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Autumn Gold, Scorpio Transformation

Nature withdraws its energies towards inside and the trees are turning into golden and fiery colours. In about a month, all the leaves will have fallen, transforming again into humus. Humus is related to humans – our mortal parts will one day fall and become one again with the elements from which it has been composed. But like next spring the leaves sprout again and within about one month all green will be back to the trees, we will also take again to new forms.

Scorpio hints at this miracle of transformation, and when we see through the veil of the golden colours of autumn / fall, we realise that there is immortality behind the mortality of the form and that the with each cycle of contraction we only prepare for a new cycle of expansion. In between or beyond there is the point which unveils the thread thread of continuity, of existence.

Here are some impressions of last Sunday afternoon walk close to my home.


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