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Dealing with Organisational Matters and a Leisurely Walk

Like other organisations, the WTT also has an organisational structure. And since the seat of WTT-Global is in Switzerland and it is an association, we also have an Executive Board and General Assemblies… This sounds much like paper, paragraphs and paraphernalia. That’s true but it also has a fascinating part of contacts and cooperation.

Two days ago, Sri Kumar arrived in Switzerland for the beginning of this year’s tour to Europe. And yesterday we had our Executive Board meeting with him, to review what has been going on during the last year and to prepare the General Assembly – it will be in two weeks in Germany. I love these meetings; they are always a good occasion to observe Sri Kumar how he deals with organisational matters, and in this he has been a great role model for me – leisurely, clear, inspiring and constructive.



We discussed the Annual Report and the topics of the General Assembly. And we spoke about the May Call Day celebrations; I told Sri Kumar of our meeting at the Paracelsus centre. He was very positive about it and proposed that we should do there regular celebrations at the cardinal points of the year, the solstices and equinoxes. I will see with some group members how this can be put into practice.

After the evening meditation all of us went for a little walk at a beautiful way along Lake Lucerne. And the evening ended with a tomato soup + rice dinner with Indian chutney 🙂 before I returned home again.


Cooperation on the lake. In the background you see Hergiswil, where there is the seat of WTT-Global.

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