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Painting for Aquarius – The Twin Gods and the Downpour of Cosmic Energies

For the monthly paintings I take the inspirations mainly from the book “Spiritual Astrology” by Master EK (E. Krishnamacharya). I’m regularly reading in this book for over 12 years, but still there is quite a lot which I don’t understand. It is a very dense text, but when reading it a lot of images arise before my inner eye. And so I try to capture them with the paintings.

We just entered the sign of Aquarius. When reading the chapter on Aquarius I was fascinated by the description of the downpour of the energies from cosmic planes down to our planet. The description of the Ashwins, the Vedic twin Gods as winged horses made me think of Pegasus. I searched for an adequate representation and found a picture of a little statue of a winged horse which I took as a starting point. Below you see the figures of the two sages Vasishta on the right and Agastya on the left. They have a cosmic and a terrestrial dimension, guiding spiritual Hierarchies on our earth.

In the centre of the upper triangle you see the pot of Aquarius from where the waters of life are pouring out incessantly, though there is an opening on the other side where nothing flows in – the mystery of the Aquarian energies. In the centre of the lower triangle there is a picture of Uranus who receives the energies for our system. And below you see a triangle of mountains surrounding a huge lotus into which the energies are received. The vessel is on the planet but also in our heart. You see the Blue Mountains of the Nilagiris in the front, Mount Kailash in the right back – and from the “Swiss Himalayas” the Matterhorn at the left…

And if you have a close look, you see in the centre of the downpour a Deva figure…

Here are some thoughts arranged from “Spiritual Astrology” and “The Aquarian Master”, describing the spiritual dimension expressed in the painting:

“The One manifests as two and the two interact with each other, making various systems. The one centre from where these two energies descend is called “Aswins” or the twin Gods. The sign Aquarius represents this state, in which the two potencies are concealed, which form the expressions of time and space, of the divine breath. They are called Mitra and Varuna or the “Not untrue Beings”, because they are beyond the real and the unreal. They descend from the supra-cosmic plane as the twin horses with wings. They both conceive the great dweller of the supra-cosmic plane as Vasishta and in the cosmic plane as Agastya. These two seers preside over the spiritual dwellers of their respective planes. At the planetary level, Vasishta functions through the Himalayan Hierarchy and Agastya through the Blue Mountains. The two Hierarchies represent the two triangles. Vasishta governs the higher triangle and Agastya the tower triangle.” (From: “Spiritual Astrology” and “The Aquarian Master“)

25 September 2012, A 5, pencils, crayons and photo work on paper

2 Responses to “Painting for Aquarius – The Twin Gods and the Downpour of Cosmic Energies”

  1. Melodie Says:

    Beautiful Thank you. Many Blessings. Melodie

  2. Srikanth Chivukula Says:

    Very Nice, exceptional.., Thankyou

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