11 August: Birthday of Master EK, 12 August: Birthday of H.P. Blavatsky
Master EK was born during the evening hours of 11 August 1926 in Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh, India, and Madame Blavatsky (HPB) was born during the morning hours of 12 August 1831. There is just a difference of 12 hours between their birthdays. So we celebrate both birthdays together and recollect them on this occasion.
Below you find some extracts from Master Kumar’s discourse on 11 August 2016 at Radhamadhavam, Visakhapatnam, India about qualities of Master EK, followed by a photo of Master EK and a painting of HPB. (See here the fascinating biography of Master EK.)
“Master EK was born on 11th August, 1926, Wednesday, 5:30 PM in a town called Bapatla. Master EK himself has given us the tradition to celebrate birthdays as per the solar calendar and that is why we follow the dates. Master CVV, Master EK and Master MN were all born in the same month (Sravana – Leo) as per the solar calendar. Madam HPB was also born in this month during the early hours of 12th August. As per Indian Time, there is a difference of 12 hours between the births of Master EK and Madam HPB. Madam HPB was born 96 years before Master EK and we have the tradition of celebrations both their birthdays together. So we try to recollect both of them on this occasion.
Both of them were great souls and they come from the same Hierarchy and both of them were entrusted with the work of handing over grand wisdom to the humanity in two consecutive centuries. They are self-luminous ones. The light inside them permeates into the surroundings.
As his followers, we too should try to follow what he demonstrated to us. Then we too can become self-luminous like him. Without following the path, if we just talk about a Master, nothing will happen. Master EK said in his 50th birthday message “I have not come to be worshipped by the crazy followers as their God.” The problem with us is we talk a lot but do little.
Master EK said “Those who follow the path I follow are with me. The others who just remain around me will just remain there.” He only cared for the work one does and not whether one is with him or not.
We used to feel very enlightened by his discourses but Master EK never had glamour on his discourses as well. He never asked anyone how the discourses are. I once asked him “Master! Why do you not ask us about how we feel about your discourses?” He replied “If you like, you will take the import. If you do not like, I do not bother about that.”
He never taught for fame. He never cared how were present for a discourse. The same was his view towards the books that he wrote. He never tried to promote them. He was only concerned of the work to happen through him. He never bothered of what people thought of his teachings or books.
Master EK used to give great importance to time. He used to say that any work is to be done when it is to be done. When someone is hungry, you feed him at that time, not at your convenience. The purpose of an act is lost when it is not done at the right time. When someone needs help urgently, help if you can. Don’t delay it until it is convenient for you.
He used to give away all the money that he had when someone was need. He never thought of repayment and never asked for the money again. That was the kind of renunciation he had towards worldly things. He was never interested in accumulating things.
He used to never live in the past or future. He only cared of the present and the work in hand. For him, life is to live in the present and remain in service of the needy. That way of life was highly joyful to him.
The only single instance where Master CVV himself appeared and initiated someone into his path was in the case of Master EK. Everyone else went to Master CVV to get initiated but the case of Master EK was unique. That is the speciality of Master EK. Master EK is the chosen disciple of Master CVV. It was possible because Master EK was so prepared to walk the path.
Master EK was even contacted by Master Koot Hoomi and then the reading of Secret Doctrine happened. He informs Master EK that he was chosen for a grand work and he with Master CVV. Master EK used to do prayers with Master MN for some days. There only he received the Occult Meditations that we follow now. Then he was contacted by Master Maruvu (Master Morya) and also some more Masters later. So all the Grand Masters came to Master EK. Master EK did not ask for it. He was just doing his work sincerely and everyone came to him.
Master EK used to take great care of people around him. He never discriminated among people. It was possible because he could see the Lord in all. He was ever in relation with the Lord.
He still remains accessible when one is in need. So his worship was not limited to prayer or ritual, it is an ever happening thing.
Master EK used to work as per the Divine Plan and he responded as per the situation. Serving others was his priority. He demonstrated various ways of service. It was all possible because of his Divine alignment at all times.