and the feeling.
    Thank you very much for BEING.

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