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Spiritual Fusion of East and West

Monday morning the area was full of fog, when we went to the house of the head of the temple for morning meditation. Afterward my program was over – while the others went to visit the temple again and later a Hanuman temple, I went to bed – with “Indian intense intestine cleaning program through all channels” and sleeping till the moment of departure. And then 7.5hs bus ride, doped with allopathic medicine and looking like a ghost… I was very happy when the bus ride was over – but the group took very well care of me. Of course, I wasn’t the only one being treated by the “inside washing”.

Crossing the Godavari river bridge at Rajahmundry on the way back in the evening

We arrived past 10 – a quick jump into bed and up again early next morning. This morning, Tuesday, we had the final lecture by Sri Kumar followed by a first question-answer session. Again very intense – and though the look into the calendar says that the end is quickly approaching, I can’t “believe” it, the time is running so fast.

In the afternoon the busses brought us to the Daspalla hotel for a conference organised by the WTT and the Circle of Good Will India. Besides our group and members of WTT India there were a number of guest like the mayor of Visakhapatnam, the head of police and of another department the name I have forgotten. And quite some media people taking photos of the speakers and us. An Indian brother had told us before that normally they don’t invite the media, but they wanted to inform the public that the work the WTT is doing is beyond being a “Homoeo dispensary organisation” as they are perceived in the public.

First we had our evening meditation, then the conference started. The theme of the talks was Spiritual Fusion of East and West. Sri Kumar gave the introductory note. I liked very much how he spoke about the foundation of the World Teacher Trust by the establishment of Spiritual Hierarchy at the transition from Dwapara to Kali Yuga, the dark age in which we are living now. Some extracts from my notes, not literally:

“The World Teacher means Jagad Guru. We worship him in every person as the 2nd Logos or Vishnu who presides over the creation and who establishes and protects the law and order. The divine energy functions and expresses through the outstanding persons who contribute to the well-being of society serving the fellow beings and helping them to uplift society… The World Teacher is a principle available to those who seek from the Divine the ability to serve society better… The key is not to seek for you but for others. Many politicians were guided by Lord Maitreya and the invisible government.

He explained how Maitreya was a disciple of Parasara and how Krishna installed him at the time of his passing as the world teacher for this dark age, how he had learned before to live in several bodies at a time and continue living. This is mentioned at several places in the Puranas, but the Indians in general haven’t realised the role and importance of Lord Maitreya and the group of Masters he formed for this work, they have focused more on worshipping Krishna than on understanding the work Maitreya does. He is the teacher for the entire humanity and not the east or west. It is an all-inclusive path and not a path of sectarianism or exclusion. Each one can relate to him, the one cosmic energy, through prayer and meditation. “I could meet many truth seekers that seek the truth beyond religion. There is not religion higher than Truth”, as theosophy says.

Afterwards there were talks by 6 members of the group from the 6 countries present at the group living, speaking about their experience with the teachings in their lives. And then the two guests of honour. It was impressive to observe the different characters expressing.

Afterwards an excellent dinner was served – and I had to pay attention to my diet…

The group before the start of the conference

After dinner talks

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