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In the South of Argentina

Last Friday the group went to Olavarría, about 350 km south of Buenos Aires. The small highway lead through seemingly endless flat Pampa areas, just with a few bushes, Eucalyptus trees and cows – on meadows all around surrounded with barbed wires… And there were lots on inundations along the brooks and on the meadows.

The group of Olavarría gave us a warm welcome. We were lodged at apartments in different parts of the town. We could not discover the traffic rules at the crossroads – it seemed that the rule is “first comes, first served” – and so it was when we drove with an Argentinian lady through the city…

The following days there were lectures of Dr. Kumar in the morning and in the evening. On Sunday there was a fire ritual followed by a marriage ceremony for 2 couples of Olavarría and a guitar concert.

Outside it was quite cold and windy but the weather was mostly fine. And there was a special brilliance in the light. Monday the group went to the park of Olavarría with huge old eucalyptus tree, and of course, we took the obligatory group pictures… Afterwards we visited the Harmony Yoga Centre of Alicia Delucca – a beautiful house of a serene ambiance with a yoga hall and some rooms for group activities surrounded by a little garden.

We had a lot of joy with the small group of 6 persons in our apartment, and so the time passed by quickly. Tuesday morning the bus brought us back. And again we drove through the endless horizon of the Pampa before arriving in the crowded and restless city of Buenos Aires.


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