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Healing Drug Victims on the Other Side

Last Sunday my wife and I were again invited by Lilli, a Swiss-Japanese friend of my wife, for a lunch with some friends of her’s in her home at the Lake of Zurich. It was again an interesting get-together of nearly the same persons as in the last years – Japanese ladies with their Swiss or German husbands and six children – the children and the Japanese ladies with a delicate Asian physique – and clairvoyant in certain degrees.

Lilli told us about her recent tour to a number of big cities in the United States. Unlike in previous years, she noticed everywhere larger numbers of people destroyed by drugs, especially by crystal meth. Being a clairvoyant, she also saw great groups of departed drugged souls in a desolate disoriented condition. She saw that the deceased junkies were still craving for drugs and therefore they attached to incarnated drug addicts and often obsessed them.

One of the Japanese ladies who is working as a medium was contacted by a deceased Japanese artist / musician who is working to help drug addicts on the other side. Lilli and the others joined to lend support. They try to bring them to an institution at a serene place on the subtle planes they call “The Greater Lakes”. There the junkies get help and orientation about their state- often, they have not realised that they are no more in physical bodies. Where possible, healing of the heavy psychic and etheric distortions is given and also the many tattoos are removed – they have very bad etheric effects. When a certain degree of cleansing has taken place these individuals are sent to higher planes of light.

Lilli also works with “the opposite party” – deceased members of drug trafficking gangs. They were often drug-addicts themselves; they frequently died in some shooting and also are in a horrible situation. Lilli feels the two groups need to be kept apart and she gathers the traffickers on the subtle counterpart of a Pacific island far away from the continents. There are some monks on the inner plane taking care of them: “The monks themselves are not really pure beings but much better than these gangsters.” She described a bit the atmosphere there.
Lilli also sees groups of deceased drug victims from Switzerland on the other side. She asked my wife for help: “I cannot speak to them, they don’t understand English or Japanese – better you contact them in Swiss German…”

While the children and the husbands stayed inside we gathered on the balcony. The other ladies shared their impressions of the situation. Lilli: “Here in Switzerland you don’t see much of these drug excesses in public like in the States but there are quite a number of confused souls stuck on the other side with the horrible effects of their addiction.”

Although my wife felt that language is not a problem for this work, she tuned in and started with her work. The others joined. I inwardly aligned and in my way prayed for these lost souls. It felt a bit strange – knowing of the reality of the subtle spheres and of the effects of one’s actions which condition the experiences one will go through, there is nevertheless grace and help coming. After a while my wife and the others said that it was done – they did no more feel the presence of the departed ones who had been around seeking help.

Inside, the conversation took to other, more casual directions. Lunch buffet was served – “fusion cuisine” with items from Japan, India and Switzerland. Looking over to the children – I had seen them already the last years – Lilli said, “They have kept their inner openness. In school, they close down to be like other children. But their clairvoyance does not get lost.” A goal she is working for by training the kids from time to time.

On the way home, my wife said, “My work is not like this, with big groups of souls. I work with individual clients and their psychic problems. When some issues of groups of souls from the other side come up, I deal with them but this is definitely not my focus.” I replied, “And mine is none of these, although I know both are important.”

Buddha on the Balcony

Japanese statuettes

Qan Yin, incarnation of mercy

View from the balcony

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