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May Call Celebration 2016 in Bitche, France

Last Wednesday I went to the French Vosges to prepare the third May Call Celebration in France together with some friends. The preparation team first met in the house of a group member and later we went to the holiday resort “Villages de France” in Bitche to have a look at the hall for the group living. Thursday morning we came to the seminar place with all the materials – and in a joyful ambiance the preparations were quickly arranged.

The site was a very beautiful place at a lake surrounded by forests on all sides. Around noon time the first participants arrived. I sat at the reception distributing the rooms – a good occasion for a first “hello” to the new arrivals. In France there were strikes going on blocking the petrol stations in parts of the country. One member from Brittany couldn’t get enough petrol to come – and it was too late to take a train… But 34 persons made it, and four came a little later. In all, we were 38 members from 5 countries – Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland.

The group living started with the evening prayer. After dinner some of us had a walk around the lake. The surface was very calm and the trees reflected like in a mirror – a fascinating sight.

For the next 4 days, we had set up a program with a variety of contributions by different members. The whole group living was bilingual, in French and German. Besides meditations and texts about the deeper significance of the May Call – the day of group initiation – outside morning exercises made us “fit for the day”; sacral dance and Qigong movements kept the body energies flowing. There were fascinating discourses on “Healthy through medicinal plants – it also goes without chemicals”, with some samples of herbal preparations; on “Astrology – the great picture” with examples of research on the inter-connectedness of all life;  on “The Energies of Time – a look at France and Europe”; and a spontaneous talk about the adventures around the German translation of the biography of Sripada. We saw the first part of the video Music of the Soul, on the life of Master CVV and the video “The Aquarian Zodiac” which was released on the occasion of this May Call.  And a beautiful slide-show took us on a journey to Mount Kailash. Saturday we did a Water Ritual and Sunday, the May Call Day, a Fire Ritual, a Light and Cake Ritual. In the afternoon there was a profound and humorous exchange about the ways how the participants came into contact with Master CVV and the energies of synthesis – fascinating stories.

Monday morning 27 of the group members went to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, where we spoke the Global Prayer for Peace, an invocation for European unity and sang the song of Lord Maitreya. Since it was raining, all tourists stayed under the arcades and we had the place around the central globe for us.

A walk through along the river Aar and lunch in a typical Alsacian restaurant concluded the five days of this May Call group living.


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