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Full Moon Energies and Ceremonies

The seminar started last Wednesday, and it was the eve of Capricorn full moon. We are a group of 33 persons from 5 countries of the west – one being a young child – from Argentina, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Switzerland. On the 14th we had a welcome reception in the garden of Sri Kumar and Kumari Garu, with a ceremony for blessing the children. There is a profound story behind this ceremony conducted on the eve of the lunar winter solstice which is celebrated each year around 14th January, and Sri Kumar explained the symbolism of it – going back to the incarnation of the Divine in the form of the Avatara of Vamana.

Wednesday evening we assembled again in the garden for full moon meditation and once more on Thursday morning for a beautiful fire ritual. These were days of very sublime energies. Enjoy the pictures of the meetings.

The children on a sofa in the garden. Flowers, chick-pea seeds and fruits of the season are being poured over their heads – blessings for a flowering life.

Kumari Garu welcoming the young visitor from Argentina

Young Manognya likes pouring flowers again and again over her head

The Krishna statue in the garden, with picture of the great Masters

Sri Kumar talking to some group members

Next evening, preparing for the evening meditation

A mystic ambiance

Early next morning during morning meditation

Ritual of decorating the statue of Lord Dattatreya

The fire ritual

An observer from the bird kingdom overlooking the scene

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