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Day Twenty-One: Clearing Communications

Yesterday morning we left the coast of the North Sea, passed Hamburg and Bremen and went further south to visit my eldest (younger) sister. In the way at a stop on a highway parking I saw a radio tower and two persons were working there at the top. It reminded me of clearing the communication and thus making the connection between human and human better. And a nice symbol of the work of our inter-connection

Clearing the communication

At noon time we arrived at the house where my sister is living since 24 years, a small cottage nor far from Osnabrück. Her children are now big, though the 2 boys are still living with her

A room in the rebuilt stable, where she has hung her paintings she did years ago

A statue in the garden, symbolising friendship

A Buddha in the garden….

… and also in the house

A place in the garden inviting to enjoy the ambiance

While my wife had a long nap (she passed nearly the whole night finishing a novel…) I had an intense talk with my sister. She also had just been in North Friesland, for a week, a yoga course with an Indian yoga teacher. And in the last years she had done meditation courses in an Osho centre in Cologne, which had done her very good and helped letting go old emotional blockages. We talked about the difficulties our parents had, after the war and the difficulties we had with our parents, fighting our ways out of a setting where we felt our potentials were blocked. All of us 5 children had worked out their ways in different, but intense ways. She told me what this had done with her, and I could very openly speak with her had this process had done with me – the discipline and ideas our parents tried to inculcate and the ways we tried to find our own paths. My sister helped me to understand some facets which I hadn’t seen before, and it was a very enriching encounter.

Later in the afternoon we continued our ride to Münster, where we met a couple, friend we also know since years. Again an intense talk. We passed the night in their home in the surroundings of Münster, while they stayed at the place of their company More about it will follow.

Athene, Goddess of Wisdom, contemplating on the window sill

The circle of the Zodiac on the wall – the wheel of life is rolling on

3 Responses to “Day Twenty-One: Clearing Communications”

  1. Judy Says:

    How enriching, that you had such a good connection wtth your sister…
    and more friends to connect with on the way….
    Yes, life is a journey and yours is a wonderful way reliving it physically and spiritually, stimmulating others in the process….
    Blessings on the rest of the holiday…

  2. Melodie Says:

    You do take some wonderful pics. I look forward to reading your blogs. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Melodie

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you for the nice feedback!

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