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A Seminar on “An Approach to Synthesis” in Rio de Janeiro

Sunday, 24 June. A part of the group from the WTT seminar at Iguazú joined the flight with Master Kumar to Rio de Janeiro. At the airport in Rio some members of the group of Rio gave us a warm welcome, and soon we were in the bus which took us to the hotel in Niteroi, a quarter of Rio on the opposite side of the bay.

While we were crossing the bay via a long bridge, black birds flying over the water caught my eye. I never had seen them before but they later also appeared flying along the beaches near the hotel or at the places we visited – frigadebirds, elegant wind gliders.

The hotel had 20 storeys, and from its top there was a breath-taking view over the bay. The evening started with a grand sunset symphony full of intense colours. We had a short look into the seminar room – a great canvas with the statue of the Christ and pictures of Master CVV and Lord Maitreya at the dais and a poster of Master CSG at the backside – beautifully realised by Gustavo, a group member and designer from the Posadas group in Argentina.

The next morning after some welcome greetings, Sri Kumar started the seminar on “An Approach to Synthesis”. He gave a brilliant introduction into the foundation of the hierarchical work and the mission of Master CVV:

“I have been travelling since 1981, sharing wisdom at various parts of our planet and many times on my way to Argentina I have first landed in Rio and then to Buenos Aires. I was always fascinated by the city of Rio, it has its special beauty and depth and it promises much for the future. Brazil is very much connected to India, if we understand the combinality of the rays. ‘I hide the light’ is the message coming from India. The keynote of Brazil is ‘I hide the seed’ One hides light, another hides the seed of light, meaning, the hold the light for the future. That means, in future, Brazil and India; they tend to be leaders in matters of light and wisdom. That is what is said by Master Djwhal Khul in his book on Destiny of Nations. Master Djwhal Khul says many things about the future of Brazil. Brazil has been going through many changes. There is also a plan for manifestation of light. It is in tune with the Plan of the Hierarchy the manifestation of the teachings and the related service in tune with the plan as conceived by the Hierarchy the events keep happening for manifestation of light…
The major teaching that the Hierarchy intends informing the humanity is that there is one light that manifests through many forms. At different times through different forms the light manifests. But always the teaching is the same. The teaching is always in relation to the knowledge and in relation to the light. The teaching is always in relation to light and the related knowledge. The knowledge and the related light is more important than the forms. We may study under this light or that light. To relate more to light than to form is the work of the Hierarchy. When our emphasis shifts to the light and life, then we come out of the various differences we have in the name of religion. There are so many religions, there are so many sects, so many belief systems and people only see how different they are. They don’t see what is common between us. Among all humans there are many things that are common. Every human has two eyes and every human has one nose and one mouth. We have an upper jaw and a lower jaw, two shoulders, five fingers at every hand. From head to feet we have so many things in common. There are a few things that are different, for example what you eat can be different from what you eat, what dress I wear can be different from the dress you wear, but these are all peripheral. We are all common because we wake up and we keep on thinking like every human does, we have the same activity of senses. The energy and the Masters of Wisdom, they want us that we unite in what is common with us. … . Essentially we are all humans. Other identities, they cause differences. That is why when a Master of Wisdom speaks, he speaks to the entire humanity. He does not speak the to the French, the Germans – wisdom is to humans. Once wisdom is gained, we realise that we are humans. We realise that we are global citizens.”

The seminar concluded already in the afternoon with a question-answer session. Next morning, the group went to Mount Corcovado. A mountain railway took us up to the famous statue of the Christ. There was a deep blue sky and a grand view over Rio and the bay area. The Master explained earlier that at the Christ statue there is the presence of the second ray of love-wisdom and at the nearby Sugarloaf Mountain there is the presence of the first ray of will – it is a huge lingam-shaped rock. Together with the Master we stood at the feet of the Christ and intonated 21 times the sacred OM. Later, the group went to the Sugarloaf. We took the ropeway in small groups. On the top of the “lingam” I did a little “water ritual” spreading some water onto the rock and together with some friends a visualisation of the energies present there. Later we assembled in a larger group singing mantrams from the water ritual.

Cancer (Lunar calendar: Gemini) full moon over Rio. I slept outside on the balcony, a great experience.

Next morning after the prayer, there was a small good-bye celebration, where the Master spoke about the seeding of impulses through this meeting which would eventually sprout in the future. The Brazilian group members presented to Sri Kumar a box with a beautiful amethyst and all participants got a manually decorated little violet box with a crystal.

Later we went for a boat ride through the bay to a landing near the old town of Rio and later returned to the hotel.

The end of our stay was already approaching, while a small group walked to the nearby seat of the “Fundação Cultural Avatar” (Cultural Foundation Avatar). It was founded in 1973 by Jayme Treiger, a disciple who had done the tremendous work of translating the books of Agni Yoga (Helena Roerich) and of Master Djwhal Khul (A. Bailey) into Portuguese. I remembered having met him at conclave meetings 20 years ago in Europe. The institute was in a little villa, and there were paintings by Boregar, a Russian painter and disciple of Nicholas Roerich. In the hall at the front side you could also see pictures of the Masters. Sri Kumar emphatically spoke about the need to focus on the oneness of the Light and not to fall again into divisions in the name of the various Masters of Wisdom.

Jayme Treiger

Painting of the bay of Rio de Janeiro with view of Corcovado, by Boregar

I had to rush back to the hotel, quickly pack the suitcase and then say good-bye to the members. Some moments later, the bus took our small group to the airport.

In the night, while the plane was crossing the Atlantic Ocean, I saw a science fantasy film, “The Wrinkle in Time“. It reminded me of what the Master had said – the wisdom teachings are given out in many forms as per the demands of time and place; and the exuberant fancy of the movie also carried some wisdom messages. At the end of the journey I felt tired but filled with many seeds of light.

5 Responses to “A Seminar on “An Approach to Synthesis” in Rio de Janeiro”

  1. Mark Ray Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing with us this blog of your trip to Rio with the Master and the group. I really appreciate the care with which you did it.

  2. Jacqueline Roman Says:

    Merci Ludger pour tout ce que tu nous envoies. C’est comme si on y était! La retranscription doit être un grand travail. merci encore. Amicalement Jacqueline

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Merci Jacqueline pour ton feedback – le travail me donne de la joie. Amicalement Ludger

  4. Rosa Fernandez Says:

    Beautiful summary of our wonderful trip!
    Thank u so much Ludger!
    Such great memories!

  5. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you Rosa for your feedback -yes, it was a fantastic tour, very profound.

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