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The Move: Passing over a Threshold

At the moment, everywhere the buds are exploding and green leaves are springing forth from trees and flowers – spring time. What has been prepared for a long time in the invisible realms becomes visible with the emergence of the beauty of nature, passing over the threshold of manifestation.

A week ago we moved to our new apartment, just at the beginning of spring, with the full swing of the energies of Aries. The preparation has been an intense time, and it was also an experience of manifestation through a sequence of steps, slowly concretizing.

The thought of moving from the old place lingered around in the subtle spheres already a year ago. We told our youngest son that we will move some time in the near future and that he might look for a new place. Very soon he left to live together with some friends. For us, however, the time seemed not to be ripe yet. In September, we thought it might be good to start searching for a new apartment in February and move next spring. But before we started, our landlord told us he wanted to sell the apartment and gave us the notice of termination. We wrote a letter to the subtle realms and described what we need. We started searching but nothing turned up around Christmas time. Mid-February, two weeks after returning from India, we saw the ad for the apartment. Both of us felt, that’s it, and finally we got it.

Preparing the move was a process of further concretisation – and of letting go. Things disappeared in boxes and seemed to vanish into thin air. Then came the move last week with a removal firm, quick, directly after the trip to the group sharing meeting in North Germany… Days of slalom between the boxes in the new apartment followed – searching for the new order. I had to think of the Manu, who at the beginning of this creation brought the seeds of the last one for a new cycle, and things came out again “in due and ancient form” – in various aspects the new apartment looks like the old but many things had to find a new place – a creative amalgamation.

We didn’t have to do much cleaning of the old apartment since it will be totally renewed. When we did the cleaning last Saturday and I went around the now empty rooms with the vacuum cleaner, thoughts came to my mind of how everything had been there just a few days ago and now had disappeared again into the unmanifest. It was like being in a virtual space after manifestation – the ether was still brimming with the old forms. We celebrated the good-bye with a pizza and pasta at an Italian restaurant.

Yesterday my wife went to the handing-over of the apartment to the estate agent who organises the sale. When she had asked him how we should clean the rooms, he wrote an e-mail with formalities about how this handing-over is normally done in Switzerland, ending with the words: “Though it is not normal that an estate agent speaks of angels, we both are guided by them and will bring it to a good end.” We were astonished: He had googled the website of my wife and turned out to be spiritually oriented. It was a nice encounter.

Now the forms in our new apartment have sprouted like the spring flowers on the meadows. And from our balcony we can see into the nearby treetops where fresh leaves are draping some old trees.

A last view into the old garden with the old stone stairs through the flowers

Sunrise seen from the new apartment

The sunrays entering the kitchen…
… and illuminating the tree in front of the backside balcony

View from the office room balcony to the Alps in the background

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