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“To be One in Consciousness” – CVV Sharing 2017

Last week I drove to North Germany. An ancient manor surrounded by forests, fields and meadows – for the third time, the seminar centre “Lichtblick” (bright spot) near Hude in the region of Bremen was the scene for the CVV Sharing, a group meeting inspired by the yoga of Synthesis of Master CVV. “Join the blue sky, relating to CVV. / In sky we commune to Be. / To Be One in Consciousness! / Master CVV Namaskaram.” This was the motto given by Master Kumar for the 8th annual reunion, and the weather matched with it – a brilliant sun shone from a blue sky. 19 persons from different parts of Germany, from Denmark and Switzerland gathered for a weekend of meditation and of living together as a group to reinforce the inner connection through the contact with the Master energy.

The seminar centre “Lichtblick”

The meeting around Spring Equinox was prepared and guided by a committee of five members, and various participants took over some parts. The rhythm of a meditational alignment every three hours alternating with group sessions contributed to a vibrant spiritual ambiance. In smaller and bigger groups we discussed our experiences of the thread of life and of building the inner temple. In this, we followed a structured method of speaking and listening, which helped to quickly establish profound exchanges.
There were also inputs about Greek mythology and the astrological qualities of the time, and we discussed how we are dealing with the present challenges in our lives, maintaining a spiritual focus.

Saturday evening there were some inspirational contributions – a video clip on “Aries – Permeation”, some guitar pieces, poetic thoughts. The days concluded with the prayer of Mystic Mantrams, “Dip deep…”

Sharing experiences in the spirit of the yoga of Synthesis of Master CVV

Sunday morning after meditation, the group gathered on the terrace for a fire ritual. Later, we intonated the sacred OM for about 10 minutes followed by thoughts about the annual “seed time”, from Aries new moon to full moon, and a group walk to a nearby forest lake. After the Global Peace Prayer, we exchanged about the future of the CVV Sharing meetings. The participants strongly expressed that these gatherings are very important. They give strength and inspiration and are most uplifting. The seminar centre “Lichtblick” has already been reserved for next year’s meeting, 23 – 25 March 2018. The team of the centre is very supportive and the atmosphere is ideal for our gatherings.

At the close of the group living, Frank, a music teacher from Berlin, improvised on his guitar the rhythm of the names of each group member, taking together names with the same rhythmic structure. It was fascinating to listen to the sounds expressing our names. And in a bright mood we then said good-bye until a next meeting.

Sunday morning fire ritual

One Response to ““To be One in Consciousness” – CVV Sharing 2017”

  1. Trinad Says:

    Blessed r the souls.

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