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Full Moon Magic and Fire Ritual

The fourth floor of the retreat centre, where I’m living at the moment has been transformed into a huge library: A number of huge book shelves containing all the books of Master EK have been shifted here – and in the first floor there is now also the office of Kulapati Editions – the other place has been closed.

Spiritual books from Master KE’s library and linen

The energy of Capricorn was very present during the evening prayer. Sri Kumar proposed that we go to the beach and enjoy there the presence of the full moon. Together with an Argentinean friend I joined a group of Spanish members who wanted to do a full moon meditation on the balcony of their apartment at the beach road. The magic spell of moon light enchanted the atmosphere – and the sounds of the night traffic along the sea seemed to fade away in the silent merging with the Capricornian ethers.

This morning we had a full moon fire ritual after the meditation. The room was crowded with the big group which had been still extended to a number of Indian brothers and sisters sitting close by close.

The ground for the fire ritual was well prepared with a mandala on white sand, and Kumari-Garu, the wife of Sri Kumar, added further decoration.

After the silence of meditation they started intonating singing Vedic hymns – Purusha Suktam, Sri Suktam and more, before the fire was lit.

While the air was filled with the mantric sounds, the flames rose higher and higher and cast beautiful devic forms into the ether:

This form reminds me of an eagle, the eagle of the spirit, ready to land on the fire place.

In the background you see the altar with the pictures of the great Masters beautifully decorated with fresh flowers.


Fascinated by the magic of he fire – the grand-daughter of Sir Kumar and Kumari with her mother

It was a very extensive ritual. Atfer about two hours the flames slowly died down and the air filled with beautiful smell when some hands of frankincense were thrown into the glowing ashes.

Kumari taking out some ashes for distribution

Afterwards some spicy rice was distributed to all as “prasad”, and people paid their homage to Sri Kumar. He smiled at me saying: “I have read all of your letter, very good.” At the arrival I had given to him a long letter with a number of observations. I felt a great relief.

7 Responses to “Full Moon Magic and Fire Ritual”

  1. Dinakar Says:

    Your vivid description made me feel I was there!

  2. Gabriele Says:

    Lieber Ludger,
    vielen Dank für die sehr nachfühlbare Berichterstattung. Ich freue mich darüber sowie über die schönen Fotos und bin so sehr bei Euch – mit Hilfe Deiner Einblicke/Einsichten und Ansichten. Dafür meinen Dank.

  3. Krishna Konakanchi Says:

    Thanks a lot for beautifully sharing your impressions. Experienceed and Enjoyed it as I read.

  4. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Vielen Dank, Gabi! Herzlichst Ludger

  5. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you Krishna! Best regards Ludger

  6. Kaliprasad.Indraganti Says:

    ThaneQ dear Brothern for U R Postings and Sharing the Holy Presence of Full Moon in the Capricorn with Master “KPK” … Also my Heart Felt Respects for Showing the “Auspicious and Holy Deities ” from the Fire Ritual of our Grand Master “KPK”… I am really happy .we always attend the full moon meditation.thank you very much we all felt the presence of the full moon meditation and master here at U.S
    With divine love
    kaliprasad indraganti.

  7. Ramya Says:

    Lucky and blessed … enticing……feel like reading more and more perhaps we’re awaiting for the new updates to experience …….

    Ludger brother zst awesome work by you and we’re looking forward from you in these coming days (starting from 10th Jan Evening Prayer )

    Ramya 🙂

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