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Relaunch of the WTT Website

Everything once created gets old with the time and needs to be readjusted to new requirements… Within 3 years after the launch of the website in 2005, the first thoughts came to redo the site but there was neither time nor capacity. In 2010 I tried to set up a team to work on a relaunch but it didn’t start to move.

In late summer 2012, I asked a friend from Munich, a software consultant and a spiritual astrologer, if he would like to help redoing the WTT website. He answered, “I must think it over.” A few days later he said, “Yes, I will.” So the technical head for the project was found.

We started planning and discussing. Very quickly he set up a first mockup. And over the next months, he devoted much time to program and migrate the content. Slowly, the site structure and the English content grew. In June 2013 I could present the “work in progress” to the WTT Board of Advisors and to Sri Kumar during a seminar in Spain. It was warmly welcomed.

Around that time, an Indian friend, an engineer living in the States, asked me if I knew something where he could be of help. I answered, “Yes, I know.” So he became the central project assistant.

We now had to set up a team of content managers for the different languages and to further develop the site. Group members from different parts of the world volunteered. We developed a training structure and did lot of online training and team coaching. After two months we realised that the team was too small and we needed more instruments for quality control. So the team was more than doubled. Again training sessions and coaching. We finally were a 15 person team. Luckily, I had lost my job at the beginning of last year, for the amount of work and steering activities grew significantly. It was a great joy. We all felt the spiritual impetus behind.

We did two consultations to key persons of the WTT to include their feedbacks. Mid-December Sri Kumar gave his ok to launch the site. But when we considered the site to be ready, some more feedback and requests for additions came. It was good we had some time for the final “polishing”. It is now going live on January 12, at the Guru Puja celebration in India.

The entire site has been realised by volunteer activities, and no money was spent. For members, the website contains an Intranet section with seminar transcripts, sound material and more. So have a look at the site, if you like.


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